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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

RANT-Brain-Memory and how things work

I started reading Riddle of the Sands on my Kindle the other night. I had added it a few months ago, when a friend told me he & his wife visited 6 of the 7 islands. I remembered seeing it back in the 80s, but did not remembered Michael York or Simon McCorkindale being in it. Found the video on youtube I will have to watch that someday just in case the book is too confusing. The bizarre thing is I can picture another video next to it in the video store where I worked. I was pretty anal about where things were placed and these two movies were usually side by side.I could NOT remember the title. I was pretty sure Donald Sutherland was in it and Kate somebody.

A few things to clear up in my memory- thought Riddle was about World War II- not.It is about the times before World War I and the Germans and espionage.

So I was watching a strange movie last night on DVD Miss Julia. A Swedish psychological drama re written and directed by Liv Ullmann . She has the setting in 1890 in Ireland! Basically it was about survival of the fittest- or naturalism drama . Taking place in familiar uncomplicated surroundings, with minimal props and just three characters. Well not to spoil the story but the two "lovers" are confronted by the religious character who is the "girlfriend" of the leading male. She is explaining the concept or something about who goes to heaven ( loose translation) and mentions "the eye of the needle" Light bulb! That was the name of the movie next to Riddle of the Sands.

note to self : always have paper and pencil next to you for notes at all times.

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