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Friday, July 26, 2019

WEATHER-Tornado 2019- Waste Water Treatment Plant clean up

 November 19 2019- ran across this photo while cleaning up files- the utility and cherry picker trucks were everywhere filling parking lots. This was near the Chatham Fire Station- all for tornado clean up throughout the town  and the Cape.

Always read bottom up- latest is at the top- in case anyone is reading this LOL
Later August 2 2019
all cleaned up but still hanging barbed wire :)

 August 2 2019
so this morning I checked it out and most of the trees and debris have been removed but the fence is still bent and hanging barbed wire still there.

August 1 2019 around 8:30am. I was out there seeing if the men would mow behind the bays- as I was there a huge piece of equipment- the same green one as before was chopping up and moving more wood.

August 1 2019 around 6:30am
still barbed wire and debris

July 30 2019
checking the site again
still barbed wire hanging

 July 28, 2019 Sunday 5:54am
Got out early for my walk before breakfast. Thought I would check out the barbed wire- still there of course.

On Thursday I was in the kitchen and heard a loud noise- looked out and saw a huge piece of equipment grabbing tree debris and dumping it over the fence that surrounds the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Dumping it onto a path used by dog walkers, dirt bikes and people out walking through the woods. I got a photo as best as I could.

Friday I checked it out and there is barbed wire hanging. I immediately wrote to a selectman/woman. She replied quickly that she forwarded it to the town manager. I contacted the local newspaper as well just in case the process is slow.
letter to Shareen
I live in Commerce Park with full view of the Waste Water Treatment plant. Yesterday I heard a loud noise and looked out and there was a huge piece of equipment picking up tree debris from the plant side and dumping it over their fence onto a path used by dog walkers, dirt bikes and plain old people who walk in the woods. I thought it a bit strange and not nice but likely legal.
Saw on facebook that their is free disposal of storm  debris at the dump until Saturday or for 2 weeks the information varies. So I thought why don't they clean it up. I just walked the path and would like to note that their fence was damaged. Barbed wire is hanging almost invisibly. I know it is there because I walk slowly. Not thinking this is safe and should be cleaned up as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time.
Cynthia Moore
P.S. I will be posting this letter and photos on my facebook timeline.

I will post if anything is done. :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

WEATHER-July 2019 Tornado

So there was a severe electrical storm that swept through here Monday night woke me around 10:30pm with giant flashes in the sky. Heavy rains. Watched the two baiters below run from the fishery to their car giggling. yikes. Stood and watched the sky for too long- like being trapped with the paparazzi. Saw the end security lamp sputter sizzle and go out- the other one turned greenish.
July 23 2019
well I cooked a split pea soup and that was about ready to finish and made a hot lunch and that was about ready then the power went out. I immediately called the power company and while I was on the phone the tornado struck and popped out two windows- the wind out kind. And the entire apartment was covered in rain and debris even inside kitchen drawers and cabinets. Then no phone So I spent from noon to 7pm cleaning up the mess. Bread for supper. Turned on radio when I went to bed at 8pm so when power came back I would wake up. That was 3:25am. Land line just came back 9:30am so now I am reconnected with the world. When out there cleaning up debris noticed the cell tower has a shell ready to come down. It never ends. So I will borrow the truck at lunch time and take the pea soup to the dump- I sure as hell do not want to smell that in the dumpster through Monday am LOL
Funny how when all that was happening I did not feel fear but I sure was in awe. I could not see outside it was all white and the doors to bathroom and computer room kept sucking open. Un real strength needed to  shut them.
I think only safe place is in the stall shower.
Went to tell cell tower worker about the shell and he said they only lease blah blah blah, so I walk through diesel fumes from an idling RV to get to the fence where the company phone number is. ends up being a pay call. fuck!
and if I hear "go to our website to report outages" again, I will scream. If I had access I would not be calling Eversource. And Verizon. et al.
After supper I could not take the sound of two generators for the cell tower one more minute so went for a walk- DelRoy and Damien assured me the tornado had passed.

so. oh and toaster got rained on but still works. amazing
I officially hate everyone except for manybe 10 people. If you are a rude irresponsible fellow human and wonder if you made the list- you did not make the list of 10.
Land line back at 9:30am July 24 2019

*** pix from the ordeal.

that is rain water in the drawer that was closed.
and water in a container that was in a cabinet that was closed
yard straightened up quickly by DelRoy and lip of roof that curled in the wind

Doesn't show up very well but there was rainwater and grime dripping from the cabinets and the hood over the stove.

Window hardware bent

I had supper- 3 pieces of bread with sunflower seed butter and then took a walk around the neighborhood to see what it looked like. Also the noise of 2 generators at the cell tower was getting to me.

the inevitable bag of trash thrown from a car window. grrr

November 19 2019
going through photos to delete and clean up my photo files found a few I can add here.
These trucks were parked at the fire station area in Chatham, in fact every parking lot I am told all over the Cape is loaded with utility workers from all over the USA come here to help. Even the Cape Cod Mall where the new Target is to open- they had food tents set up etc.
 Then toward the end of August I snagged, with Jerry's permission, Patrick from below to permanently close the broken kitchen window.
This is the window and the broken and bent  metal from it.

That's it for now.
found some I missed
