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Friday, March 4, 2016

HIKES-Revisit Wing Island

The nature trail at Cape Cod Museum of Natural History is a great walk. Under an hour a few uneven steps to deal with and loose planks on the boardwalk over the marsh- but hey, a pair of work boots and a steady stride is all you need.
Went back on the first clear day without too much wind. I have a new Fuji camera but used my trusty old Nikon mostly.

Taking a clearer photo of this plaque- now I know the Natives did not build this but the museum did.

a mighty uncomfortable seat!

A knowledge of the arrival of the seasons was very
important to early people who depended on crops and
the migration of animals to sustain a livlihood. They
realized that weather changes were not reliable
indicators of seasonal change but that the position
of the sun at sunrise and sunset throughout the
year could be used to mark the seasons.

This solar calendar at Sachemas Field
demonstrates how Native Americans might have
kept track of the seasons throughout the year,
just as we do with our monthly calendars
and numbered days.

Standing in the center of the circle, one can
observe that the sun on June 21st- the Summer
Solstice- rises over the most northerly of the
three stones on the East side. As the year
progresses through the Summer and Fall, the
sun rises further toward South each day. By
December 21st- Winter Solstice- the sun
is rising over the most southerly stone of the
three. After December 21st, it moves back,
rising farther North each day.

By turning and looking West, one can use the
sunset to measure in the same manner

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

ART--Knits donated to Holy Trinity Thrift shop in West Harwich Massachsuetts

This batch is going to the Thrift shop at Holy Trinity Church. Shawl and cowl were made using yarn that was free  from my aunt Mary Flaig Chrystie. Also making a newborn baby hat with the same yarn that will go to the "hat tree" at the library in Hyannis.

Shawl color faded blue denim- acrylic

cowl-neck warmer faded blue denim acrylic

newborn hat- aqua simply soft acrylic-

infant toddler lavender simply soft acrylic

girl's pink hat Lion's brand jiffy. soft and fuzzy acrylic-