Finally was able to stop here today- just the right mood- stir crazy Winter legs. The air was crisp , the skies blue. I parked in an illegal spot, ooops did not realize that until I came out. But not like members had to park across the street! Hardly anyone was there. Next time I will park across the street though- I am not adverse to a walk.
So I get out of the car and aimlessly walk towards the museum , thank goodness there was a map-board-directions. I still managed to get lost on a short path and had to ask directions. I knew there had to be more to it than slippery pine needles and a narrow path.
As you head to the path there is a memorial walk with names in squares I recognized Admont Clark as Founder right away. Thank you Admont! I may make a list of names if I have time energy will power for it.
google blog seems to be acting up. back later
Not sure what this is or what it is for- I assume a whale and used by people for a photo op ! oh I see a fin so maybe a shark
a memorial board
the signs I managed to misread and take a right and get lost LOL
the worn out red flag could have been a warning.
The path ahead- the gentleman who directed me to the right direction is ahead and disappeared LOL
the foot wash sign was a giggle- looks like that is for later for marsh muck!
Upland Edges- basically growth to protect the birds- I see bayberry listed. Must get one of those bushes!
the path to the salt marsh- I could smell the saltiness- delightful aroma.
Then it was a walk on planking at marsh level. A couple coming at me halfway- I gave way and stepped into the marsh. One of the many reasons I wear my Timberland shit kickers from October through May
Finally to the other side with the Fellini view :D
Upland forest #3 and a scarf in the scrub and a delightful piece of blue sky oh my!
right about now I am wondering if I am walking in circles or lost or both. But I trudge on in the same direction.
Then to my right I see what looks like an ancient cemetery. Feeling giggly I clomp on over to it- leaving the path!
turns out to be a solar calendar. I set my camera down on a stone bench and take a video- a meaningless one, but hey it felt like a momentous occasion. My own private Stonehenge LOL
Two more maps telling me "You are Here" like that helps LOL and more blue sky & Winter bare trees.
heard many birds but saw none. Meadow sign- yes meadows came into view and the coastal horizon oh my!
Now I am in the climb part- irregular stone ledges, slopes, rocky paths- I hear voices in the distance - some people are returning from the sea part of the trek.
Some ponds, people and fantastic views.
the eternal fork in the road decision.
to the beach
Always a reminder, a subtle one, that we are not alone.
Took 25 minutes to walk this far and return trip just a little less- no stop at the Solar Calendar this time.
scarf still there- so maybe it is not lost but one to take if you need one. I will bring a spare next time- nothing worse than a cold neck.
Back over the marsh and planks again