November 17 2020
( note I use "art" as a category using the term loosely)
Back in March it was mandated that everyone should wear a mask in public if you could not social distance- and definitely wear one inside in a business like grocery store.
Since I only have the truck for transportation on Saturdays and Sundays I scrambled around in here for materials to use to make my own. Also the fun of researching ways to make a mask was interesting.
The rules seem to change weekly but I see this as a forever thing. Many people still do not wear the mask correctly and have their nose showing. And numbers climb still.
so starting at the last one yesterday. In making this mask the needle on the sewing machine broke. Also ran out of bobbin thread and the bobbin winder, a separate machine, malfunctioned and I had to rewind from THAT bobbin to another because the red on off button stuck. I never ends.
Broken needle- in 60 years of sewing this was a first!
The mask- promise I am smiling behind it.
so Just realized I have not taken a photo of the "pattern" I cut out for the latest designs- that will wait for another sunny day!
First two I made were using material left over from me making a quilt from old blue jeans and colorful squares. Most pieces were too small I needed 12 inches by at least 9 inches.. But these two were fine with self made ties and I wore them over and over for at least 7 months straight.
I experimented with cotton flannel baby blankets- they were nice and soft on the face- same as using t shirt material but so hard to breath with them on. Also I was running out of ribbon ( thought I had an endless supply) and strips of material long enough. Needed 15 inches if attached at ends and needed 4 for each mask. Or a strip of cloth 40 inches long if attached at top and bottom of a mask.
So those were not practical unless I want to suffocate
Went on amazon looking for bandannas. Not all are created equal as I soon found out. They got here quickly as did the incense I ordered at the same time. But the yarn ( for a separate project) and purple ribbon took longer to get here. As soon as all was as it should be I made some masks. I washed the material thoroughly and ironed it before using. The bandannas are NOTHING like the ones I have that I bought in person either at Baker's Hardware in South Chatham or AC Moore in Hyannis ( no longer in existence). The bandannas are thin and poor quality and they smell weird. Even after being washed. So what is left over is for neck kerchiefs only. and the colors and patterns were nothing like the photo shown on amazon. good grief. But here are the 4 I made. oh and the ribbon was a mistake that does not stay tied. ho hum- but love the purple.

So then in September or October I forget when I went to Joann's Fabrics in person and bought sample quiltpacks- which is what I call the 18x18 inch squares they sell for less than 2 bucks each. Then I stood in line behind 2 people together that were buying what seemed like craft supplies for an entire year if not a lifetime of things to be cut. I needed the bolt of cotton and a bolt of purple fleece cut. More to this story but I will not get into that again. Just suffice it to say- stores should have someone pop in and help especially during covid times and pick up the slack so an old fuck like me is not standing for 20-30 minutes.
these are what I made with those supplies. pleated designs.
Then bored with the pleats as they are heavy on my face I searched youtube for a form fit pattern. Link below
link to youtube pattern needs some tweaking but eventually I will get it right :)
Face mask on youtube
hope this works- blog no longer allows to test first!