March 11
left here around 9:30 and was back around 2:30 in the afternoon. I had not been to Bourne National in a couple of years. So I figured before I only have Saturday and Sunday with the truck I may as well go. Weather was perfect- cool not too much wind.
Saw some "religious" emblems I had not seen before. Also stopped by to see Dick Stephens sec. 21a.Had no tokens with me. Which was fine.
section 57
these are turkey feet!
April 9
Zinkers at Oak Grove in Hyannis
Zinkers are white bronze- zinc gravestone markers used in the late 1800s up to the Great War. Then many were confiscated for the war effort to make ammunition.
April 9 2022
Orleans Cemetery
a cat statue with no name-seen from afar and I need more angles
Orleans Cemetery a bird bath a planter? all under a lovely tree for Mary Shelton
April 2022
Oak Grove Hyannis
International Order of Red Men
Iyannough tribe
zinker Bearse
April 2022
Hurd zinker in Orleans Cemetery
Oak Grove Cemetery Hyannis
tree damage
July 26
cleaning up photo files- this from August 2020- South Harwich Cemetery zinker
July 28 still sorting back log of photos
March 2020
Seaside cemetery Dill family plot and the wrought iron fence and gate
March 2020
Dow-Jones LOL
Seaside cemetery
January 29 2021
Seaside after a snow storm with Chrystir plot dusted with snow. One year later we were slammed with a storm and I lost power for almost 2 days.It was awful.
March 8 2020
as I am cleaning up photo files-
this is from Seaside Cemetery. I have always been fascinated by this structure. It is only a storage shed and pump house but still...
August 4
Florence Lumbert in Seaside near Hazel Smith
Florence Lumbert
March 2021
another view of that shed
Melvina Small's stone reset upside down
as I found it- you can see stones in the background
I guess it was done so all information would show.
Bell hanging from chain fence
March 2921
Betty Magnussen places flowers on Len's grave in the Brewin plot and has to add a note to do not remove. I notice the Magnussen name has been added to the front of the stone
August 2020 sign broken
April 2020
statue in Seaside
always impressive
April 2020
No Dogs sign
South Harwich Cemetery
April 2020
row of Atkins stones cleaned in Union Cemetery
April 2020
Briggs Mausoleum
December 24
I go to Seaside alone to check out Roger's stone. everything covered in ice. The winds were so strong the blew the rocks off each gravestone. Bob's blew over to Roger's stone and was frozen in place. ( the next time I was there I was able to fix the rocks). I noticed the fence was damaged. When I got back here to load the photos I wondered if a tree had fallen and done that damage and was it the pine tree that every one has wanted removed. No the pine was still there.
December 26