I could have sworn I started a garden-flowers post. oh well.
first crocus
March 31
April 7
April 21
April 14
April 27
above the ballerinas
table top displays
rusty found objects
some clover returns!
bulbs out front plus a bed of dandelions
espalier hydrangea
ginger mint julep returns
what has taken over the strawberries?
April 28
Jer gearing up for the season
May 15
So Saturday was a beautiful day after 9am. My errands were cut short though by a vertigo-migraine attack after lunch. Probably just as well because the morning was full of mega frustrations. So I spent 1pm to 7pm in the recliner drinking tea and water a lot! I was staggering up to pee every 30 minutes. Lying there I had a glare in my eyes even with the curtains shut. Staggered over to my scarf drawer and grabbed one and draped it across my eyes. Perfect. but after a few minutes I thought it smelled like a cat's ass. But I was too dizzy to care. Washed that scarf this morning and it still smells like a cat's ass so it must be special material from dung hole India. The attack cleared finally and I attempted to finish errands this afternoon.. I was at Hart Farm taking in the colorful joy of Spring flowers and sensed that the elastic to my underwear had given out and the panties were at my knees. Miraculously the jeans stayed up.
May 7
by Jer's door and by the corner near shower
May 15
Hart farm plants for here. pants were falling down the whole time grrr
May 16
things are planted
hidden hosta and volunteer honeysuckle
2 volunteer pots
daisies; and bulb greens by the door that rarely bloom
the two hydrangeas that cut a cut back last Autumn look to be thriving
volunteer tree and volunteer daisies in a pot
rose of Sharon that got a good cut back and another volunteer pot on an antique bench
petunias and marigolds
Ginger Mint Julep returned and Dara's rock and the pansies that came back
petunia; and strawberries that look to be choked out by something wild! and the new plant that I need to get the name of.
I will try to keep a promise to NOT take pix every single day. I do have a few to add but. When it all gets well established it will make more sense.
June 1
I fertilized the plants today.
new one above is a Fan Flower-
Scaevola taccada, also known as beach cabbage, sea lettuce, beach naupaka, naupaka kahakai, magoo, merambong, bapaceda or papatjeda, ngahu is a flowering plant in the family Goodeniaceae found in coastal locations in the tropical areas of the Indo-Pacific. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Scaevola taccada
Family: Goodeniaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
May 17
dandelion gone to seed and marigold fallen
May 22
Columbine before it blooms
view of the garden from deck
Plant Jer put at Mom's grave
May 25
first daisies pop up out front
May 31 Canada Mayflower and Columbine
above-daisies out front, leaning fence in back and pink honey suckle
Purple pansy and rose of Sharon and volunteer honeysuckle
June 5
Canada mayflowers. gone now mowed June 20
Mom's flowers at Seaside
Shaw's in Orleans plant displays
June 8
someone "weeded" my strawberry pot. I need a bag of soil and some perennial seeds.
June 13
pink honeysuckle
June 13
garden I think this was the first time I tried yoga outside
harvested some marigold seeds
June 14
view of garden from the deck up here
then then lawn was getting long and I wanted to get samples of the "grasses"
June 19
Mom's flowers and the wild roses over the fence
June 23
June 26
Stage Harbor Road side
was trying to identify this and a facebook friend sent a photo sample and it is Lady's Thumb,persicaria maculosa and Redshank
July 2
I think these are called Lady's thumb. They popped up almost overnight by the false stump below.
Pretty and a surprise
July 2
What looked like white honey suckle earlier had berries later.
July 4
Hydrangeas showing off and a bunch of spearmint.
June 29
bee flower and full petunia and marigold pot
took a cutting from what I thought was my ginger mint julep thriving. Turns out it is another volunteer mint that has exploded in the pot. It sent out roots and I planted 2 of them out front. They were gone the next day.
So going to let mint do its own thing.
July 18
garden so far. I do not fertilize heavily= just a sprinkle of Osmocote once a month. So I guess things could be fuller but I like it "real"
July 12
transplanting the mint starter. which disappeared the next day
July 24
Mom's plant after a horrible stretch of hot & humid.It gets a full jug of water each Sunday.
July 26
still no rain but the Queen Anne's lace is up and needs none so it seems.
July 28
still sorting backlog of photos
this from Seaside cemetery 2020
Just went down the rabbit hole of plant identity. Back 1950s in Pennsylvania we had 2 bushes each side of the front steps. Dark green leaves and bright pink flat flowers that were somewhat like a Queen Anne's lace. Mom called them Bergamot bushes. Fast forward to 1970s working at Countrysuck landfucking I was corrected and told it was Anthony Waterer Spirea.
So fast forward again to 2020 and I am walking Seaside cemetery and see this bush. Now I do not know which it is? Not as dark leaf as the Bergamot and the flowers are paler.
July 28
March 13 2021
Seaside snow drops
August 10
the Rose of Sharon finally in bloom
the purple petunia
the mint that overtook my ginger mint julep
August 14
Rose of Sharon from the kitchen deck
August 23
rose of Sharon
August 28
got down to Harding's beach before sunrise walked toward the lighthouse until the sun rose. walked back that path. millions of annoying biting insects. Breathing was difficult on the paved walk back I was glad to see the ruck in the distance
Rose Rugosa were still blossoming and had rose hips. Picked one
October 22
these yellow flowers popped up in Jer's violet display. Before these showed there were other yellow ones that had white under leaves that were striped like alstroemeria I guess a photo of those will pop up.
mystery what they are
October 15
same pansy bed
these have stripes
October 22
more of those pansies
October 30
Pulled up the purple and red petunias. VERY shallow roots.