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Tuesday, May 14, 2024



April 8th during the eclipse- waiting


July 15

Just deported my thriving Kalanchoe plant to the deck. Each day the breeze from the open window where it sat would scattered plant debris. My floors looked like a spider massacre . The debris all looking liked dried up wolf spider corpses. Just what I need more housework

 Wonder if Clorox has a wand for that. 

So after cleaning apartment I sat here and looked at the wheels to my walker. More spider corpses stuck to the wheels That was an easy clean up and may improve my speed & wheelies. joking.


Garden 2024 pretty much a failure. When I fell and cracked 3 ribs, scapula and rotator cuff injury had to call 911 to be picked up. Then trouble breathing on the 23rd of June and being transported to Cape Cod Hospital ER found I had covid so that slowed down everything else. Plants I planted have still not been watered except for occasional rain.  Looks like one red petunia is surviving and mayeb one New Guinea Impatiens. the rest are toast. Sad all that work gone. Lesson learned. I hope. So many lessons. So I will post pix here of what it was like etc.


Pepperomia failed it was nice when it thrived

the rose given to me back in January I think finally fell apart


oh and a privet clipping I  nurtureed I am sure  is toast down there


August 17

Lots of mischief gotten into today.3 different trips below to accomplish this. Had brother take away a huge broken clay pot. Had it for years as a stand for a birdbath and a shleter for little animals. Chipmunks were seen scurrying in and out. But it had to go. Lots of other broken things too . Moved that one bench jeepers that thing weighed a ton. Yanked at its legs little by little to get it at an angle. the 5 golf balls that have missed me in the outdoor shower over the years.  Washed and changed door curtains. Dark magenta fits my mood better than the sunny yellow before it.


Saturday, February 10, 2024


This will be out of order as I have not caught up with what I have seen
Fleabag 1 & 2 were perfect and quirky

Broadchurch was mind blowing and so suspenseful

I ran out of things I wanted to watch and picked up a series at the library. I think it was Mid Sommers mysterie. A crap ton of them to wade through. One night I was ready to start and the dvd player in the lap top would not work. So 2 weeks went by before I found a replacement on amazon that used the laptop for power.
not going to doin youtube links anymore since I never view them LOL
but recently watched The Sixth Sense. Before bed- bad idea. I rehashed the movie in my many wakeful moments!

Then Clarissa a British series of 2. too confusing and uninteresting like a Jane Austen thing.
Then The Haunting in venice with Kenntehr Branaugh. Decent story of Agatha Christies but the usual camp style of acting. And even when I am told "who did it" I still do not understand.

So the morning my brother was to drive with his wife to Florida he dropped by a hug bag of DVDs I could have to watch and dispose of as I wished. Went through them and a good bag full will be donated to the library if they will take them. I doi not want the hassle of selling them. Many were ones I saw when I worked at Lelo's in the 80s and 90s.
Keeping 24, and The Sopranos and will give those a shot. Not sure I can handle violence Ilike I did back when I was in my 30s & 40s. we will see.
so the list of those to keep are
The Sopranos
Night of the Iguana
Cinma Paradiso
Big Bang Theory first season
A Death in Venice
A Man & A Woman
pix of bags full snd ones drefinitely not wanted LOL


Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 I was going to make resolutions this year. But it has been since the early 80s since I did so. I think I will swear more and complain more. And for a thrill I will grab my own ass just to add spice to my life.

February 4

A facebook friend posted 2 photos of herself at 20-21. Getting married. My mother married at 19 in 1943.

 I guess it is a thing on facebook right now to post photos of yourself at 20 ish. Not sure I have a photo of me at that age but think this one is close- me and my brother in the 70s.

Then it got me  thinking- I never even dreamed of marriage or weddings. Always made me kinda o nauseous/ nervous thinking of someone there all the time telling me what to do. At 13 I remember hoping it was in my control and I could make it not happen. Same with having babies. But I do love children.

Years later I had a boyfriend and we drove his 2 children over the bridge to visit with  his parents. I was standing in the dining room looking at a bowl full of lottery tickets. Day dreaming as usual about wearing a bathing suit without pubes sticking out . Then I overheard his mother's voice say " You're not marrying THAT are you?"

I was startled- who had that thought. Not me. Though in retrospect it hurts.

Most little girls I imagine dream of wedding days etc and dress up like that when they are 10 or younger. I liked dressing up in the black crepe dress my mother had for funerals. Not dreaming of funerals. First funeral I remember was 1953-1954 when my grandfather Moore died- I was so sad. I just liked black and it was a cool accordion pleated skirt.


February 10

a long morning of errands


Orleans Whole Foods - picked up 2 teas using Jer & Kar's Christmas money. Genmaicha and Echinacea Plus with elderberry. The clerk was chatting with a woman who apparently had a pair of handmade gloves with her . He sneezed a huge sneeze behind his barrier.. He asked me if I knit the things I had on. yes- hat, belt and legwarmers. Adding it prevents me from killing. He said well doing anything to stop that is good. I answered but I would rather it was sex. But I am too old. He quipped that he was celibate. As I left I asked him to let me know when he is no longer celibate and I will drop by again. Left feeling good. LOL

Bank- cashed check so I would have money for lottery and laundry. Those 2 things are getting expensive. The bank now has large smooth stones in their garden out front. I have not used the front entry for awhile as it was slanted and awkward walking.They look like prime things to take home.

Hot Chocolate Sparrow- got a 5.00 gift card and gave it to the floral woman in Star Market. And thanked her again for the free rose that was till doing well! She said you did not have to do that. I answered. If I had to do it I likely would not.

Staples- got speakers for my laptop LogiTech. 30.00 using Jer and Kar's Christmas money. I had to ask where they were. the tech clerk walk to the aisle and pointed abs said on the left. Well you have to have eyes on your knees or the top of your head to see things. Finally found them just by looking for a price of $29.-

Star Market- miraculously they had everything on my list

Library- well returned Fleabag and the last Broadchurch. asked where  Midsomer Murders was located. I could not see the Ms. Library clerk walked to the shelf and said there are many- I would say! almost 2 shelves. I will have to make a list and tick them off as I see them. woo ho.


April 4

I feel it is important for us as fellow humans to stay informed on all the ways other humans can be thriving or suffering. Be it diseases, mental health, religious and spiritual beliefs, gender & sexual issues , politics and financial hardships and homelessness. So we can be more sympathetic with someone's plight. Lessen name calling and labeling. It is not necessary to get deeply involved , just be aware of our differences and how we are all basically the same.

April is Neurodiversity Awareness month. Many advances have been made in identifying and offering support. Support is crucial for the neurodiverse among us to function in this already busy and confusing society.

People should not feel they have to "come out" or "identify" or even admit to any differences they experience. We should all feel free to be ourselves without being singled out.

as with everything these days no one seems to agree to a day week or month to celebrate this so. all in good humor

Neurodiversity Awareness


April 6

I cannot seem to get a conversation rolling on facebook. Likely people think it is taboo or weird. Just my natural curiosity. The brain and mind are fascinating  to me.

from facebook and I deleted the post LOL

on the way to food shop the windshield was covered with::rain,snow,hail & sleet all at once,.Back here and unloaded the groceries. Inside I could see rain sleet snow and hail on the kitchen windows. The sun came out briefly. I need a nap and some sun!

The nap was otherworldly. when I woke I felt unsure of what time of day it was -I was after lunch a little before 2pm I think. Then I started winding tarn into a ball and decided to delete ha ha ha Or people could be busy with their own lives,



April 9

filled that BINGO card! my song, though I could not listened to it over and over, I do turn it on when I need it. Unholy- Sam Smith

BINGO for autism\


July 19


George Souza

how odd. got this reminder from Legacy. I was going through kitchen and craft items to donate and came across the pyrex 9 x 13 pan I used to make apricot bars in oh they were sticky and delicious. I remembered the day I bought the pan, not the date, but the day. Chatham Hardware  store when George worked there. George waited on me and asked if I was baking lasagna! ha haha. Never made the stuff. Ate it once when a schoolmates mother offered me some. (oh the stomach ache after- me being cheese intolerant). George is buried in a lovely green grassy spot on the meadow side of Mosswood Cemetery in Cotuit.


July 29 2024

At least there was a laugh today admid frustrations of fixing bath seat that had a wobbly left hand handlebar. I never relied on it for safety but it was a bit unnerving to wobble when I touched it. Thought it was just  screws that needed tightening. dream on nope. the "sleeve" where the handle bar pipe fits is not a snug fit like the right side. So searched in here for something to stick down that gap. Found a cover to an old grocery list note book. Perfect cut into strips. Guess nothing is perfect but I am weary of the rube goldberg effect

On the lighter side I order just about the same food each week. 2 things mini cucumbers and green zucchini 3 of those. They vary in size but this week looked like the shopper had a wild weekend planned for my date night.



always re organizing here. Realized the organiizing I did in April has changed- that is now all Ivory Soap LOL


August 8

I have not used a glass in years I like a mug or cup. So wanted to get down the glasses I have to give away and give me space for things I use. Used my litter grabber sucessfully on three- what a stretch it was. then BAM grabber let go of 2 glasses stacked together. one broke the other shattered. And see how some shards ended up in the one glass! Took me an hour to clean up. One piece traveled 10 feet and took a turn. Good thing I do not go barefoot ever.


August 20

glare curtains finally done!

Sex & Sewing

The longer it takes the lower my standards and expectations dip on both sex & sewing.

I know I will run out of bobbin thread on the second pair. Been working black on black on black. At this point I need to grab bright pink for the bobbin. That or a staple gun. Ended up with white did not have to make a new bobbin.

Washed and hanging out there in the glorious sun!

Perfection is never the goal.


August 21

Made a  list today. Stopped making lists a while ago because things seemed to NOT get done as soon as they made a list. But laundry day for pick up if I forget that I have to wait another week for clean "prom dresses". List was, take trash below & laundry, feed birds, fill bird baths, make lentil soup. Bottom of list was : RELEARN ROMAN NUMERALS. For some reason I have forgotten beyond I V & X. What was not on the list but done: wash windows, take down old curtains, wash old curtains, hang new curtains. Cut up beets to freeze, freeze servings  of lentil soup, heat up lunch.

New curtains are perfect. My kind of perfect- uneven and flowing and block the glare.

front room to be done


August 30

so yesterday , all day, the website for food order was full of glitches. It was highly stressful to keep  trying. So after reporting the issue I gave up, I knew I had enough food to carry me through another week. Pandemic taught me a lesson. never wait to buy something until you run out! So after tossing and turning all night thinking about it LOL first thing I did today after 60 minutes tea & exercises. I turned on laptop and went directly to site and order went though yay! Every weekI put out a pink milk crate for bags to be placed in. I realize they will not ALL fit. But none of the delivery people even try LOL There was a 10 lb bag of birdseed I had him place on a lawn chair for me to deal with later. one hour later bringing things inside I was too pooped to deal with repackaging birdseed into 3+ lb bags. AND knew that if I did it at the lawn chair I would be dealing with my shorts that slide down  even with a belt.  Had brother move the bag to the inside stairway. A couple of hours later I was able to deal with it in my underwear- my uniform of choice. Always feels good to keep busy


and YAY! me. Walked out to the mailbox without cane or walker. felt great. While out there noticed a Jeep Wagoner parked on the grass. For Sale. Have not seen one of those in eons.


September 4

 I have been "cleaning house" of things I no longer use. So I have comfortable room for things I love and use! Amazing the things that accumulate over 70 years. So this morning I was looking for a curling iron I have not mastered yet or ever will   and found a small quilted change purse of my mother's. In it no money LOL but pictures of me, Chelsea,Jer & Kar.  4 leaf clovers in saran wrap and a knitting store rewards card. Too tedious to scan them all. But amazed myself that I could hook up the scanner again after 5+ years of no use! And that it worked! 

Me in my favorite dress

Chelsea as a newborn

2 - 4 leaf clovers fro Brewster bike path

Rewards card for knitting shop Lady Bug that no longer is in business


The rest of the change purse minus social security card and credit card


September 14 

took 2 days to string my button collection on wires. This is why my beading craft time was short lived LOL too tedious! some buttons refuse to be "wired"


from list of things to research found in reading or crosswords or trivia

September 15 

Psalmody- I am reading the Last of the Mohicans at first it was tough going as it seemed like a preface which I hate and usually avoid. Then it started to pick up and I was understanding the point of it all. NOW it has become a romanticized  history of the natives vs foreigners.

the singing of psalms or similar sacred canticles, especially in public worship.

"psalmody is common to all the Churches and is acceptable in those few Churches where hymns are not"

psalms arranged for singing.

"these books offer a useful collection of psalmody"


Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia

a church still being built for over 200 years


Ray Bradbury 

Something Wicked This way comes

check out Dandelion Wine and the Halloween Tree

bought kindle version we will see.


Have gotten into the habit of listening to Elvis Doran on Y101 radio at 5am. I switch to 99 the Q when it gets to talky. All I wonder is- Evis gay? LOL yes married Alex Carr

Elvis Duran


Alf a favorite television show Mom and I watched in the 80s. I was curious what the actors are doing now


Max Wright and Benji Gregory now deceased.\**


Hobnail - I think this was from a crossword and meant a pattern of some kind- let's see.

Looks like this fits.

A glassware pattern: A pattern of bumps on the body of a glass piece that resembles the look of glass hobnails. This pattern is sometimes called Fenton Hobnail. 

hobnail milk glass discontinued 1948


Slue in sailing terms

to turn (a mast or other spar) around on its own axis, or without removing it from its place. 2. to swing around. intransitive verb.


Gigli a bomb?

oh a film with J Lo and Ben Afleck.



a rectangular key fitting into grooves in the hub and shaft of a wheel, especially one formed integrally with the shaft which allows movement of the wheel on the shaft.


a slat.


fit or secure by means of a spline.

"the wiper arm is splined to the wiper motor shaft"

Gene Hackman wondered if he w
as still acting
Gene Hackman he is retired
Heidi Klum and Klimpt
when I saw Heidi Klum in a crossword I immediately though of Gustav Klimp let's see if there is a connection LOL

no connection except in my mind.

Savory Saveloy- an Australian recipe.
not something I would eat- did I see it in Trilby?
savory saveloy

Darter fish from a crossword  never heard of it
Etheostomatinae is a species-rich subfamily of freshwater ray-finned fish, the members of which are commonly known as the darters.

TDB place holder from a crossword puzzle
TBD is an abbreviation for "to be determined" or "to be decided". It's used to indicate that something is not yet known or decided, and will be announced at a later time. For example, "The lecture will be on March 6, location TBD". 
TBD is often used in event planning and timelines to indicate that something is expected to happen, but a specific aspect, like the time or place, has yet to be confirmed. 

okay that's it for my trivia research!
September 30
Last night moving my  stainless steel mug of tea to beside the recliner- the mug stuck to the plate it was resting on and  decided to release over the tile floor. So I was cleaning up plate shards at 9pm.
The pink plate has a history. But not as old as my relatives (all deceased) would have us believe!. Their story was that Gramma young brought it with her to the US in 1879 from England. A few years ago I was curious about its origin. Turned out to be a plate and tea set made in Ohio in the 1930s. Bought likely through points earned buying powdered laundry detergent.
So I tried but failed to reconstruct the plate puzzle . In trash now. I used to save shit like this as keepsakes- yes the broken pieces were cool from many colorful knick knacks LOL
Of course now trying to rid my belongings of useless crap I am dealing with a LOT of crap now.

October 1
Trashing lots of stuff but at the same time re-purposing more. These are neckp illow covers made from pant legs of pajama bottoms and 2 pairs of leg warmers stitched together.

October 4
Food order score this week.
Finally broke down and ordered a yellow sweet pepper.Vegetable peeler looks "boss" my red one is wearing out. Bananas the perfect bit of green to them.And I ordered my usual Fage Greek yogurt but with fruit etc. Had forgotten what that looked like in the store. Hope there is enough "yogurt" to last me a week LOL I usually eat 1/3 of a 5.3 ounce cup. we will see. and ta dah Head and Shoulder no in a tube as I would like but at least it is NOT large and slippery and NOT their new BARE one that is awful. oh and a spider follwed me in on a bag- he was relocated outside. Love my wolf spiders.
and a noisy car earlier in the week.

October 11
I bet most people who get food delivered to not notice these. Or if they do they think they are silly etc. When I see these each week I feel that warm & fuzzy thing most feel about puppies. LOL Just a nice touch and I appreciate all they do. And the Door Dash guys & gals make my day. each one is different :)

well it was in the low 40s Thursday here and in the 30s here this morning. I figured it was time to take down Summer curtains and put up the Winter polar fleece that blocks drafts. Last night slept in lightweight sleeping bags. Bed clothes kept sliding off me andd the recliner. So I am missing a puzzle piece from previous years. BUT notice when I loaded pix that 2 years ago today the new kitchen and sun room windows were installed. Quite the ordeal I must say! I love the no curtain look but well it is October. Now to hang the polar fleece. Makes such a huge difference

October 14
Sewing machine threader

So yesterday I was sewing the covers for my draft dodgers. The thread kept breaking so it was either old thread. or the machine was threaded incorrectly OR the thread slipped out of position BUT in trying to rethread the needle , the needle ran through my right forefinger. ouch .not moving anything it kept going deeper. Finally extricate myself from that and after numerous attempts with the self threader (poor design) I finished the covers not caring what they looked like. So today researching threaders and even considering a new machine because this is dreadful on my eyes! I found this and wonder if they work. I am open to suggestions.
I heard what sounded like thunder or a huge truck below. Got up to investigate  and saw a white truck pulling away with one light on each wheel hub flashing. How distracting. I dread driving again. Which likely  will be the case of never driving again. Not as showy as this but please say it isn't so

October 15

nothing like being out in cold air and coming back inside to the aroma of roasting squash.Lost patience with de seeding the one on the right .

Cousin gave me these mittens a couple of years ago- first time wearing them. Why? because when outside I  am usually touching gross things like trash. LOL These are so freaking cute!

waltzing trash barrel- I didn't know it was windy last night

October 15
finally found out the name of this song egads.
