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Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 well late start adding to February and will be out of ordeal per usual

February 12

so I came in here to play dordle and eat my lunch. I hovered over some bull shit about "do not shut down" and it talking at me. Shut down computer and wanted to do a system restore. That took forever. I wanted a piece of toast. and this happened. so I ended up moving my problem lamp ( do not ask) and here we are almost 2 hours later. One slice of bread went into the toaster itself.That was fun removing.

February 9

Finally switched out my stress balls.

the purple one was a baseball and a freebie from CCB7T or TD Bank - the Chatham Office has to be over 10 years old. When it started to crumble and wear out I would cover it with purple duct tape. Then in 2024 I was looking for a replacement and saw this one which came with a basketball backboard and hoop with net LOL  I will hook that up some day but for now it is part of my hand exercises routines


Friday, January 10, 2025


 The freaking winds finally calmed down and I got out there and checked my mailbox. And walked 3 rounds while I was at it. felt good. Came in to do inhaler and exercise routine. The sun was perfect towards the end of exercises. So I figured supper was going to be later than usual anyhow so took a break from knit & walk and took some pix.

I have not worked with my prisms and crystals for a couple of years. Felt good to get back to something normal for me.


January 19 

Sun is shining!Parking lot was a skating rink. So to be productive I fed birds then did a mega handwash . Because who knows when weather will permit it again. As I was hanging the wash out a bird flew over and left a thank you note via air mail. Looks like he pigged out at the red berries first. I am so lucky!


Saturday, December 7, 2024


 December 7

my food order showed up during icy gusts of winds so it was an ordeal getting it inside- but I did it. I had ordered fingerling potatoes. Grabbed 3 out of the bag pronto for my Friday lunch along with the never ending buttercup squash. 1 white, 1 purple, 1 red.

Just grabbed the bag from the  refrigerator ready to roast the rest of the bag. 11 white, 6 purple and 1 red. LOL and a small one at that. but I love the purple and the white so okay.

roasting at 375 for 10 minutes then check on them.

walked to the mailbox to retrieve Yankee Ingenuity package- an 8 by 8 box. relatively easy to get in my hands with cane and walk back here.

Each gift was marked with a sticky note as to what it was. I needed to look at my list to recall what was for whom. LOL

Now to remember on Monday to request boxes flat rate for mailing out Dara's and Paula's


December 8

well got out there to feed the birds. But walked my usual parking lot walk  first and did 8 rounds. yes 8! then decided I wanted to carefully explore and old path right here where dog walkers go.Slow going as it is a dirt-pine needle- fallen leaves path. Those hide pitfalls. Plenty of them. Made it back and fed the birds. Took me so long I almost peed my pants once up here. LOL Beautiful day after all with an icy breeze. Hope this makes up for the 2 days of no  walk  because of 20 degrees and winds.

my rewards system for marking off rounds. last one is for the dog path


December 10

So after a nap I was energized to iron for almost 2 hours.One piece was a dresser scarf that I use as  hand towel occasionally. But today noticed the intricate design and decided to put it to use. That meant clearing off a dresser and cleaning up my wooden objects collection. cough-sneeze-fart. This is the close up and the finish product of the dresser. Never good lighting in that corner.


December 12

 In November I started a shawl with self striping yarn. It proved to be impossible as the yarn was too thin to see and I was dropping stitches left and right. So wound a skein of bright green yarn and am knitting the shawl with 2 strands  of yarn. Mush easier but slow going! Disappointed the skein has no "reds" mostly gold , aqua and teal. It will be warm though.


chrome down so I will posst this to drop stitch blog later


December 19

 woke up this morning wondering when and why people started  cutting, trimming their nails. Though there is no way of knowing when exactly since they have not found cave drawing depicting it- this link goes pretty deep. I have not been able to use clippers in a  few years. Started the habit of using a large flat file a few years ago EVERY morning. Skip a day and they get ahead of you LOL

History of nail grooming


Back in the mid 80s I did Rape Crisis Center training with a woman named Lin Hood-Glidden. I was not cut out for that detail but often wondered what became of her. So the obituary for her husband in the Cape Cod Times struck a cord. His story is well worth the read. obituary-

Kenneth Ward Glidden, of Brewster, died at home on Friday, December 6, 2024, of Alzheimer’s disease. He was born in 1949 in Norwalk, CT, the son of Allan and Connie Glidden.

He graduated from Admiral Farragut Academy in NJ and attended the University of S. Carolina, then enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1969 where he served four years in Rota, Spain, and Southeast Asia. Upon discharge he joined his family in Brewster, MA, a town he had vacationed in and loved since early childhood.

He worked as co-owner of the East End Package Store, then at the Goose Hummock Shop. He was a skilled carpenter and expert fisherman, and finished his career at Arey’s Pond Boat Yard. His hobbies included fly-fishing, woodworking, and enjoying the beauty of nature; he especially loved Nickerson State Park, and spent many hours there, fishing, walking and driving through the woods.

Ken leaves behind his beloved wife of 47 years Lin Hood-Glidden, son Victor and wife Erika, and grandchildren Andrea and Benjamin. His brother Bruce and wife Marlene, sister Irene Gillies, their extended families, and the many wonderful friends he made over the years love and will miss him dearly. And Ken’s loyal pal Bernie loves and misses him so much.

There will be no viewing, wake or funeral. Ken will be buried at sea by the U.S. Navy at a later date. A memorial gathering is being planned for May 17, 2025 at Nickerson State Park, in Brewster. Further details will be shared on this site.

For those who are interested in seeing video of Ken interviewed in 2017 for a Nauset Regional High School project, “Witness to War: Serving a Nation,” you can access that here. 

link to his war story

Ken's story


December 20

I should know by now to not trust tracking. I was expecting a package. I checked tracking and it said it was still processing and in Yarmouth. So I figured I was safe in starting my exercise routine which ends with 5 minutes on an exercycle ( not a Peloton). Had that feeling I always have all day long- something will try to crush my spirit or enthusiasm. Not 30 seconds up on the bike but I saw yellow lights at the end of the parking lot and a person walking cheerfully swinging a package. Got down opened window and asked who is it what is it??? my radio still blasting. I said I would be right down. I could not hear his response. no hat no cane no cell phone I amble to the front of the building not seeing the package. I walk around the building seeing if it was where packages are usually left. nothing. I walk out to the UPS truck. Yes me walk- no cane, no hat no cell phone in the pouring rain. I bang on the UPS truck door and hear his radio blasting LOL. So all of us are drowning out life . ha ha. He finally comes forward. I ask where is my package. I left it inside the door. oh I did not hear you. he said it again. LOL I meant I did not hear him when he said that when he was under my window. Pity the poor guy faced with the looks of me, which is usually pretty frightful but now wet drenched. Thanked him and retrieved my package. I am totally amazed I did that with no cane. really. Get up here soaking wet outerwear. Feet dry. Another miracle: Shed the wet clothes and get back on the bike for my 5 minute ride. and this comes on the radio. I swear this song is ancient and I have never listened to the lyrics before. Love it

3 steps


December 20

My food order for the 20th included some cravings. vanilla Oatly ice cream, Pringles and never ending need for all things maple-brown sugar. This time oatmeal and toaster pastries. Those will  last a long time same with the ice cream which I  eat a tablespoon maybe twice a week. But the Pringles my craving was so strong I opened the can and took out 8 chips. ate one then all of a sudden had eaten the 8. I had divided them all into small packs of 10 so I could ration them. Very quickly I realized this would get out of hand and I decided to trash them all. Ate one more before doing that. It w as pure mental and physical torture to have them in the room with me- I expected to go straight to heroin the next day.

forgot to mention the light bulbs packed as "EGGS" to prevent breakage. I would say half of the drivers do not read English but I guess they get the point..

so the fate of the chips is below


December 22

I did not know him but a very touching obituary for a local man

Robertson Lewis Cartwright, our sweet, kind, smart, brave and joyful son and brother, left this world on December 18th. He was 28 years old, born on March 1, 1996. He leaves his Mom, Eve Elizabeth Cartwright and older brother, William John Belscher, and many Aunts and Uncles, cousins and friends, whose lives he touched deeply. Rob was fiercely loved.

Rob was born on Cape Cod and raised in.Chatham, MA. After graduating from Nauset High School he attended University of Essex in the UK for his first year of college. Rob then graduated from DePaul University in Chicago with a degree in Political Science. He stayed in Chicago working in Talent Acquisition with Huron Consulting Group. He loved living by Lake Michigan, riding his bike along the water and hanging out with his tight tribe of friends. He was an amazing young man that was generous, thoughtful , loyal and a good listener. Rob loved to read and to learn. He had a curious and quick mind. He enjoyed a good debate and always stood up for what he believed to be right and true.

Rob was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 15. He lived more than half of his life in and out of hospitals but he pushed on for 13 years. Not once after multiple surgeries and many treatments did he ever complain of anything other than a headache. He dealt with his illness with grace and humor. As his oncologist said- this horrific disease did not define his life. He was an educated patient always seeking a new trial. He never gave in and never gave up. He embraced life to the fullest always.

Rob travelled quite a bit and had a bucket list of places he wanted to see all over the world. But a walk on the beach, seaside nature and the sunrises and sunsets of Cape Cod were his favorites. He grew up with his toes in the sand and salt in his hair and he was born laughing. We will remember him that way and that he made the lives of others so much brighter.

The service will be held at St. Christopher’s, Main Street, Chatham, MA., January 9th at 11:00 a.m. Please add joy to the celebration of his life by wearing something colorful. He would have loved that.

Posted online on December 20, 2024

Published in Cape Cod Times.


we had some snow Saturday and through this morning

sun came out and it is just sparkly flurries. so I ventured out on the deck with my broom. Ice sculpture frozen to the deck. drat.


December 30


Noticed my walker was delivered below around 1:20pm when I checked on my shower curtain and whether THAT had blown away. curtain is inside now. It had finally stopped raining but I noticed the box was wet. Got below hoping it was NOT assembled as the box was heavy. Cut through the cardboard and pulled out pieces one by one. rain and winds again oh joy. Got all the pieces into the stairway. I will assemble tomorrow and make room for it below. Looks mighty sturdy.


Thursday, November 14, 2024

2024: November Thoughts

 So I bought cheap towels at Ocean State Job Lot a couple of years ago. 2 bath 2 hand. They are "rough" of course. But they absorb water. I do not polish my ass with them The colors are great! teals and mauves. I was ironing my laundry this morning to destroy any cooties . The sun was shining perfectly on the chore and I saw a plastic seal barb . That explains why the towel sometimes felt like it had cat claws

November 15

well I look at the cabinet as his gift to his loyal supporters. Will likely be a fight getting them accepted but whatever orange cheeto will do what he wants and ignore their advice. so immaterial. 

me waiting for food order and my walk. Still in middle of my exercises. Feeling cranky and sad LOL
Third night reading Christmas at Cranberry Harbor. 3rd night falling asleep with Kindle in hand and dreaming about the characters. This has happened with only one other authos  Sara Paretsky and her VI series.
ordered a small head of red cabbage and got one that weighed 4 lbs. I will have to9 peel off leaves until it is easier to handle.

November 17
felling silly on my parking lot walk I tried to photo me doing one leg stands. No mean feat with cane, camera, cell phone and my ever present on the verge vertigo.

never a dull moment in this fucking household. I was going stir crazy not being able to get out for a walk. So decided to do what ironing I could, since most of the handwash was still damp. Bandanna and hankies okay. Plug in the iron and go to it and hear that tell tale sizzling sound of an electrical fire!Quick thinking I turn off the power strip as I see the candle-like flame of the iron. Then open windows in here and figure out what next? Everything off I figure it is safe to pull the iron plug out of the power strip and take that out to the deck just in case it decides to still burn. Then try to unplug the power strip. One of those flush plugs a real pain in the ass. that is out on the deck now. And now I really need to iron to cool the nervous energy. Rumage around in a kitchen cabinet where I hoped a spare iron lurked. It is tiny but it heats
up. The teflon plate not smoothe so wax paper helped. All done. So now I will never trust that waall plug again either so will re arrange crap in here and move sewing machine to another wall.

November 29
Saw this puddle this morning and immediately thought of merrill Lynch logo

Took me an hour to get all my food order up here to sort, wipe off and put away. This week I had a craving for ice cream and had Oatly on my list. Turnd out I was craving buttercup squash more, and petitie tomatoes, and #1- broccoli with big long stems.oh and last but not least Terra vegetable chips. Hope I can ration them and not scarf down the whole bag in one sitting.

trees thois morning with blue sky background
