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Saturday, October 18, 2014

ART-Paint and Poly and French Manicure

well of course getting the lids off the two paint cans was a challenge.ugh
Got two bookcases and knic knac shelves done on the "bottoms"- waiting for it all to dry and do the "tops"

got very little paint on the floor or me but got some on my favorite top. oh well who sees it but me.

and the paint under the nails is as close as I will ever get to a French manicure

manicure :D

Thursday, October 16, 2014

RANT-Macy*s in October 2014 the 13th to be precise!

Looking for a wreath with eggs a flag and a red ribbon for all the holidays.>tongue in cheek< I was shopping for a replacement saucepan and Macy*s had the best price. Saw this as I sauntered out

CHANGES-Bridge Street Mitchell River Bridge- last day before it is closed.

Bridge Street Mitchell River Bridge- last day before it is closed.September 16 2014

A 22 month long project for the new wooden drawbridge. each time I have visited after the closing there has been plenty of equipment and no workers. :)

subsequent visits.
September 22 2014

October 10 2014