warning there will be a lot of flora pix.
New lifeguard station awaiting completion.

Cliff formations- not sure what this is all about. They "raked" the beach and that was too soft to walk on. Trying to get to the water's edge there was a slight cliff formation that was too steep for me to navigate going down and too high to carefully climb. And the tide made that expanse pretty narrow. So...

So I trudged through looking for the path from beach to the dirt/sand road that leads to the lighthouse
THAT was an effort. I should have turned around and gone back to the parking lot and entered there! but hey I wouldn't have seen Lamb Shack with a painted palm tree to the left that looked like a hard on.LOL

Beautiful fragrant flowers and shrubs along the way. The purple I think is sweet peas and the pink Rosa Rugosa.

Then the inevitable string fence and signs warning to protect nesting birds- piping plovers. Saw more birds on the unprotected side! Saw no nests yet.

So the road ahead seemed far away to get where I was going.

decided to follow that path since it was beyond the marked off areas. Just to see if there were still "cliffs"
yup still too uneven to walk on.

so back to the path.
can see the lighthouse and some daisies.

So then I decide to turn around. No energy left for climbing more sandy inclines to get to the end. When I look to my right- it looks like I imagine Scotland looks. of course I have no clue- just imagine.

The growth then looks scrubby and I decide to explore and see what I can see. I tread carefully- trying to not disturb any vegetation. Plenty of brush and ant hills!

Returned to the path towards the parking lot. Feels good to have the wind at my back.
Saw a barefoot foot print in the sand! And so much blue sky ahead!

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