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Monday, July 11, 2016

HIKES-Harding Beach wild life crabs!

Got down there early, a little after 6am on July 3 2016- delightful! But got hungry so it was less than an hour walk :)

BEACH-Herring River 2 red boats

RANT-Chair Clutter

We all have that one chair- it may have your pajamas from the night before draped over, or ironing to be done or like me- the entire apartment becomes chair clutter about once a week. Any attempt to derail this habit is fruitless. I just get my act together each Sunday and "clean house". If I had a bigger place it would mean more cleaning and I would probably need 20 rooms.

the above is where I eat- so I keep that relatively clutter free. Daily journal, Netflix envelope, pens pencils and rocks. :)