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Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Going to add all the documents I have so far for the Chrysties but before I do I want to tell about a "light bulb" incident. And as happens with them - they occur when you least expect them.
I have been searching for James Chrystie's father for 40 years. Stumbled upon him quite by accident when I was browsing a facebook group dedicated to Mount Moriah Cemetery and getting it back to a normal place of rest instead of a depository for mattresses and old tires. And funny how things stick in your mind from your childhood, names places and rides through cemeteries that seemingly had no rhyme nor reason.

so Found Edwin A Christy in February 2015. Buried with Fanny Garner his second wife. Where was the first wife, the mother of James and sister Amy? This was exhausting. Found Amy had married a Jerry Pancoast no children and died in New Jersey in 1940. I wanted to know the death date so requested a photo of the gravestone and there is none. So I let that slide. Millions of other details in my tree to tend to. But chip away at it. I knew her mother was Elizabeth Fox. Who was buried as Elizabeth Reneld. Why oh why. They were even listed as Edwin and Elizabeth Reynolds Reneld in the 1870 census.

So today I wanted to find out Amy's death date. I asked on RAOGK site on facebook. Many suggestions. One of which was to contact the Pancoast Funeral home in New Jersey. Kind of logical LOL. Earlier today and last night I had emailed various state offices and came up zip. New Jersey is notorious for keeping a tight grip on records. So someone on RAOGK posted a photo of Amy's social security application in 1937 and I saw at least that the mother Elizabeth was listed. So all day I was reviewing censuses with Amy and Jerry and checking ages and place of birth etc. Saw she listed her father as born in Denmark, correct and language Danish!

okay here the light bulb! Reneld- Reynolds most definitely could be Edwin's translation of Fox which is Renard in French. Close enough for me. Just no way I will ever know. So when he was asked her name for census or death certificate that is what came out.

I even toyed with the idea that he was paid by some one to serve in the Civil War and took their name LOL

But I am sticking with the Danish interpretation of Fox!

This shows how far down the rabbit hole you can go looking for people and relatives. Years and years we were told Chrysties were from Scotland, and they very well may be but Edwin was born in Denmark- maybe his mother and father worked on a boat- or whatever. But I still looked for Edwin Christy in England and came across him living with an aunt and uncle John and Elizabeth Brown living in Nottingham LOL
we can dash that I am sure Edwin had come up as a lace maker as well at the age of 8 or 12. I cannot find that document though. This is just for laughs.

Fanny Christy Edwin's second wife and mother of Robert Garner Christy. She died in 1926 and Robert died in 1941

1910 census

Amy censuses. She lived with the Lacy family for about 10 years then married Jerry Pancoast in 1910.

okay getting late- too much on my eyes. More later

Edwin and Fanny had a son Robert Garner Christy who married Florence Weiser they had four children: Evelyn 1911-1912,Roberta Mabel 1913 1984, Edwin A 1914 - 1999, and Ida 1917-2008. Robert Garner died in 1941 and Florence Weiser  1884-1978 remarried  to Oscar Peterson 1888-1982. Here is his obituary

Florence's obituary

more later- pages are freezing.

Madeline May Murphy obituary
 husband James obituary

Amy 1900 census- bookkeeper

Amy 1940 census dated April 9 1940. She died in 1940 so I guess this narrows it down to after April 9th!

1851 census Nottingham England with an Edwin Christy listed as a nephew to Brown family? occupation count boy.

Elizabeth Reneld death no idea why twice , may involve size of image- we will see

1880 census Lydia Fanny with James and Amy- no Edwin he may have been at sea

few more censuses  1870 Edwin Elizabeth and James and Amy as Reynolds  and the full 1900 one with Amy

1940 census I guess Dad Chrystie was home and gave the answers and either made the census taker nervous or answered wrong on purpose.
Robert, Ruth, Robert Ruth when it should have been Charles Edward, Sedwell, Ruth and Charles Robert. LOL
1509 Robinson st Philadelphia- a Chrystie residence.

Clara Estelle and James marriage

enough for tonight

oh wait I will add this I believe this belonged to James Chrystie

 okay I asked a group on facebook last night about Jesse Stanley. He was married to my grandmother Sedwell in 1920-21. They divorced. Family urban legend has it that one of Bill Gidley's lawyers or the lawyer that Ma worked for had to encourage Jesse or his family to release Ma's travel trunk with her belongings.  So It appears Jesse married again in the 30s an Alice Eva Rhodes. She died in Florida in 1951. Well RAOGK came up with news items. She committed suicide. She was in the news item with a Robert Francis Seybolt who shot himself the other side of town. It appeared to me that the cases were related but the officials at the time said no. Seybolt was a linguist professor at University of Illinois.

Alice was a waitress.

mysterious letter from "Mary" who lived at 7 Ord Street in Salem Massachusetts

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