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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

FAMILY-Bunney Family Tree Obituaries

John Goynes Bunney born 1825 in St Cleer, Cornwall, England married Johanna Lowery and a Mary Jane Lowery
Mary Jane's obituary

Sunday, May 27, 2018

GARDEN-2018 Garden

 Gorgeous day on May 26th it was actually hot and my face got some color. Didn't last but hey.
there will be a photo of dog shit at the end. It was so spectacular and unusual I just could not resist. But you have been warned.

The bulb bed I started in 2014 was iffy this year. No tulips other than crinkled yellow leaves and one crushed looking red tulip. The daffodils and narcissus were fine and the grape hyacinths are multiplying but really disappointed in the tulips. That was the whole point LOL
 So I dug them up. They will rest for the Summer and then I will plant them again in that bed in the Autumn.

The I planted wild flower seeds in containers and had enough that I sprinkled a few in the bulb bed where the tulips were. That will be interesting. Cosmos, Flax, Bee mix and a butterfly mix.

My brother's men had cut down a tree earlier in the week and the stump was in the back of the trailer. I asked what was going to happen with it. It smelled divine like cedar. So I got it in the yard below.

So I trimmed ornamental grasses down  so new growth will show. Cut out hydrangea canes and other vines choking through from the other side of the fence. Watered. And was getting pretty hot so I decided to wind things up and go upstairs. All of a sudden a guy comes around the corner. Scared me half to death. creep. He apologized for the scare. I am sure the expression on my face told him fuck off. He wanted to use the water for his boat engine and was headed to MY hose and faucet. So glad I caught this. I said no not this water , you can go out front I will turn that on. The past two years when they have used my hose they have wound the hose sloppily but worse than that they turned off the tap so hard I could barely turn it on and it is hard to shut off now and drips. grrr
So I get out front and go to turn on the water and he says not now later. Okays I tell him to knock on the building or garage door loudly and I will hear it and come down. So he hooks up his hose. I am upstairs and hear him knock "lightly" I open my window and call below that I will be right down. I get down there and he is upstairs by my kitchen door. So fucking impatient. good grief.I turn on the water and go upstairs waiting to hear he is done. Finally yes the engine works and they collect their hose. phew.

so here is the shit. perfect end for that delightful day . Multi colored shiny and so bad it did not clean up I had to cover the spot on the lawn with soil and hose that down.
ha ha not funny.

 the cover up

Friday, May 11, 2018

ART-Soy candle making

During those Nor Easters this past Winter I noticed I have a few tealight candles to depend upon for light and warmth. But they are hard to light and do not stay lit- so I guess they are cheap and old!
So the other day I was at loose ends on how to entertain myself. I think it was shitty weather or I felt depressed, whatever, doing something helped me feel better and passed the time and accomplished something whooppee! I have a lovely essential oil scented candle that I burn on occasion but only in the kitchen sink- I am terrified of starting a fire with candles or incense.
These I have not lit yet but I trimmed the wicks and they are ready to use.
I have plenty more soy wax for more candles LOL and some wicks. Keeping the wicks standing and steady was a trick as the hot wax makes them limp LOL

 Went for a walk came back and they were "set".

Thursday, May 3, 2018

BUS-Free Bus Wednesdays

 August  15, 2019
I guess it was too hot or something last week! It has been quite a stretch of hazy hot and humid.

Grabbed the "9:30am" bus in to Chatham. Lightning was flashing around me waiting under a tree on rt 28. That's always fun. Sky was switching from clouds to blue as I waited. I had on layers for the rain. So fast forward to my way back I was roasting in all that and shed a few layers. LOL

Had the bus drop me at the rotary near the Congregational church and I walked down to the library- 10 minutes early for it to open and print out my letter to Dara. So great the Shark in the Park display was still there and I took pix.

Library opened I popped in and printed the letter then headed toward the old Epicure building. Used to be a liquor store with apartments above- lots of partying there in the 60s and 70s. That I did not attend LOL

on the way- some "roots", the Josiah Mayo house and a nice hibiscus outside the old Epicure. and the Town Hall

Yankee Ingenuity and the Shoe Salon

Chatham Cookware which is a coffee house basically now but used to be a really nice cookware place, Chatham Jewelers has not changed one bit and then the old Epicure building

Town Hall and Methodist church and banner for art festival, and the water pump- Village Improvement Club 1914<<< no clue what that is all about

Various legs along the way.

A renovated "Victorian" house next to the library, the strip of where Captains Table was and Head & Foot Store. Gregorian House Pentimento

Bearse's By Way, old house up on Seaview Street and a candy shop strip of stores

Dolli Llama strip of stores where Dutch Oven used to be on the left end, Scrimshaw Leather shop and Blumen Laden. Chatham Hardware which now people refer to as Cheat-um Hardware because of the high prices on regular items. :) small towns.

Then I figured I better make a pit stop as I would not make it for another hour and then walk back to the apartment. Town Restrooms are fine I always wonder how concrete floors get "worn" looking. There were 5 people in there. 3 regular stalls and a Handicap stall. 2 stalls being used. a person standing by the toilets tells me to go ahead as an able bodied person comes out of the handicap stall. I said no I will wait because as soon as I would do that a handicap person would come in. Then I thought to myself it would be kind of funny to act "crippled" as I left that stall. oh well black humor misplaced. I go to wash my hands and there is a soap dispenser I cannot figure out what to push and then see the faded letters "PUSH HERE" but nothing comes out , well it would help if I pushed and not pulled. I push and the soap came out where I did not expect it and went all over my sleeve. I could not get out of there fast enough I was roasting in my layers about this time. So I start to "disrobe" and proceed up the hill to main street again.

Three dormered building that used to house Hudson Eldridge Insurance and Samantha's underwear not sure what else. Then the building that used to be Lorania's Book store, movie theatre and Canterbury Leather shop.

Sandi's Diner used to be Ron's Sandwich Shop, Rebecca's used to be Coach and Four Fudge and gift. I worked both places. A wet leaf and the fucking price of gasoline in Chatham. Else where it is 10-20 cents cheaper. AAA said average price is 2.80 a gallon what gives.

signs outside of the old high school  and various views of that building.

time for lunch- be back in a bit

Found Home- I think Tina Durham had her real estate office here or in back, small house by the ball field. Side of what is now Red Nun. Used to be a private home then lawyer offices.

Strip of stores used to be a glass blowing shop Cumberland famrs and a liquor store. Now a laundry and the liquor store. :) Momonmy Theatre and Igo Toabe's old office.

Shine Center and the strip of stores where my parents had a coffee and donut shop in the 1960s. No real attractions here like back then when there was a newspaper shop and beer & wine store, our donut shop, a barber and Nancy Nickerson had a sandwich shop.

Two houses just before the lights with some interesting steps.

Finally cross Crowell road where I will wander for 20 plus minutes waiting for the bus back- standing under one of many trees with lots of shade and a breeze thank goodness!
Used to be a private home but now consignment clothing and a jewelry store. Pilgrim Landing  used to be Munson Meeting and Chatham Under Glass, some eye candy on wheels, and Great Yarn signs.

Chatham Cheese Company and the old Friendly's building across the way. and a cloud formation that I always think means a storm coming. ( one did with hail thunder lightning rain and wind). The smoky aromas coming from the cheese company were almost overpowering and I do not eat meat or cheese.

well that's it until next bus trip.
 August 1 2018

Decided to do South Yarmouth today even though there was a  threat of rain and of course the usual overcast skies. I would never go anywhere if I waited for a big blue sky all day long!

Left here a bit after 9am and stood waiting for the bus from 9:14 until it showed up at 9:34. a tad late in fact so late I was beginning to think I missed it!

A lot of confused people on the bus. One woman thought the "dollar store" was in Dennis near the Stop & Shop. So she ended up getting off there and taking another bus back. Funny thing is I saw her get on the bus back in Dennis Port. so all is well.

Another guy sat diagonally across from me and kept pretending he was getting phone calls. I am always prepared for someone to go off the deep end on these rides. me included. ha ha

Otherwise uneventful got back here by noon. starving!

Price of gas in South Dennis! I paid 3.09 on July 30 in Chatham. grr

 Familiar landmark at Bass River Bridge

Some familiar structure from the bridge to the traffic lights.

 Mercantile building etc

 Walking towards the Quaker Cemetery and then back to the traffic lights

Heading back to the traffic lights

 Riverway in the distance

Old Main?

Owl Club

other interesting structure on this road/street.

Pit stop at Speedway gas station then on towards Bass River Bridge again. Sure would have been nice with a blue sky.

Bass River

 Looks like a really low tide on the other side or Bass River needs dredging!

  pix never complete without ambulances and honey wagon.

 This sign on the bus- I get the no smoking one but what are the other two I wonder?

Not sure where to next but it better have water views and cool structures. Enough of the "big city".
Well July 4th was out because of the holiday- I did not want to be anywhere but in the apartment or taking a walk on the bike path on that day.
So July 11 2018 was next trip
Got to the bus stop around 9:15am. Per usual I waited just long enough to think the bus was early and I missed it. I remembered to stand back and not move once my waving arms got the attention of the driver! LOL

To sum up first, the bus was pretty much full both directions. wow. Saw every shape color size and age of humanity. All diseases and every level of sobriety and drug induced stupor.
Some memorable moments not necessarily in order.

A huge man was reclining on a back seat ( taking up 4 seats) the entire trip to Hyannis! No one questioned it LOL. I sure as  hell would not want my face that close to where so many asses have sat!

I had to sit on the inside aisle meaning the one closest to the center line of the highway. Not used to that position but what can I do LOL

I young woman got on and sat across from me she had on a Chatham As sweat shirt. A backpack and eventually she sat long-wise taking up both seats with her feet up. Soon she got out her back pack and opened it up and tried to conceal a tall iced drink , she stared gloomily or wistfully out the window the entire time!  The drink went down but I never saw her take a sip.

Another woman got on and sat in that same spot and concentrated on her cellphone as did absolutely everyone on the bus save me and the driver. Personally I would get dizzy doing that. I know conversation is pretty much impossible with all the road noise but still. whatever. So this second woman does her thing as she gets up to get off at her stop she is holding the cellphone in the crook of her arm- she had no left arm from the elbow down!

towards Yarmouth the bus was packed a man got on and sat next to me- his thigh with bluejeans on were so hot I was getting overheated! Then Tom Osborn got on, a facebook friend I gave rides to a couple of years ago and he is legally blind with a collapsible white cane and everything. He got off at Shaw's to shop for food.

Get to Hyannis and pee and ask which bus will take me near Trader Joe's. She says Sealine. What dock , I think 8 or 9 nothing said Sealine on it but finally figured out that the one that said Falmouth Mall was the one to get on. Normally if I wanted to wait almost an hour the Loop East would be the choice. I pull the cable and he drops me at the parking lot near where the Carnival used to be. I walk to Joann Fabrics and look for the waistband elastic I need and I do not see it. A clerk finally walks me to it. I had walked by it! It looked differently from the last time LOL oh well. Grabbed the dispenser and waited for 10 yards to be measured out and priced. she hands it to me in a clump. LOL I would have wound it up neatly but hey. Then I get the beige, white and black thread I needed to replace and got in the check out line. yikes most of the women in line are on their cellphones and complaining how the Joann app on their phone will not hold the coupon for viewing. I do not have a smart phone, but still I wonder what this world is coming to. I pay for my things and get a Seniors Day flyer. oh joy. Put my things in my cloth bag and head for Trader Joes. Need pita pockets of which there were none, got whole wheat English muffins, which are delicious by the way, and a gift card. Used up an old gift card of mine and paid for the rest with a credit card.
Then headed to Starbucks to hand in a gift card I found a couple of Winters ago in the parking lot below. I did not feel right using it myself- so I handed it in hoping the clerk would use it for the next customer. I sure was hankering for a hot cup of their coffee but I had a long bus ride...
 Walked to the Sears end of the mall after stopping at the little bus depot in the parking lot and asking people which bus they were waiting for. None were headed for the Hyannis terminal. So I figured my best bet was to walk to Marshalls and take pix along the way. I was pretty sure that bus was 12:20pm. It was a bit before noon when I approached that entry and the guy who is always on the bus in Harwich same as me was by a bench studying the bus schedule. I went outside hoping I could eat some of the pita pocket I had brought with me and eat a tiny piece or two of  ginger. yikes the benches out there are so hard on a no ass person! I ate my pita and stood up and paced. After a while a bus shows up we ask if she is going to the terminal no- just wait it is on the way. She was the same bus driver who on a trip in Autumn 2017 or maybe even 2016 had given historical facts along route 28. Most memorable was the white chimneys with a black rim meaning those people were Tory sympathizers  during the Revolutionary war!

I have got to say, each driver is a unique personality, such a welcome thing.

Get to terminal and wait for the 12:30pm bus. pee one more time and the toilet flushes sluggishly. ugh. the water was tinted slightly red when I peed over it so I guess someone flushed a tampon or a napkin. ho hum. The public.

Lots of people get on this bus for Orleans. I get a seat facing the front! by the window. The bus is stuffy most of the ride.

A man sitting diagonally across from me looks like if you pricked him with a pin he would explode- red faces and bloated and weary looking. Holding a large envelope that looked like it contained xrays. poor thing.
He got off in Yarmouth near Takis pizza.

A woman got on from Cape Cod hospital. well dressed hair perfect a book she was reading, she was very animated. Later on the in the ride a youth sang to her. :) I do not remember where she got off but she moved when a seat was available and I noticed that her left arm was swollen from the wrist up to her shirt sleeve.

oh back to the ride to Hyannis, at the Yarmouth Stop and Shop a lot of people got one. of which were 2 women and  man they seemed to know each other. the two women sat to my left and chattered the entire time, over the noise of the bus, about work and other people, The guy sat across from them and hauled out a screwdriver that he had sat on.

>red flag alert<  I was ready to kick it out of his hand if he got "funny".

Their conversations  were a bit unhinged . They got off at the terminal and the guy with the screwdriver woke the big guy that was still sleeping in the back LOL

so where was I oh yeah the guy singing to the woman got off the bus at Tedeschis on the corner of rt 134 and rt 28. He got back on when we went by again with a sandwich in hand.

Bus that took us from terminal to my stop at Trader joes had a couple sitting across from me. She had on a lot of jewelery and short shorts- would be nice as it was hot but I hate my bare legs on public seats and well I have very white 70 year old legs. unshaven and scratched knees.

oh forgot to mention LOL  in the morning I wanted to feed the birds. It was a warm day already and I was in my underwear. Had to get shorts on. My left leg stuck in the shorts leg and down I went. bang both elbows and my upper left thigh. almost hit my head. In doing that I thought I hurt my neck but guess not. I was determined to get on the free bus! thigh still sore.

so this couple her with shorts him with tattoos- him eating an unidentifiable sandwich. LOL and she nudged him looking at me. I thought oh good grief do not offer me food! LOL But thought about it later and I think she was looking at my tattoos. She had none that I could see.
Love people. ha ha ha

so this ride back a guy was sitting in front of me but facing the others. Every time he moved more of his ass showed. LOL I tired hard to get a photo. Got a photo of a triangle of his butt skin. He sat there looking distressed and pulled his tee shirt way out and over his knees. WHY???

He finally got off and asked to be dropped at the CVS in Patriots Square. Pants up opportunity missed on butt crack.

Another guy very pale and sweating was sitting in his seat kept wiping his face and had another shirt wrapped around his neck. I thought if he has the plague and is infecting all of  us I will find him and step on his throat. He got off somewhere and I tried to breath air again.

I guy got on in Yarmouth looked like a cop and had a helmet in his hands. Maybe he had a bike who knows. He was very animated and asked questions of the younger people on the bus especially a very pretty younger woman with caramel colored skin. He sat on the ledge behind the driver. Not sure why- there were plenty of seats. Unless he was a cop and on there for the other people around LOL

one of which was a big dark  skinned man  dressed all in black. he reminded me of Jesse Barboza a fighter who worked in receiving at Sears when I worked there. This guy had a hat on, rings on every finger and bracelets on his wrists. and a cumbersome brace on his right knee. Would have loved to have known his story.

I think that is it on the details. Now I will post the photos. None are stellar as they were either on the bus or in the Mall with poor lighting.

oh well it was fun and I got my errands done. Felt like I needed a shower  & shampoo with Fels Naptha when I got back to the apartment. And it took me until the following morning to get the smell of "bus people" out of my sinuses.
Very tame chipmunk at the front of Christmas Tree Shop
 Stores in the Mall walking from Sears . oh and I saw no one I recognized in Sears! Looked for Wayne Afleck in Shoe Dept - no see.

Gap, Shoe Dept, Aeropostal without the aerop

Newbury Comics, Pink, Macy*s

Victoria's Secret and pianos, Bath and Body Works, and The Walking Company

J Crew, Abercrombie and Not Your Average Joes

Banana Republic, Hollister, Loft

Talbot's petites, Sephora, the carousel

Chicklets! have not seen them in eons! gum balls yes- Chicklets? no. Best Buy, Marshalls

Have no clue what these mean but they are on the Best Buy wall

Bangkok Kitchen and new bus going off Cape to Providence I think it said.

man with rings  Pancake Man

butt crack man

gas station closed in Dennis Port!

Harwich Port where Bonatt's used to be- Grand Opening

coming back- Marty not thrilled to see me LOL

June 27 2018
wow where has June gone to? Took  bus to West Dennis this time. Bus was late because the driver was being trained and traffic! As I got on the trainer chastised me for walking towards the bus. I guess I will have to curb that behavior. Never really noticed. The "stop" display was not working- it was just scrolling the time of 9:07am, when I took a photo of it it captured zero LOL
Had them  drop me across from the Columns restaurant which has been for sale for decades.
various structures before hitting the main drag

 new old book store

near the corner gas station and auto repair- old location of Ruth Lee's and those stores

 Renovated strip of stores to the right of the church

 strip of stores across from church

^^ this one used to be a candle shop

Interesting house next door

 Then I ventured down Church street

 then opposite Church street the candle shop with the other tiny shop to its right behind and that interesting house to the right

Then the old library now a private home I guess and the new library next door. Perry street then the abandoned vacant lot so over grown but where my uncle Bob had leased a house and ran a rooming house in the early 1950s

Then the structure that was a Howard Johnson's for decades that went out of business and a few others tried. sold again. Across the street from that is another abandoned building.

Walked down Fisk street a bit nothing of interest to me other than this shrub :)
Then I plod on down to School street of course an ambulance is headed my direction. a variety of things down that road.

back on to rt28- Main street
what used to be Old Dennis Inn now an Irish Pub
Fire Bell and the structure next to it

The the Columns again but up close

ah then Christmas Tree Shop LOL I ended up going in there and getting 2 post cards. took pix of the surrounding stores and walked on rt 28 and then back to Christmas Tree- it is an official bus stop whooppee.

Apartment that have been there a while used to know a couple who lived there and divorced shortly after LOL . Looks like the Rose Victorian is gone, another interesting structure that looks "fake"

House with a cat and a piano out front- Mom and I would meow at it every time we passed by and the Rose Victorian again, the best clock shop- Smith's,
oh and a Woodbine street sign- my cousin lives on Woodbine in Providence.

While waiting for what seemed forever for the bus  I saw 2 women have a conversation with the red car person and her parking. She seemed unfazed LOL
 bus shows up- more people on it than usual. He turns on a classical radio station after a while. Thank goodness. Between the stuffy air and perfumes and someone letting go with a peanut butter fart at the Shaw's stop- the music was a relief.

June 20 2018

Left here 9:03am  walk to bus stop saw that the bike path has been improved: Rest area with a repair station, bike racks and a trash can and a recycling can. AND on my way back I saw they had removed all the old dog shit bags that were left under what appeared to those dog walkers as a waste basket. ha ha

 So bus was on time >faint faint< and it took a ten minute bus ride to get to the Dennis Port Harwich line. Dropped off at the old antique store. I figured I had an hour to walk up and down and take pix. As I was finishing up after checking out the old Playhouse the camera batteries gave out. unsure  of when that occurred I went back to the play house. I had 10 minutes of walking along rt 28 before the bus was due. But it was late and I walked all the way to the old Bishop's Terrace. phew
 Antique store which is for sale, old Friendly's location Chase library and a strip mall where my favorite hardware store USED to be.

 7 11 where White Hen Pantry used to be and it was something before that, Rite Aid/ Walgreens where Brooks used to be,  the side of the old A&P, vacant Mobil station, Ocean state Job Lot where Bradlees used to be and Dollar Tree where A&P used to be. Cool old house rundown but still interesting.

Main street stores

June 13, 2018
Nice sunny breezy day. Left here at 9:05am and did not have long to wait for the bus to Harwich Port. I think it was 9:26 and got to Bank Street at 9:37. Sounds more on schedule and normal for a change.The bus back passed me after about 5 minutes so I had a full hour of walking and snapping pix to do. So many changes to Main Street and still more construction to come.
corner of Bank and rt 28  no clue what it used to be but the building is older.

now Heather's Hair Port- was many businesses before this.
This was White Flowers for years now a real estate office.

 White Flowers is now behind the above Coldwell real estate office
Old time barber shop and George's Pizza

used to be insurance and Jonfred's clothing I think- now insurance and real estate

New huge complex where a yarn shop used to be and Ike's diner. That used to be a small strip mall set way back from the Main Street- now right on the sidewalk with parking in the back.

 Cranberry Liquors has not changed much

the following businesses are the same some vacant. the last in this group is now a restaurant but used to be a popular store Butners

Monahan & Co, sold and going out of business.

The old movie theatre complex

replaces the former Bonatt's

the one with the Provincetown bus- all I could think of is they have a long 2 hour ride.

Pilgrim Congregational Church and Memorial Garden

Moorings and Augustus Snow House

various businesses and interesting structures

so got back here before 11. As I was getting off the bus in South Chatham I inhaled a lung full of dust pollen and thought I would choke!. Standing there waiting to cross the street I was crossing a driveway and a car came hell bent and almost did not see me. I had on my sunglasses but gave them a "look" . A day is not complete without that. :D

June 6 2018
Planned to meet two friends up at the Stop & Shop in Orleans. The bus ride was brutal. The bus was 10 minutes later than usual  as well. A cleaning solvent odor and loud radio did not help. A headache started to brew after 10 minutes and I fought the urge to get off and call them and cancel. But soldier on I did. I have got to find a natural remedy for this headache and queasiness. Most likely  sip water and suck on a crystallized piece of ginger.

 Bus was actually pretty much on time up there and they were parked and saw me approach!
Headed to Fort Hill. Construction going on to repair the boardwalk. We did 2 miles. I walked to the tree damage and they picked me up and I walked toward the water and took photos.

They offered to drive me back here after we went through Chatham - the light house and the loop. Gave Karen the tour of the apartment and they headed off to a candy store in Yarmouth

Good day all around. oh and we stopped at Wendy's to pee and she bought me a large black decaf coffee. yum!

Seamus is to work here this Summer

 Fort Hill

that huge tree came down in one of our Nor'Easters this Winter


Chatham Light views and a wash out

no bus trip May 30th I had pulled a rib cage muscle and the jostling of the bus...

May 23 2018

Oh boy- the last two trips may have been quick and dull- this one more than made up for that. Jeepers.
Left here a little after 10 am I hustled to the stop thinking I was late. The bus showed up at 10:25am. I was headed to Dollar General in Yarmouth. Funny how things appear so differently from a bus. And Yarmouth is totally different on foot!
They were deconstructing something on the bike path on my way. Not sure what they are doing but it takes 2-3 men and a huge piece of equipment to make a pile of dirt. Multiple pylon traffic cones in place to block the way. Most of us walked and biked there anyhow.

Harwich Port where a strip of stores used to be- two of which were Ike's Breakfast place and a yarn shop. It is huge! and 2 or 3 stories tall

Empty old Benny's building
Methodist Church steeple in South Yarmouth through bus window
Finally Dollar General. First time when they opened they were pumping the cesspool. Second attempt there were two ambulances outside.
It is almost overwhelming inside- aisle upon aisle of bargain shampoo,t shirts and food. I got a bandana, sunglasses, readers, a solar torch lamp small for one dollar so if it does not work fuck it. 2 packs of googly eyes 87 cents left over from the 20 dollar gift card- I gave that to the woman checking out next to me. Candy was the only alternative and no thanks LOL
Bandana is not 100% cotton of course and is 4 colors

 outside the store wind chimes etc. I guess my hands were full inside- no pix- trust me the place is full.
 My two favorite morning djs were across the street at Dunkin Donuts. That road is enough crossing once so a photo is all I have.
I was feeling faint from hunger so sat down on Mike's steak house picnic bench and had a pita pocket I packed.  Then re belted my jeans and walked rt 28 waiting for the bus. A lot of changes on rt 28

 changes to motels Ann & Frans or whatever they are called and where Leah Stauffer used to live or still does, oh and the business with the elephant out front.  A crazy storm sky- my interpretation of that wall of clouds.Then the bus showed up...

....  and I got on and there was non stop chatter from there to Harwich near the old BZs from a woman going on and on about whatnot. A woman with a motorized wheel chair got on at Patriot square. Now I know when you see the floor move by the door someone is getting on and if sitting in the restricted area for wheel chairs you have to move. Where did I have to move!? the very back of the bus near the windy vent and the chatterer! oh my! I was snapping photos of the process of the wheel chair and people and their shoes and she turns on me and accuses me of taking her photo. She had made the remark "Are you candid camera?" and I retorted "No. Do you want your photo taken?" She instructed me to delete and show her I deleted. My camera does NOT delete it is old- only way to get photos off the sd card is to load then and delete through the computer. But to humor her I handed her the camera and she "deleted". Funny thing is I was worried she deleted all my photos. I get back here and her face is there LOL. >snort<  Not sure which of us has bigger balls. Had to throw in a photo of Bass River from the bus.

 old "Victorian" style house redone  viewed from inside bus in West Dennis.

Breakaway grills and then me trying to capture the wheel chair process and then the woman accusing me of taking her photo LOL oops

that unnerved me a bit but carry on I did.
her foot too LOL

Old BZs new front
Loud mouth and her cohorts getting off the bus!
Lovely view of Ocean State Job Lot and Dollar Tree :D and the parking lot of Griswolds old Mobil station

Bishop's Terrace still standing
process of wheel chair getting off the bus. Gotta say she is mighty speedy with that thing- amazed she can't navigate from here to Hyannis- if she could a bike path. Not quickly though. CCRTA goes out of their way to accommodate all of us. I am very grateful for these free Wednesdays.

Finally South Chatham I get off the bus as two get on. I was tired and hungry. Work stopped  on the bike path for lunch. The cut through a most welcome sight no matter where I have been and I come back here to my brother snoozing after lunch and his two workers napping in their cars LOL

May 16 2018
well I was undecided of whether to head to Dollar General and try to spend  a gift card in Yarmouth or do Chatham. Decided on Chatham.
Seems I forgot to fill out the form in January for mail in ballots. And none showed up for town elections this week.
So this morning I was girding my loins for that ride. Wore sneakers this morning- it is May after all should be warm enough- but nope got feet cold and that triggers IBS- so it was touch & go so to speak for 2 hours before I headed out of here at 10:11am. .Took twelve minutes to walk to the stop and then I paced up and down waiting for the bus which showed up at 10:38. Got to the rotary in Chatham where I got off along with 4 others. Walked briskly to the town offices. I had to be back at the rotary by 11:04! Well hustle I did and filled out the form  then she handed me a ballot that I did not fill out correctly. ugh. Should have brought my glasses but I was trying to travel light for a change. So got that done grabbed a form for filling out next January 2019 for mail in ballots .
Then I really hustled my ass to the rotary. JUST as I was crossing to get to the bus stop at Cumberland Farms the bus approached. I waved my arm wildly and he saw me. Oh so thankful he was observant. I was the only passenger back to rt 137.Phew.
Walked the long way back and saw a dead black cap chickadee in my path :( they are so adorable. So sad. Equals the cuteness of the baby bunny rabbit in the garden this morning. But bunny was alive.

oh also this morning while I was filing the bird bath a car approached and stopped and said "Hey Cynthia, it's me Dan". Dan the paper boy who I have not seen in 10 years! wow. He recognized me by my ass. LOL Just kidding. oh and also on my way to the bus someone in a newish dark Toyota truck beeped at me. It was hauling a cute little sailboat. No clue who that was.

Well May 9 2018
second free bus Wednesday >yawn<
Left here 10:05am waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of time for when the bus showed up on rt 28  for Orleans. Usually after 10:26  I think it was either 10:42 or 10:50 I really forget it was such a dreary ride! No characters. LOL
I think Mrs Stello got on the bus at the Anchorage and was dropped off at the Congregational Church in Chatham. At least it looked like her. We smiled at each other quickly - too noisy to say anything.
Orleans was detours galore. Had the bus drop me at CVS and I walked to Earth House. I wanted to take photos but the light in there is so dark also with daylight coming in the windows. Got 3 packets of incense, one punk like, sandalwood and the others the usual rolled sticks I like cedarwood and amber. Then they had Auric Blends, perfume oils that roll on. I haven't bought them in almost 20 years so I figured okay! Got Aphrodesia and Golden Honeysuckle <<< that one smells like bathroom cleaner LOL well maybe once it dries on my skin it won't. New clerk, I feared I would miss my bus. But little did I know it would be 30 minutes later than the schedule and road construction up the yin yang. There were places by the Mobil station I did not dare stand near. They were flushing manholes and we all know how cautious those workers are. not.

so I have one more errand to wrap up with these free Wednesdays and then try to plan a stop that is picturesque scenery or structures that are interesting and I can pack a snack and be near a rest room. These first two trips were no fun involved.

oh well.

Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority has free day passes each year for Senior citizens. This year is Wednesday.
Took my first free bus of 2018 on May 2, 2018

A few days before, I went to the "bus stops" on route 28 to time them. They were where I would hop on for either Chatham Orleans direction or Hyannis direction. That day both buses were 10 minutes off their schedule. Yesterday the one headed into Chatham from Hyannis directions was almost 20 minutes late. I kept pacing/waiting or my back would give out. Not complaining- just glad it was not January! The driver was the one who people complain about her being late. Not sure how she is late- she races! LOL So I had her drop me at the old Friendly's building now another restaurant . Crossed the street into the Great Yarn shop browsed a bit and bought 6 skeins of lovely yarn- still have 5 bucks left on gift certificate. Got outside and looked like I had a 10 minute wait for the 11:09 bus back to Chatham LOL but I looked to my left and the bus was headed toward me. wow good thing I did not have to pee! Got back to the apartment in time for lunch so all was good and free! I do have to address the issue of my eyeglasses giving me a migraine. 2 pairs the lenses fall out. The pair I wore remained intact but a prism rainbow reflected from the rims and gave me a beaut. wish I could afford contacts.

yarn shop

yarn I got!


Next Free Wednesday destination up in the air. I have plenty of things to do and see on rt 28 LOL