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Monday, July 10, 2023


 Must have been a weekday as a worker was below. Story later- video of the smoke alarm blasting and not stopping

Smoke detector blasting

July 5


well my toaster oven just set off the smoke detectors and I had to call the fire department. They would not stop blasting. They stopped after 20 minutes- they are leaving now.LOL there must have been 15 of them. ha ha 

I would say that toaster oven is toast


July 11-12

Why the condom was shipped with it I will never know- but I rolled it up for future use.  :)

Toaster arrived late yesterday afternoon. It replaces the smoky remains of my toaster oven. I "toasted " it a few times to get rid of the vinyl smell. Was great having toast this morning!

July 12

first toast

oh and it on the lawn


Monday, July 3, 2023


 I would say Chatham's website is the most non user friendly of all. I composed the note below and clicked to have a copy sent to me. And submitted. what does it do? ends up looking like I sent a message to the "sticker office" it was meant for the board of health. so freaking frustrating

"I live in Commerce Park next to the Waste Water Treatment plant. I can somewhat tolerate an occasional whiff of sewer BUT Saturday July 1 2023 was all day long. It permeated everything. Sunday was just a little less. I feel this is a fruitless effort reporting this as it has gone on for years. But I do not know what else to do. I cannot afford an air purification system.

Thank you for your time.
