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Tuesday, May 14, 2024



April 8th during the eclipse- waiting


July 15

Just deported my thriving Kalanchoe plant to the deck. Each day the breeze from the open window where it sat would scattered plant debris. My floors looked like a spider massacre . The debris all looking liked dried up wolf spider corpses. Just what I need more housework

 Wonder if Clorox has a wand for that. 

So after cleaning apartment I sat here and looked at the wheels to my walker. More spider corpses stuck to the wheels That was an easy clean up and may improve my speed & wheelies. joking.


Garden 2024 pretty much a failure. When I fell and cracked 3 ribs, scapula and rotator cuff injury had to call 911 to be picked up. Then trouble breathing on the 23rd of June and being transported to Cape Cod Hospital ER found I had covid so that slowed down everything else. Plants I planted have still not been watered except for occasional rain.  Looks like one red petunia is surviving and mayeb one New Guinea Impatiens. the rest are toast. Sad all that work gone. Lesson learned. I hope. So many lessons. So I will post pix here of what it was like etc.


Pepperomia failed it was nice when it thrived

the rose given to me back in January I think finally fell apart


oh and a privet clipping I  nurtureed I am sure  is toast down there


August 17

Lots of mischief gotten into today.3 different trips below to accomplish this. Had brother take away a huge broken clay pot. Had it for years as a stand for a birdbath and a shleter for little animals. Chipmunks were seen scurrying in and out. But it had to go. Lots of other broken things too . Moved that one bench jeepers that thing weighed a ton. Yanked at its legs little by little to get it at an angle. the 5 golf balls that have missed me in the outdoor shower over the years.  Washed and changed door curtains. Dark magenta fits my mood better than the sunny yellow before it.


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