so! Came back here finished packing water & pretzels and a banana for the trip back here after the ferry. I usually do not eat when on a trip like that- too keyed up. So left here before 10 and passed Carol's I thought to myself if she is out there I will quick pull in give her a hug and ask her to go with us. Sometimes a spur of the moment excursion helps to break the sorrow a bit. Her car was in the drive but the house looked very quiet. So I headed to rt 28 in Hyannis. Plugged in my gps so it would charge and it said "You have reached your destination" LOL
good grief I was no where near anything I had ever programmed, that should have clued me in on what would follow.To make it short and sweet the gps changed languages to Spanish- wouldn't "talk" and took me too far. So I had to turn around and head for Palmer Ave parking. Tried to call Paula and couldn't see my screen on the phone.grrrrrrrrr. I should carry a book with my cellphone numbers in it at all times. So I turn in and Paula was sitting there on a fence waiting like she said she would. She thought we would take the car. But that changed when I found out the next ferry to return wasn't until 6:15 with a car.So we both hopped on the free shuttle. It was one frustration after another but we got to cross that off our list! LOL we both wondered what the attraction is over there. The ferry ride was not what I expected. Never got anywhere near water to scatter ashes or toss flowers. It was a nice ride but no good photos the windows were so salt covered. and stairs- let me not forget the stairs on the ferry LOL omg Paula offered to carry the backpack on wheels. If she hadn't I would still be there- one step at a time.So we rented a car at Hertz and proceeded to get lost and ask directions at least 20 times. The island is bigger than we thought so we didn't get to the Indian corner of the island. We did do the gingerbread cottages and walked a lot. Stumbled upon a cemetery trying to get back on track. That was good, found a Cynthia in there. Then winding our way back through traffic and getting gasoline we finally found the 2 cemeteries I went over there for, that was 30 minutes before our 5pm ferry back to Woods Hole. Sounds like it was not fun but it was. We both chattered away constantly and stopped for black coffee at the Black Dog somewhere along the way.Those 5 corner intersections are a nightmare. There was a cop there directing ONCE. and we had to pass through there numerous times. Paula actually offered to go back now that we know where everything is LOL. Not soon though, my butt needs a rest from sitting so much.Ride back here was in dusk- I could see that beautiful sunset in my rear view mirrors, seemed to take forever. Ate my pretzels and ate my banana and drank more water. I was so thirsty! Saw a lot of motorcycles get on the ferry- that would be the perfect way to get around. But that ain't happening with me LOL
(photos in random order too lazy and it would take forever to categorize)
voted in the primary- the sky had weird clouds but it was blue.
nice butt :)
return ferry- bike & more bikes!
return ferry sights
return ferry-sun through a salt sprayed window
found the 2 cemeteries I went over there for- 30 minutes before our ferry to return would leave.oh well. Deborah- after some research and asking is Deborah Levett
this cemetery: Martha's Vineyard Hebrew Cemetery
one stop after getting lost in too many one way streets & traffic- Edgartown- Old Westside Cemetery. Cynthia Ripley and Napoleon Bonaparte Vincent
Glad Paula was driving and not me- I would have gone wrong way down a one-way a lot!
first set of gingerbread cottages in Oak Bluffs
more gingerbread cottages and other interesting structures
more structures, a selfie/photo bomb and some dilapidated buildings with character
first stone structure is a Santander bank- the rest more street views. and a SlipSEVENTYSEVEN. Whatever that means.
Cops-Civil War- Acme Laundry
wind sailers,old airport etc
Fire Engines, views of "Scotland" that we were promised by the Hertz woman,boat builder, and a whale.
Oak Grove Cemetery in Vineyard Haven.
bassakwards the ferry over from Woods Hole
Very interesting blog, Cynth...great photos!