Sacred Heart Cemetery in Truro
I have been here before but briefly. Very remote area. The grass was like walking on Nabisco's shredded wheat. a very unusual husband & wife stone.
Twin boys, a view of the steep inclines and the sign with rules. Behind that sign is a fence with metal rails. The only way to get over there unless you want a rocky walk or drive on a very private road or the steep entrance off of Bridge road which could rip a muffler off if not very careful.
Then on to Snow Cemetery in Truro. A former co worker and acquaintance is buried there with her parents. It is down a steep ivied area- the ivy can trip you. I do not even try. and their graves are covered with ivy no where to be found.
Beautiful cemetery nonetheless with powerful views in all directions, especially the town hall dome in the distance.
Snow cemetery sign and the Truro Congregational church at the right of the entrance.
leaving there the wrong way each and every time I pass the library that has Cobb family research and I marvel at the stairs. Then I take a left and end up going to Provincetown again. :)
oh forgot- back tracking a bit to Truro Methodist cemetery- a view and a pair of sneakers under a tree. I looked up and made sure their was no body hanging that belonged to the shoes. yikes.
zipping right along to Wellfleet and the Our Lady of the Lourdes cemetery. Last time I was at Duck Creek and Our Lady was in the dead of Winter and I could park at the restaurant on the corner and walk to both. There is no parking at Duck Creek. There is a road off of rt 6 that looked like a possibility- I took the chance. Such a lonely place. But is is maintained.
standing along rt 6 you hope you do not stumble back and turn into a statistic. Driving to the back there is a large parking area and a turnaround making getting out of there easier! hidden in the bush is a stone:
There is no tree!
Then I got to climb another metal railing fence to Duck Creek. Not a good place to go alone- remote- one slip and no one would find you for days, months, years??? But I finally got to the back of this cemetery, which entering from the road would be a laborious climb. Many crumbled ancient slate stones.
Lots of atmosphere.
and this stone that was buried under sod for years. Mrs Ann H wife of Elisha- need to research this worn stone. Mrs Ann H Snow wife of Elisha H Snow died Jnauary 11, 1852 aged 21 years 1 month!
That's it for the cemetery part of the trip.Doane Rock to follow. Yes I took a lot of photos of a big rock.
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