There is Volunteer Park in West Chatham, newly renovated and the playground at the Veteran's Field in Chatham direct that has been updated twice! So I see the point of the petition. They say Kitty's Lane- well after a failed attempt to find it- it is off of Bobbies Lane which is off of Kittys. a long and dusty dirt road.

in the distance

rut in the road- photo does not do it justice LOL would make a great ankle twister.

Basket ball court :)

Tennis anyone?

Eldredge & Lumpkin Bench
looks suspiciously like one that used to be uptown.

Have no clue what this contraption is but if I had someone with me I would have tried it out!
Then as I was about to leave- of course someone had pulled behind me.
They were checking it out as well.
Volunteer park West Chatham- this place is huge! 2 ball fields, a playground, a soccer field. Concrete platforms on the right as you enter the park.I have no clue what their intended use is though. And plenty of parking!
looks like a detour off of the bike path.
Skateboard park being installed here.
yes it is soft. When did they stop using sand bags?
Monomoy Middle school has many basketball nets and tennis courts. Nice view of the water towers :)
Then Veterans Field playground that has been updated and improved many times. Today was the first time I have seen graffiti there though.
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