A second cousin once removed died in August of this year and the family sent me his funeral card and a note. That was Friday. I immediately typed a reply that I knew I would have to have printed out in the library. So Monday skipped my morning coffee, never a good idea, and waited for the 9:27am bus.
This is what they sent. The hand written note about Bill wanting them to contact me when he passed was all I needed for a torrent of tears. Never met him but he was a huge help with the family tree on the Gilger side
my thank you. LOL noticed in the library as it was printing that "Park" tabbed too far to the right. Nothing to be done.
Cynthia Moore
152 B Commerce Park
South Chatham MA 02659
September 8 2018
Jeffrey & Patricia Gilger
P.O. Box 322
Midpines CA 95345
Dear Jeffrey & Patricia,
I am overwhelmed with emotion at the receipt of this news. So very sorry for the loss of your father.
He sent me a huge portfolio of Gilger genealogy I think 10 years ago. It took me that long to get it into my tree!
He was witty, informative and worldly. A pleasure communicating with him and having him forever a "second cousin one time removed" .
I really lost it when I read your note " Dad asked us to let you know when he passed away" >sobbing<
Thank you for letting me know and including the photo composite and brief history of his life. A life well lived.
Take care
Most Sincerely
Cynthia Moore
so back to the bus trip. First let me state it is a major affair getting my ass out of here before 9. And I had set aside 8 quarters for the bus fare. I am fussy about my quarters and sort through for "America The Beautiful" ones I need. I definitely DO NOT USE Canadian quarters. ever. but this happened anyhow. note to self- carry 10 quarters next time. LOL
I was early for the bus and paced up and down route 28. Decided I had enough time to mail off a parcel to a former friend and get him completely out of my life. That done back to route 28
I catch the bus. Show my senior card and deposit 4 quarters and walk to my seat- driver calls me back- one more quarter- this is Canadian. I say " How's that? I do not have Canadian quarters?" oh well I sift through what I have and deposit another quarter. Now I am left with 3 American and a Canadian. I will exchange it at a bank when in town. So I think.
My list of things to do was: pee, print letter, go to Sundance Jeans and check out their leggings "guaranteed to fit EVERYONE", find stick incense, check yarn prices at Ben Franklin, and exchange the Canadian quarter.
Rest rooms open and clean. phew.
Walk to library and an over jovial guy says "Goodmorning! Do I recognize you?" I say "From where?" he says "just kidding"
Get to the library and too early. Stand around and take photos. A man in a wheel chair squeaks by and sequesters himself in the corner by the door.
Library OPEN sign flipped and door opens. Librarian holds the door for the wheelchair man and I lift up his book bag he had dropped. She then hoists a chair out of the computer room and he slips in. I slip behind him and print my letter. Who should sit to my right and make small talk with the wheelchair man but the overly jovial guy from the street. I heard him approach and was asking too many questions quickly of the clerks. oh joy.
so I leave there and traipse on up to Sundance. I walk in cashier clerk ask if I need help. I asked if all the leggings are out front- no more inside here. I read the sign aloud "guaranteed to fit all- but not me " LOL she laughed and said yes they will- nope the waist is too tight. I swear they looked like toreador pants high wide tight waist. I told her I had not been in the store for almost 20 years and had on a dress I bought there. 2 of them lasted 20 years. Fresh Produce. She tried to entice me to check out their sale. No thank you- really only interested in leggings.
Walking along towards the Tibetan shop I think to myself. I bet what happened on the bus is the person before me used a Canadian coin and the driver did not notice until me of course. So almost an hour later when I got the bus back- same driver. I got on and asked if the "tolls were clear" then stuck my quarters in slowly. grrrr. I know it is ONLY 25 cents. but still...
So I get to the Tibetan shop just as she opens. Nice store. Now I know I cannot use my spare 5.00 for the incense and will have to charge it. No problem. I spent a whopping 4.25 and no questions asked. Happy as a clam to have the incense. Then I head to Ben Franklin store hoping to spent money there- you know help small businesses. I check out the yarn- all of it priced at least 1-2 dollars more than Hyannis. I find a Red Heart skein 7 ounces perfect for a shawl - price 4.98 and take it to the cashier. Standing there I read the sign in wonder. 4% off for cash, 4% added for credit card. what the fuck. Since when can they do that? When I worked retail the rule was if you accepted credit cards you had to accept them for any amount. no discounts either way. So I said is that real? and she said yes. I walked the yarn back to its slot and walked out.
Then to the fucking bank. Friendly how may I help you etc. I need a Canadian quarter changed as the bus doesn't take them and that is all I have now. Nope no take. oh swell
So I head to the post office to mail the letter to the Gilgers. Nice day but I can tell it wants to rain. Actually wish it would! Needed just one stamp and I was off to find a place to buy something to get change of quarters LOL. Good old CVS I was hoping to find a cheap lip tint- you know the tinted lip balms for a dollar. I guess no more! So found toothpaste under 5 bucks. And checked out. The clerk said Hi how's your day. I answered oh fine but weird. I explained my quarter problem sloppily and she offered to exchange it. wow. I thanked her but said I would try to handle this. By that I mean I will save that sucker for posterity LOL
Checked my watch and still to early for the 11:07 bus back. So I hauled my ass to Union cemetery and stopped by to see and say Hi to Georgia Traina . Boy that hill on foot is something else! Looked around for any new burials found none and left to wait for the bus.
Water meter uncovered in Union cemetery nice dangerous "hole"
Walked back towards town. Another person was waiting for the bus with his bike. Cars were stopping to let him pass but he motioned them on. We pay and get on and the guy sitting across from me smelled like a cheesy fart and gasoline. LOL The guy with the bike was very chatty and apparently worked for a restaurant in Hyannis.
so I have the bus drop me at School House ice cream and I walk back here.
The men are still clearing away the underbrush and straggly trees. It ended up taking them all days and at least 4 loads of brush to take away. It looks fabulous!
Trees: DelRoy & Riley working
always a noise maker in the neighborhood LOL
Now to the rodent part of the day. I got back here as they were about halfway through the brush removal. I check my mail- none. I rinse off the bottom of my sneakers. And head to walk the long way around to my door. Not wanting to track in any hardening from the gas leak mess.
I look down and see a large tiny furry thing. Not a cat not a mouse. Looked dead. So I alert DelRoy that I need him or Riley to dig a hole for it so I can bury it. I come back to it and it is moving. very slowly. very. uh oh. Not good. I talk to it. Nothing. I go and get the pooper scooper and pick it up and it lets out a loud squeaky squeal! I thought it would run up my leg but it stayed on the scoop as I walked it to DelRoy and Riley for a laugh.
Riley says looks like it ate something. Meaning poison, but the base of the tail looked chewed at. who knows- I wanted it away from my shower and entry. So I walked it to the wooded path behind the other bays. We joked that I wanted to dowse it with gasoline and strike a match. I really did not know what to do other than what I did. Glad no one was around with a shot gun- that would have been messy.
video links usually fail here we will see.
That's all folks.
Very full morning all in all. Poor Mr. Ratty. They are so smart and so maligned. It wasn't the rat that carried the plague. It was the fleas on the rat - just like Lyme Disease is transmitted to humans by ticks.