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Thursday, June 6, 2019

BUS-Free Bus Wednesdays-June 2019

 June 5th 2019

Overcast skies so the photos are not crisp. But I got a good walk in waiting for bus and while in town.
Decided to do Chatham. I had small errands. Library to print out a copy of the Mazda registration so I can get a recycling sticker. And check to see a book someone recommended I read. Ben Franklin store to pick up purple duct tape. I wanted to take pix of the town businesses that were something else years ago. I got to walk as far as where my step father had a business in the 60s & 70s. Buses were about 10 minutes late both times. Always making me feel like I blinked and missed them. :)

Waiting for the bus I like to walk towards it so I do not miss it with a turned back! I usually get as far as the Harwich town line.
Along the way
tiny South Chatham Library. the church there had threatened eviction a couple of years ago- I notice it is still there .

woman in the background painting a fence in the pollen winds! The paint smelled so good.
Baker's Hardware- I expected to see Bob Baker out there sitting in a beach chair.

Levi Eldridge Store- 1839

home along the way with a great porch!
Beautiful rose rugosa

Lovely old Cape house and the area where a Cumberland Farms was for years- then a couple of restaurants- now the Talkative Pig

 bus comes along and 10 minutes later I am hopping off at the rotary and on my way.
Ben Franklin. Found the purple duct tape I needed and browsed around hoping to find some nice yarn not marked up 3.00 more than elsewhere. oh well I guess the Summer people keep them in business. But the signs at the styrofoam balls gave me a chuckle. I was going to get a couple so I could use them as forms for the knit baby hats I make. But I could not determine the size I needed and besides they were more than I wanted to spend. Got the tape- was happy to be out of there. They have a sign as you check out that cash payments get a 4% deducted. Credit card payments get a 4% charge. I thought that was illegal but hey they have been doing it for years.

mask was super tempting to buy but I resisted.
Then on to the library. Printed out stuff on their computers. I am so thankful for that service. Had to ask where Mystery Ink was then realized even though I had written it down  I remembered it incorrectly in just a few minutes. It was The Weight of Ink in fiction under KAL for the author. egads way too heavy and thick. Not even tempted.
a structure to the left of the library has always interested me, very Victorian.
I head to the town rest rooms and get hand soap squirted on me- I never get the knack of where to place my hands LOL land on the floor too. Got a photo of the old Dutch Oven, was also Caped Cod,Sampsons Electric, art store an art gallery and Compass shop
The old Epicure which is now a business below and expensive condominiums upstairs.
 The building where Dick Ward's Shoe Salon was for years in now Fisherman's Daughter.

Then what used to be Children's Shop is now also a Toy Shop- then a British place I should investigate for my British friends.

The Chatham Squire which sold this year and promises to stay the same! and Lilly Pulitzer is back in town.

Then the old brick building. Main store was a drug store years ago then a fancy needlework shop Claire Murray ( which I always confuse with Marie Clare) and Soft as a Grape- Now FatFace a British clothing store.
Buffy's Ice Cream and Tale of the Cod. Buffy's used to be Towne Record Shop run by the Mitchell's who were neighbors of ours down at Harding's Beach.
The Perry building, which is on the property where my step father had a marine electronics shop, was moved from cross street in the 70s.
Some art work across the street and the house next to it is for sale!

The house where step father lived in the apartment below is now Mermaids on Main Street
Then a tiny shop that used to be Nobel Smith a silversmith and the sidewalk in front of what used to be Mark Fore & Strike. A store most saw as expensive travel clothes but they had the best sweaters and wool sock collections.

The old school and what used to be Twin Gates

Old Monomoy Theatre needing a mow.

Chatham Ford was Manson Motors.
Sign at Great Yarn shop and the obligatory Fire & Rescue.


June 12 2019
Orleans. Early bus back by 12:30pm for lunch
pit stop before I even thought of snapping photos. It added a half mile to my walking but...
Theresa Paine Cummings - I may transcribe this- and I may not :)

Orleans seems to have a lot of building with this feature on top. I think this used to be a grocery store- maybe a First National not Moppets and Gotland Horse, and Ragg Time a clothing store I used to like

tiny building behind another business. I forget what it used to be- maybe a lawyers office.
Banks seems to be struggling what's with that?
this little strip used to be busy- a donut shop but a bit quiet today
more cupolas at Post Office Square
worked at a jewelry shop here almost 20 years ago and very briefly now a consignment shop
Historical Marker- now is it for a man named John Doane Mansion or John Doane's house???
Academy Place
Rock Harbor Academy & Snow Library

nice floral display
Window on the Cove Park nice faraway view LOL on my way back from other photos I decided to explore there are benches there and a slight view of the cove. When I got back here found a tick on my shirt. Probably from that hike. On my way back from that I noticed a stone paved path. shit.

Methodist Church
House across from the Cove Park- oh what a view they must have
other homes and landscaping along the way to Academy Theatre

almost passed these gravestones without notice it is so overgrown. Here they are the ones I have been looking for for about 10 years. Thought it was a statue across the street. Which made no sense. There is a cenotaph in Orleans Cemetery for Elizabeth.

ah then I approach the Academy Theatre property. Kind of sad, but many things seem in disrepair and disappearing. I took ballet lessons here in the Summer of maybe 1979. I remember the first lesson and coming back to Patten lane and experiencing "sweet pain" in my legs. from leaping so much! LOL I used dance then and now to express myself but it also eases depression to keep moving gracefully.

"trash" by the road to the left of the academy

more later- time to hide under the quilts and read

 Turn Me Knot Gallery :)
Then this! What the heck happened to the Academy Grill? I do not do restaurants but I thought it was an extremely popular place. I see it closed in January 2017 and is for sale. Used to be Beth Bishop shop which moved to the left and closed.

Beth Bishop- this too closed.

 YardArm still seems to be going strong- used to be in the 80s - the place to go for a fist fight. Now for the Senior crowd to dine.

 speaking of the 80s- this gas station was where to get your tires filled with air after a visit to North Beach.

 Addison Art Gallery

 French Cable Museum

in the distance where Chatham Furniture had a satellite store and to the right of that Pate's had a restaurant The Cleaver

The the former Peter Hunt Gallery

crossing the street just became safer but more difficult :)

Plaques near Snow Library

back of this building used to be storage for Head & Foot Shops- really miss that store.

This used to be a grocery store maybe a First National- now Moppets, Gotland Horse and Ragg Time . The first two used to be near Land Ho.

CVS was once a movie theatre-  I saw Caligula there, an x rated movie

Red Balloon toy store with no sign!
last but not least the location of where Nonnie's used to be. A small restaurant very popular with locals. Mom and I went in there once she to get a sandwich and me to get toast. They would not sell me toast. I almost pulled a "Jack Nicholson" from Five Easy Pieces and said hold the chicken between your knees.


June 19 2019- Hyannis.
ugh what a drag. Overcast skies and a long list of things to do and look for. Bus was stuffy on the ride down and  whiffs of alcohol on so many before noon. I get it- life is tough.
Got to the Mall and first stop was Barnes & Noble books. I mostly buy used books on amazon or download free books from Project Gutenberg to my first Kindle. I wanted to finally get a paperback version of 1984 by George Orwell. I had read Animal Farm decades before and just never got to 1984. Wow the clerk took me upstairs via the escalator and showed me 2 versions. $17.00 for an older book. ah I don't think so. But things being what they are- even on amazon it is too expensive. Maybe I will catch a Signet edition somewhere. Maybe WalMart LOL
Then walked a bit to Macy's, then through Macy's to get outside and walk to VisionWorks. At first I tried to get there from outside Barnes & Noble but nope- blocked by construction. Get to Visionworks and sensed right off I would be disappointed. They had a special 2 for 59.95. I asked if that included lenses, yes. Any walk ins available for eye exam? no. So I looked at and tried on a few pairs. Finally realizing not all were on sale. Found the ones marked with the sticker and the price and of course none fit. I asked the clerk if there was anything to be done with glasses that had a reflection? nope buy new lenses. okay. exit there. Pissed that the Sears glasses have never been serviceable. grrr
Try to walk to Joann's fabrics. Blocked by construction fences again. So back into the mall and find another entrance - exit. This one by the movie theatres. That was near all the construction for Target in place of where Sears used to be. Looks to be a huge project! Finally get to Joann's fabrics . Get the wide band soft elastic I was looking for. Wandered over to the yarns hoping something was on sale. yup some of the sweet cakes by Red Heart. Then head to check out - but stopping by the beads section first. Wanted large clear crystal- nope- ended up with blue beads that are at least not the size of a grain of sand. Check out. yay she gives me a plastic bag for my purchases. It is damp weather out there. They recycling the bags their merchandise shows up in. whooppee.
Then head back to the mall and wander through taking photos. Not much of interest. Pee and stand outside and eat my GoldFish and wait for the bus. While rummaging for the schedule to see how long I have to wait- the bus sees me and beeps. That is one of the great things. The driver's remember you LOL So wow that was a chatty ride back to the terminal. The women were wondering what kind of twine I had and did I do macrame. no it is yarn for knitting shawls. I asked the driver where the social security office is now. On the first shuttle a couple missed their stop as their phone app had the location on North Street. It has moved to Independence Park!  Nothing like being way out of the way! Got to the terminal and got on the bus back to here. Long ride. I was in the back facing forward for a change but it is a newer bus and wow so hard under my bony ass. I opened a window for air. Back in town after 1:30pm and walked back here lugging my stuff. boy were my arms tired. Had some toast and the second mug of coffee and took a nap. Arms still sore today.

Bus terminal and the trains for the Dinner Train. I could smell food but saw no passengers.

Inside the shuttle bus to the Mall. The couple in front of me panicked when they realized the social security office was not on North Street. The driver told them to always tell the driver where you are headed and they can advise.

to be read while being trampled to death.

The mall
^^^ that is what I saw as I left Barnes & Noble- then back inside to wind my way to Macy's.
back inside the mall to go out the theatre entrance-exit to get to Joann's

Target and the parking lot it is using as storage LOL

Heading back a hint of blue sky over Bass River. It did not last long though.


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