Part 1
September 26 2020
The day started off strangely and continued. Awoke a bit before the 4am alarm. Did the usual routine of wash up unmake recliner start water for tea, exercises etc. Before getting shoes on after exercises I decided to clip my toe nails. Ended up pinching my other hand- the one holding the foot still. The clippers somehow pinched my hand. fuck that hurts and has happened a couple of times before. If I knew what I did I would take notes LOL. Was getting ready to do my 50 minutes of knit and walk and pouring out the last cup of tea and noticed a half circle in bottom of cup that I thought was maybe a formation of tea leaves. Nope it was a long soba noodle from last night's supper. what the fuck? how did that get there. so. toss the rest of the tea. and added water to sip until 7am. If I drink after that I have to pee when I am shopping. so. When I go to get my cereal 40 minutes into my knit and walk. It has to absorb the soy milk ya know LOL I like my cereal soggy. Well I forgot there was water in that tea bowl that I use for my cereal too to save on dishes. And my cereal got briefly pre soaked with water. sputter sputter. drained that and added the soy milk. good grief.Finish breakfast and load up the truck with all the quarantine stuff and I start to get a migraine aura spinning in my eyes. It starts out small like a tiny circle of a coiled zig zag with rainbow, very subtle colors. I cannot drive with that so I have to keep busy and wait for it to expand and go away.ugh. Finally get on the road to Star market.
egads the store is going through a total reset hardly anything is where it was last week. In fact when I had to go back and check on beets at the end of this fiasco the produce was switched and no regular beets. Just organic- which is fine they are smaller. Had a hankering for beets but when the regular ones were too big I kept my eye out for a can of whole beets.hey more surprises. All the cans now seems to need a can opener. I have one but... Finally found the canned vegetables and only the store brand had whole and there was too much sodium so back to produce.
up and down the aisle having to "look" for everything. And a guy passed in front of me with a motorcycle helmet on with the shield down. I tried to catch up to him to see if he had a mask on. Not that I cared- most bikers wear masks. But funny- jokers everywhere. I could not find the Bob's Mills products and needed oatmeal and sunflower seed butter. That entire aisle is gone! Asked at the desk and they are in seasonal department temporarily. Find the oatmeal top shelf and only the organic one which is a dollar more. ( my poor budget) Finally found the sunflower seed butter in the last aisle with peanut butter top shelf. Had to take a picture of it so I would know which to grab.I tried to reach and was about to stand on the bottom shelf when a guy behind me asked if I wanted him to reach it for me. Me: oh yes , oh thank you so very much.

so earlier in this fiasco I was looking for dark chocolate Hershey's kisses. well that aisle is stunning. Like not seeing the forest for the trees. So whipped out the camera and finally saw what I wanted but just the small bag. Ended up with a Hershey bar that I will break up into small pieces and freeze.
so finally check out- bagged my things in the truck and headed back toward the apartment. Stopped and took pix at Pleasant Bay.
this is what I see when I zoom in with my camera to snap the long sail boat LOL
was able to capture this one before the guy behind me came barrelling down the highway!
Sail club pier I guess
decided best come back here after lottery ticket and eat lunch and clean and stay outta trouble
almost forgot - saw a National Grid truck today. close enough :)
September 28 2020
finally reasoned out the soba noodle in my tea. What I thought was an old noodle that was in the dishwater when I washed the tea pot- was actually what happens when I measure out the soba noodles and set them on top of the Pyrex measuring cup. Sometimes one noodle breaks and scatters. That really bothered me, as obsessed as I can get. LOL
October 1 2020
Day started out fine- was having my first small sips of tea on the deck. I couldn't see Venus yet then I was interrupted by the sound of one gun shot off. A hand gun sound not rifle or shotgun- and at 4:45am. I think hunting is restricted to 6am and after. I may be wrong. So back inside I proceed as normally. exercises and knit & walk for 50 minutes and then eat cereal and make out rent check.
Jer finally showed up and I took the check down and the receipt for the gas I bought with the 20 bucks he gave me. I explained blah blah blah about the gas being 18+ bucks and I had put 10 buck in earlier- he tried to make up the difference and I refused. He had been on the phone before this while his men were hitching the trailer to his truck and the chock was stuck. They unstuck it and finally realized it was stuck because the trailer had a flat. So they fixed that. I was upstairs thinking I had not heard from Home Depot about the delivery and asked Jer if he had heard. nope. I looked into it and the stove was due to be delivered between 10am and 2pm. geez if they had called the day before like they said I would have had the stove removed and cleaned. So told Jer and he said not to worry- offer them cash and they will move the stove. So back in here the phone rings and it is Home Depot confirming the delivery and it would be by 12 noon.They showed up and gave me a hard time about removing the stove first- but finally settled for 20 bucks each and then discovered the stove did not come with pig tail plug. So bought one from them total money 55.00 I only had 60. They kept it. While they were removing the stove I tried to clean- they were too quick. so.
Jer showed up at lunch time and connected the pig tail and I cleaned and he returned and pushed the stove in to place.
I cleaned floors again- vacuum and wet mop. Wiped down counters and pulled blue tape off of stove and removed the jammed cardboard inside the oven.One strip back left would not remove completely.
Then got on line and tried to order a gift card to Duluth for Jer. I had asked him earlier if he had use the one I gave him last and he said tonight he was going to sit down and order himself some pants- the masonry work he has done this week ruined two pairs. So the order would not go through in either browser for some reason. It ended up being the address I used for the GM card. ugh. Finally straightened that out. As he was leaving tonight he called up here and thank me.
So during all this I was trying to find out what selections of cotton material and polar fleece was available at Jo Ann Fabrics. good grief they have 10,000 pieces but the page won't go to "next". So I guess I will just have to go in and shop, which I hate.
I will be glad when the stove breaks in as it smells like burning paper in here. Just glad it wasn't delivered during that heat spell.
There are pictures to go with all this rambling but I am too tired. LOL
oh and the initial bad smell was a small square of styrofoam hidden in the front burner. It melted and dripped onto the drip pan and ruined it. Good thing I kept two old drip pans from old stove. grrr
Jer finally used his Duluth egift cards and the mastercard I gave him . Got himself some work pants and suspenders and a lunch box for his work in Provincetown!
so now with the stove pix
October 5, 2020 I still have not heard from Home Depot or GE. How typical.
Bought a bag of apples yesterday to use when breaking in the oven and the other burners. There is still a slight candle wax smell with the front burner I am using now. I have to wait for a clear windy warm day to do that.
October 7 2020 replacement drip pan showed up and was delivered to Jer's desk.
September 29 2020
trimmed/cut my hair again trying to get it all to the same length and at the same time go up in a messy bun with a scrunchie.
September 29 2020
decorated wreath with dried Hydrangea blossoms. After a few days they turned brownish and I stuck artificial Autumn leaves in there.
Also the bird bath was berried this year. Doesn't happen that often.
how nice for the internet server to screw up.
October 3, 2020
recycle, food shop lottery on my way back here passed a trump rally at the lights. I was told later that Black Lives Matter people showed up and were shouting and loud at the Red Nun during the town meeting- I heard and saw nothing. But as I passed the trump people I quickly rolled up my window and turned up the radio- I did not want to hear any of it. Back here to put things away and eat a quick lunch and then get to the town meeting which lasted almost an hour in the direct sun. Then back here to pee and go to Hyannis for Whole Foods, Michaels and Joanns and Target.
Photos out of order
Cranberry bog on the way to Hyannis- nice reflections
another dog not liking me LOL
Bought an outdoor thermometer a few years ago- it was NEVER correct always off by 10-20 degrees. Well the other day when it was in the 40s it read over 90- figured it was time to throw it away.
old Jaguar I saw on my way out of town
went in to Michaels in Hyannis looking for precut material cheap for making masks. The parking lot is always so filthy, trash and dead birds. But cool cloud formations and got to see some "Halloween" stuff inside. The material was all plain drab colors and the place seemed sparse. Quick look at yarn displays in the aisles and blah. So I left.
September 29 & 30 2020
nice moon
back here after errands in Hyannis notice a power washer beside the building. Someone had borrowed it and returned it. How they got it back there I have no clue LOL
Shaw's some new items and my complaints LOL
Complaints outta the way first. They advertise sales on bags of apples 48 cents a pound. great when I looked at them in Harwich the bags are so full you are buying a lot of apples. I ended up getting a sealed bag of macs. The other sale they have are 5.00 for 5 items. Like the peas I love- there are never 5 of the item. I will follow up on that because that is getting screwed. New items to me anyhow was the butterscotch pudding saying no fructose etc. Looking more closely it was instant pudding and had artifical flavors. Probably always did.I was hankering for it but figured I do not need the sugar and I do not eat dessert. I could have made it with soy milk but nah.
sign telling us where the organic are now temporarily in seasonal. And cauliflower sticks yum.
Spencer Health sanitizing wipes. never heard of them and they make you buy such a large container. grrr where is Lysol and Clorox brand?
Now to the town meeting. For the person who bought the Monomoy Theatre property wanted a zone change. It was shot down but took so long ugh But glad I went. And as always when I approach anything there are either cops, ambulances or fire engines approaching LOL I parked near the elementary school and walked I was winded on the way back after climbing the hill to get out of there!
more later- got dishes to do.
Ballot that I used for voting at the town meeting AND as a visor to block the sun in my eyes. Wish they made visored wool hats LOL. Measures 8 inches by 5-1/2 inches
was thinking- the perfect touch to the town meeting would have been for the sprinkler system to come on while we sat there.
October 4 2020
a little bit of Harding's Beach before I get back into the "stove" detail.
so a couple of days ago I baked a loaf tin of water and a cut up Mac apple inside the oven for an hour. I opened all windows and doors and went to "play-work" on the computer and internet was down
so I went outside and puttered in the garden and then sat at the patio table and ate an apple in the sun.
Part 2 of the breaking in of the stove oven was today October 9 2020. Freezing ass cold but I wanted to get it over with filled a saucepan with water and a cut up apple and did a 10 minute boil for 3 burners while another loaf pan of a cut up apple and water baked in the 400 oven. 40 minutes of that and I needed a walk.
My favorite weather- chapped lips and drippy nose. But I walked into the wind for 15 minutes and checked out the neighborhood and junk yard. Too windy to walk the path to the bike path- not fond of falling branches and trees.
apples from the October 6th 2020 roasting.
today's walk
so now back inside with a lovely cold air headache waiting for quinoa to cook.
oh and it appears the puddle is gone!
October 7 & 8 2020
we had a wind storm overnight lost the small birdbath which miraculously reappeared later on Thursday. An 18 wheeler parked across the street over night- the trash barrel waltzed the parking lot and the fisherman's door blew open moving two bricks.
more later need a nap.
October 4 2020
I keep trying to get a decent photo of this lawn ornament- pretty good shot this time
I think it had something to do with tiny village or Lincoln Village in Harwich Port.
okay October 9 2020
TMI warning
too much information for those who hate abbreviations.
I noticed lately that my pubes are flat dry looking and almost straight. Not the curly glossy ones of my youth that I used to call "My Afro" Not that I need it for dry friction/lubrication any more but it is kind of sad. LOL
on that note - why do I confuse firkin with merkin? Firkin sounds more like it should be a furry fake beard.
waiting for supper to cook ta ta
October 12 2020
so yesterday was head banging day. A couple of days ago an exercise ball the size of a ping pong ball, slipped out of my hand while on my exercycle.. I couldn't find it easily with a mop or the fucking vacuum. So I leaned over to reach under a piece of furniture and struck the top of my head on a tabletop. ouch BANG! I did not see stars but I expected an egg and gushing blood. Instead I just reeled a couple of seconds and worried the rest if the day about dementia/Parkinsons. Then again while out from filling birdbath I tuned to walk back here and was clunked in the head by something big- It was a huge branch brought down by one of our many windstorms. So yanked that out of the tree and walked it back to the rough area to toss into the woods and lost my balance. Glad no one was watching.
So around 10am yesterday I decided to finally lay the non slip decals on the shower floor. I had bought them last Spring to decorate my mail box. But long story short- I cannot find the right flip flops to wear in the shower so need the non skid in there. Let me tell you if you hire someone to do that for you expect the labor to be $100.00 an hour. oh the bending over and leaning. holy cow! Probably need a 100 Watt bulb in bathroom for better pix. Amazingly I thought ahead and placed the decals on top of the table in a 23x23 area to see what's what. LOL
and just as amazingly they stayed in place for my shower. The rest of the decals went on my mailbox which looks like crap anyhow with peeling paint- just wanted to add some whimsy. fail LOL
shabby chic
And to add a bit of normalcy- my brother planted 2 mums and a pumpkin out front
The stove still: the oven smells. the burners smell less like burning candle wax after simmering an apple in water on each burner for 10 minutes. I do not remember a new stove being such a laborious endeavor. The oven will take a couple of more break ins before I feel safe in the off gases being gone. grumble grumble.
so with stove fail in mind I rethought getting a crock pot for cooking beans. I hate crockery so when I heard Instant Pots had a stainless steel liner I was sold. Ordering online was fairly easy and pick up at Macys was as well. Except it was a huge box. At least Macys' gives you a 14 day window for pick up! Got there and was in wrong Macy's but saw this cute travel suitcase on wheels. Not that I travel but I can dream right
so get to pick up area in front of mall Macy's and nice gentleman waited on me and offered to carry it out to my car. Thank goodness because it was 18x18x12 and must have weighed 20 lbs. He acted all happy about getting out in the fresh air and I jokingly said I should have parked out back. Then realized I had no cash to tip him. Not that he hesitated. But I was very thankful. I guess the dollar I would have given him would be anticlimactic if I handed it to him later ha ha.
So I get it back here and manage to hobble it to my outside stairs and slowly cut away the cardboard box. Then try to pry it out of the cardboard.. Down to bear bones it had a handle on top and that was easy to carry upstairs. When in the mood- soon I hope- I will read the instruction manual and get cracking.
Now to the fucking bobbin winder at Joanns- long story short the two coupons I had could not be used , not because they were out dated but because I did not jump through more hoops first. I'll leave it at that.
But this all started when I bought some cute material to make more masks from 100% cotton with cloth ties. It was hot all Summer and one day yay I was in the mood to sew. The bobbin winder on the machine stopped working. Imagine this- me being brain addled enough to wind one bobbin by hand. But ran out of thread. Thought oh good grief new machine. Saw the prices and thought screw that. Then good old google- there is such a thing as a separate bobbin winder. I better open it soon and see if it works- and then face that battle later if it fails. that's how it goes.oh and Joanns is so generous as to give you 3 days to pick up.
Just to keep things going in 2020 normal fashion they are digging up the roads in West Chatham for two rotaries to be installed. That stretch of road has been like a roller coaster for 5 years. They better pave it and complete before Winter sets in.
I am sure there is more to bitch & moan about but the old stove was dollied off late yesterday afternoon and I was told the new windows are ordered and will be installed soon. hooooooray!
October 12 2020
earlier this week something magical happened and I had no way of taking a photo. I was out on the deck sipping my usual 14 sips of hot tea and saw what turned out to be the full moon reflecting in the tea! It spins and then morphs into yin yang patterns then settles into the prefect reflection. It's the little things.
October 14, 2020 update on bobbin winder purchase. Finally got a "feedback" email and had a ball explaining my dissatisfaction with them. Coupons, 3 day hold and long wait etc in store for material cutting.
As to that when the people who had at least 5 separate items to be cut finished and coughed their way out of the area. I stood there and watched as the clerk putzed around for a few minutes. I thought she was tidying up but she went to walk away and then looked up and said- oh I didn't see you. ( I had on all the colors of the rainbow). I say Hi and plunk down the bolt and say I would like 1 yard please. She unravels it and says " oh a double wide- you sure you want 1 yard?" - I answered- " It doesn't look like a trailer to me and yes I want one yard." That flew over her head then she says oh you were making a joke. yup and I still want a yard. note I crave human interaction but it is a lot of work. She then sees that there is only 2 inches left on the bolt and give it to me like I won a prize or something. ha ha
so yesterday being rainy I decided to undo some crafty artwork I had done on the skeleton of a lamp shade . It was a mish mash of broken wind chimes and those shell wind chimes those flat almost transparent pastel colored things. Had a spare shade that fit well enough. The mornings are so dark I have 6 lamps/lights on so I can knit and walk. All 25 watts LOL
enough nonsense for now.
October 15 2020
so I was about to refold Winter scarves for the umpteenth time but thought I better pee so I can do that uninterrupted ( maybe). Noticed the toilet seat was crooked A LOT! what the fuck? So I got my fat screw driver to tighten the bolts and of course one bolt would not tighten. That's when I saw the bottom half of it and a nut on the floor (out of comfortable reach I might add) groan. I thought first I could carve down a cork in my collection and shove that in place. Then I thought I have plenty of yarn to secure it. THEN. light bulb on! I think I have some really long zip ties in my tool box. voila perfect. Not even going to cut off the tip sticking up 10 inches. LOL when lid is up there is not change of it poking me. Second thought I may poke an eye out when I clean next. So better cut it. and I might add that it is dangerous to sit on a loose seat- almost lose your balance LOL
and mystery solved on the noise I heard in the middle of the night.
pix later back to scarves.
well as always one task turns into a few others. and the zip tie may be perfect but not permanent- I will be buying another toilet seat. I will measure holes and rim LOL
so then back to the scarves. I figured after dicking around with them for 10 minutes why should I stack things like a normal person- so I have them on end so to speak so I can see at a glance what is there. Did this with hats, socks, more scarves, shawls, cowls, neckwarmers. Cleaned a drawer for my facemask the old one and the newer one were both too shallow. so when that is dried I will organize my masks. One more look as the scarves as I progressed- I decided to recklessly cut the fringe on all of them- it is in the way and makes a messy fold. Not that I am "neat" by any stretch.
black polar fleece scarf that had fringe at least 6 inches long.
blue and plaid scarves trimmed
scarves hats and cowls stored upright
last 4 disappeared hmmm
try again
so all the cut off fringe went into a tall glass vase. I never throw away anything colorful.
all for now.
October 16 2020
before this incident loses its charm I want to get it down.
I have two front windows and am up and about all day long either pacing- knit&walking or just plain looking out the windows. There's a guy who shows up to work below ( not landscaping) who parks his car and seems to take a long time getting out of the vehicle. Never gave it a thought until this morning. A small interior light is on but not so I can see his face or anything. This morning he gets out and walks to the rough strip and tosses the contents of a tall coffee to go cup on to that area. One thing I have never understood is why people by a drink and never finish it. But this was not the case. It was piss! When I walked out to fill the bird bath by the road I could smell it. Feeling cheated. Usually when guys pee here I get a sneak peek at the elephant trunk tip and the last drop being shaken off. Hope we get that rain predicted.
sorry no pix.
back later
October 20, 2020
wow a whole 4 days away from blog. Doesn't mean a lot of annoying shit hasn't happened in those 5 days- but I must post in a new post about Pumpkins in the park so...
well now my excuse is that supper is almost ready. Just want to say I still have not read the Instant Pot manual and still burning off the new oven. Latest attempt was to roast dried rosemary stems in the oven for 40 minutes. Then today I steamed it and then roasted rosemary then dried it out. still smells.
Still have not opened the bobbin winder either.
October 14 2020
Been needing more light in the morning so when I knit & Walk I am not dropping so many stitches. Decided to dismantle my crafty artwork on the skeleton of the shade on the lamp from Pier 1. I might add the lamp has attempted to kill me a few times. Not a broad enough base and it is heavy. But hey it is light now. From it at first I had hanging earrings I no longer wear and chimes from broken wind chimes and those flat shells that are pastel colored. I had done a yarn wrap around the entire skeleton a few years ago. wow that was tedious. So had a spare shade that is small but good enough. Made use of the dismantles as window decorations.
the decorations elsewhere. Taken with and without flash- curious how it views here. from October 20 2020
Okay October 17 2020
day to fill out ballot and submit it. Drove to town hall after recycling at the dump. Opened the door to the ballot box and dropped the ballot in. Something told me to check like I do mailboxes and yup it was still on the ledge. You have to reach in deep and find the slot and stick it in the slot and make sure it goes down and does not show. good grief.
Earlier that morning, just to prove I am not 100% rant & rave- the beautiful colors out by the bird feeder.
Heading to the ballot drop there is a digital sign flashing the mask rules etc for Main street to School street Almost impossible to take a photo LOL wonder if anyone has paid a $300.00 fine?
now to one of the major kickers for that day. I use lip balm all the time. Morning noon night. I always make sure my lips are clean before use. It is a habit. I do it without looking or USED to. Imagine my horror when I went to use it that morning egads! what the fuck? Not that old I usually toss them after 2-3 months. This was not a favorite. Cherry Chap stick is the best. Or Carmex but that you use your fingers.
a marsh scene to break the monotony of bitching.
rt 28 at 8:30am
while out below doing whatever I saw a pot of lobelia that was getting grim so I decided to uproot it and cultivate the soil. Too lazy to come inside and grab a trowel I grabbed the 70+ year old shit shovel. As I was using it a bee was following my motions around my arm. At least I thought it was a bee. It was a spider and an orb weaver and an orange beauty! I haven't seen one here in years. It took up residence in the handle wood then disappeared.
ah enough of this tonight- time to read Mysterious Island and nap.
October 17 2020
so back to the new toilet seat install. Unwrap it and grab the nuts and bolts and they do not go together. Some new fangled way to do something. I take it down to Jer and he shows me how to push the bolt through and then rest it on the toilet and spin the nut on. He offered to do it but I wanted to do it myself. After a lot of fumbling I realize I have to push the bolt and make it snap into the hole then slide that odd shaped cover over it and then do the nut. On the package it says. "never loosens" bullshit. I gather it will be a daily weekly thing to check the tightness. oh joy
and did I mention it turned out to be a split seat? Yes in tiny print on the front "open seat". Never thought it would have been an option. Thought that would only be businesses and schools etc. But then I remembered I was in Mid Cape Lumber and that is for contractors. And the clerk who sold it to me said to make sure the measurements were correct- once opened no returns. oh well no big deal less to clean. But that lid is heavy!
so that's done.
October 17 2020
now to the thermos I bought to keep my morning tea hot. Peeling off the stickers and labels saw that the edge of the lip cover was jagged and broken. >sigh< The lid was also very hard to remove, and once off hard to line up if you drank from left or right. good grief! Washed the thermos and boiled some water to warm it up then tested it. Seemed to keep it "just warm" after an hour. Next morning I tried it with my tea. BIG FAIL. not even hot after you pour some into a cup and wait 30 minutes. SO. I had contacted them via internet and attached photos and all. They finally get back to me and do not have spare parts but will send me another thermos and would I describe what happened and send photos. And they do not have that color.. I replied that it does not keep things hot and I will return it to the store for a refund. wish me luck with that. I do have the receipt.
October 18 2020
Did laundry and walked and also checked out Pumpkin People in the Park. That is a separate post. But other tidbits along the way. The bookstore Yellow Umbrella Books across from the Pumpkin People Park.
Sundance Jeans at the other end I guess did this decorating. Makes you smile!
trying to read the inscription in the poured concrete.oh MV CV
Oyster Pond scene
The obligatory mask tossed
stylin' in the strip of stores where we used to have a coffee and donut shop
and a clipper ship
and that phone pole still not replaced.
October 19 & 20,2020
bought an iron over a year ago. I remember in one of the reviews someone complaining about the base of the cord being a problem. Seeing as it was the only one I could afford on amazon and it was purple I took a chance. The iron is good enough, but does not get HOT which is maybe a good thing as I "hesitate" while ironing and have crumpled some fabrics LOL. But I really need to get an iron rest I no longer have trivets or I would use them. It makes the iron topple if the board is nudged even slightly. Amaze myself at how quickly I can retrieve!
then I dismantled the outdoor hand held shower in hopes of having the use of it upstairs. Wouldn't you know last night was warm and muggy and an outdoor shower would have been delightful. oh well
so when feeding the birds I noticed some additions leaning on the end bay's outside wall. A rain barrel and fencing. Mentioned it to Jer and they are his. Not sure how I missed that action! Maybe I was food shopping.
so either Monday or Tuesday- I was ironing in the sun room and came out into the front room and looked out the window! ah just caught sight of someone moving a boat trailer. I quickly dragged the iron and board into the front room so I could watch what happened.
Back story. For a few years the fishing vessel Yellow bird has been below from November to May about for repairs. You know it is Winter when that happens. It is kind of comforting. At the same time a brother-in-law or some relative of a bay owner parks his boat at the end slot here near my mail box. The boat always reeks of dead fish. He always borrow the water here. First few years he did so without asking and used MY SIDE. Which is MY hose and nozzle. Two years in a row he turned off the tap too tightly and broke it. So finally he ended up using the water from Jer's side through Jer's bay. I would go down after he hitched up his hose and then turn on the water he would alert me when done so I could turn the water off. He has always annoyed me, reminds me of someone creepy. But I have always been nice to him and joke. So! I watch and iron and the truck and boat finally appear. I grab my keys phone and camera and hope to catch him before he parks permanently. Because- all Summer the trailer has been a slot over and that would interfere with the Yellow bird and thereby interfere with 3 other slots below. Already the trailer closest here is parked on a line. One of Jer's workers almost backed into that trailer the other day because it was "off" we are used to certain items to zero in on to back up. Disaster avoided when he heard a crunch LOL. So I get down there and saunter over and motion for them . A woman gets out! Surprise it is the bay owner and her daughter. I ask if they would park as close as possible to the grass on the side. since there are 4 other boats coming in. She answers "I have been doing this a few years and know where to park" I got the inference and checked my mail. I noticed they straightened out to be closer. ( phew) and I said I better get out of the way- or lay down as a marker for them to back up. I laughed. they chuckled. Waiting for feedback on me interfering and being a "Karen/Caren"
oh well.
so! October 21 2020
Finally opened the bobbin winder and did 2 bobbins. First one was a disaster and over wound and wrapped around the spindle. I wondered if the sold a bobbin unwinder. what a mess and waste of thread! It sounded like it clicked into place but... So did the unwind by "walking the dog" like a yo yo trick.
The winder is very cheaply made and a light weight plug- we will see.
The instructions which are very poorly illustrated have this caution LOL
"This appliance is not intended for use by persons ( including children) with reduced physical,sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety."
ha ha that hurts.
October 21 2020
did the oven again- this time I wiped it out again and wiped the racks. Ran it for 40 minutes with rosemary stems. and it still smells. I may have to sacrifice a baked potato and break it in that way. groan.
October 29 2020
other things to post about but just have to insert here that I have asshole neighbors all around. Trying to adapt my exercise routine to the less daylight hours. Switched from after supper walk to before supper. 10 rounds 20 minutes. did 5 rounds and the black car racer blasted through with truly deafening noise and noxious fumes. I almost puked it was so intense and horrible. Covered my nose and mouth and got back in here. The smell was everywhere. okay that was a couple of days ago. Then this morning I come in here to start the computer and the room reeked of garbage.It was raining. I immediately thought it was one of the guys below leaving a lunch out on the counter and slowly rotting. I am also being invaded by sugar ants those tiny pale red ants. So I got out there when the rain let up and it is the fucking dumpster at the health club. They know their dumpster is emptied on Wednesdays and has been for years but I heard and then watched them late Wednesday tossing bags of trash in the dumpster. ugh The weather is cooler and it still stinks. grumble grumble
October 29 2020 continued
A few days earlier than normal I winterized the front windows. Washed them on the inside applied the clear plastic sheeting to the outside and secured top and bottom by closing the window on it. Hung the Winter curtains which are polar fleece. It has been just too damp and cold to suffer through another chilled night. Turned the heat on in the sun room last night and turned the heat on late last night in the front room. Hung the fleece curtains in the sun room but did not hang the plastic as those two windows and the 2 over the kitchen sink are supposed to be replaced from previous storm damage. Though seeing as it is almost November and I have heard no definite date on the replacement I will "winterize" the rest of the windows this week and re do if necessary. No rush on the window replacements as long as the old remain shut! Restless night's sleep. Nothing I was reading was capturing my interest. Bundled short stories- finish the Poe one and that was fine the next was a Hemingway and what a fucking bore. So then it is PG Wodhouse. okay Tried reading Fanny Hill but that is on the old Kindle and I need good light so have to stick with the Kindle Fire which is back lit. woke with a head ache. woke twice to pee.
October 30 2020
good grief it is so damp windy rainy raw all that fun stuff. The rain let up- just as I was ready to cave for a nap. So I went below and sprayed the vents in the truck. wiped the windows, sprayed the upholstery and wiped off the steering wheel dashboard and doors. I will redo in the morning- just wanted to get the worst out of the way. Washed down the floor mats with detergent and hot water from the shower. Got my snail mail. Then turned off the shower water from the inside and checked it. We are supposed to dip to the 30s and black ice tonight. Had some hot cocoa after that..
That's it on the non photo news for now.
back to the bobbin winder- went to youtube and searched and found a video that helped immensely. I was able to rewind new bobbins from the fat overwind. phew. and there is a tension adjustment that is not mentioned in the box.
October 23, 24 2020
was finally able to revisit a favorite hike- sun was out , no cold wind in face and warmish. I was curious if I had the energy for it since it had been so long It is out to the Chatham/Harwich marker in the woods. Those photos will post in Hikes.
But headed to shop saw an interesting stack of pipes in Orleans. wonder is each town has different colors LOL
went below to feed the birds and someone has pissed on the pea( no pun intended) stones in my shower area. grrr Hosed that down with soap and water.
sun shining on my red beads added to table display. ( that was rearranged with winds on 11-3-2020
very cool web by the stairs- hard to photo but I tried.
gotta eat supper- later
October 24 2020
food shop the trip there. It was overcast and the water cal,- Pleasant Bay was so beautiful and then way back to Chatham Ryder's Cove was sunny! Like they say, if you do not like the weather in New England- just wait.
a nice little break from my rants.
back later
time for supper
November 5 2020
winner of the election still up in the air.
It is disheartening to see that there are 54,000+ votes for ron beaty. and kanye west gets 60,000 and this is HIS first time voting. People just do not take their vote seriously. That frosts MY ass. as to why people vote for trump I think it is the fact that he is not a politician ( bad in my opinion) and he is a showman. They love that. They do not give a flying fig what his policies are or who he hurts. Like loving ice cream but have a severe milk allergy and eating it anyhow and then getting sick. >end of rant<
time to hide under the quilts and read
October 25 2020
In the constant battle to take my mind off covid and the election I try to squeeze in some adventure or discovery into my shopping for food excursion.Coming down Monument road a few months ago I noticed a small island in the middle of a lake/pond. Did the google map thing to find out the name. Mecca Island in Pilgrim Lake. But how to get there. I saw one road that seemed to be a one lane thing where I might have to back out for a distance LOL. In my mind's eye it seemed to be accessible from Arey's Pond Boatyard. Haven't been down THAT road in maybe 50 years. So ventured down there. good grief talk about dead ends! Even getting to Arey's Pond boatyard looks like a narrow road. But got down there and saw no island in the distance. But finally saw Arey's pond. so there is that.
Quite busy little neighborhood- the cranberry people are almost at the end and hidden
I will keep trying and eventually see Mecca Island up close!
So same day I drove up to Fort Hill hoping it would work its magic and make me feel good. I left there feeling annoyed with humans. All parking spots were full- I squeezed into an end spot and could not back in like usual so I could exit easily! I walked to a point and turned back. It was slightly overcast. People were parking along the sides of the road up to the lot.grrr. Oh well maybe some other day. In the middle of Winter :)
to top off the day- there is a political sign way up in a tree- difficult to see and read- but it is there. another like it with a big flag was road level but now gone.
October 26 2020
got up at 4 am per usual and checked outside for the weather and then went to pee. Didn't turn on the light but as I sat I saw something huge move on the baseboard heat! I love spiders and never kill them- but this one was too big for both of us to be in the same area. He eventually was released out on the kitchen deck and ran like he was delighted . LOL
time for lunch
November 1 2020
Sunday clocks changed and I had laundry to do up and down rt 28 4 times. I had been seeing political signs out of the corner of my eye for a while and never a chance to catch a photo.
That row was to the right of the I WON'T VOTE 4 HATE
this was at the entrance to the Cornfield. At first they way it is designed looks like bashing trump. But meaning is made clear by the top message.
October 31 2020
food shop. new floor! Repressed an asthmatic tickle / cough the entire time I was in there. Thank goodness it was only produce. But it did "smell". But wow the store is a vast improvement.
November 3 2020
so after freezing my ass off each night trying to sleep even with multiple layers of bedclothes I decided it was time to "Winterize" the windows. Of course the next day hot weather returned and I was trying to figure out how to get air circulating in here.. Today November 10th I pulled the clear plastic sheeting up on the left hand kitchen window screen and cracked that window open. I was baking for the first time, at last!, some sweet potatoes and what turned out to be an old white turnip. to the compost heap that goes.
Kitchen window is pink with black kitties
washed the inside of the front windows and had to seal the locking seam with purple duct tape. There was such a draft through the lock!
the sunroom
November 6 2020 went for a walk on the bike path heading towards Sam Ryder road. Still too many people around! LOL only thing of interest was the bittersweet and the red berry bushes.
That night noticed the tree out front is naked of leaves.
My food shop days are always "interesting"
Looks like they baste the street lines now
Star Market was a little less smelly with the new floor, thank goodness. Noticed these sugary cereals while I was searching for store brand Grape Nuts which are a dollar less. nope
so then I head back and on my way to get lottery ticket see this antic . I sat there and wondered what he wanted to do and when he would do it. He finally moved into a spot. Could have been a she also.
then! I get to Cumberland Farms and I usually park on the outside rim- well this boater made that impossible. So I got to park on the side of the building near a car with the door left wide open. But did see a National Grid truck pull into the school parking lot. >drool<
oh but I am saving the best for last. It happened before the Cumberland Farms stop. No photos as I was too shook up. But the "No Parking Horses"
were off to the side
so I visit the family plot and decide to drive a couple of the older roads in search of a Cynthia Hammond stone- I was pretty sure it was near the edge of one of those roads and I would be able to read it if I faced towards the post office area. So I am driving slowly and cross a street and hear the bang on the truck door and see an animal run by. I gasped and stopped the truck and wondered what the heck was going on. I could barely see but it was two dogs running around the truck. I wondered where the fuck the owner was when a woman approaches with 2 red dog leashes hanging from her neck.. She tried to get the dogs to obey. and I heard her say that they were not her dogs. I wanted to blast her for not having them on a leash but my brother's name and phone number are all over the truck and she could be a customer of his. grrr. She finally has them in hand and I slowly move away hoping there was not a third one under the truck. Good grief.
Beautiful Viburnum- burning bush at the entrance here on my way back to unload food.
so back here I unload food wipe it off and have my coffee and cookie which I am famished for about now. Finished my email chores and clean the apartment and have lunch and head for Hyannis for Whole Foods and my soy milk supply for a month. I had gone through 3 masks already and washed one when I got back and it was dry and ready to be ironed and taken with me.
Whole Foods is not overly busy so it was a somewhat quick trip in & out. BUT I am standing in line for express and when my turn comes up the cashier has to pull down her mask and wipe her nose pull mask back up and a tiny squirt of Purell and rub those hands together in a flash and she waits on me. I had 4 soy and a box of wheat free pasta. I aimed the barcodes at her to scan. I did not need a bag. but jeepers people There are protocols for all she did. I see this everywhere.
so on my way back here I passed the old Mitchell's Steak House site and the old VFW- both of which were torn down a while ago. Now there are structures there that look like concrete fortresses. wonder what is going in there.
and Johnny Yees of old days and recently a cafeteria sort of place
November 8 2020
Saturday and Sunday were such gorgeous weather. I ventured down to Harding's Beach before lunch time climbed a dune and took photos. Delightful
people doing their thing.
quite a climb up & down
behind the bays November 8 2020
something has fallen back there- too overgrown for me to check.
November 9 2020
seems like no matter what I buy the past few years it is a huge disappointment , defective, or not what the picture looked like. In person or online. So I needed ankle socks for my sneaks. The Dr Scholl's that I had from Sears from 2006 finally wore out. Tried to replace them and all examples were mock ups . Then I found these. Colorful cute looking. Description sounded about right. comfortable non binding ankle. NOT they were so tight I hesitated to wear them. I even tried to make one pair into a face masks from a suggestion on youtube. That failed. So they sat in the drawer for almost a year. Tried them on again the other day and they were worse! So I decided to cut the ankle band part off and use those as scrunchies for my messy bun that keeps my face mask up. I always need those! And the socks will be tolerable now. Finally did find Dr Schools but they have changed. but they will have to do.
supper time
November 12 2020
Last night while doing dishes and listening to PIXY because I need rock for getting sleeves wet. An ad came on praising veterans and the military etc and then they identified themselves as The Trump Store. I cringed. I never knew there was such a thing the address I think was somewhere in Falmouth area. My take on that was he is still campaigning like since 2016. Ingrained in our subconscious. Propaganda pure and simple. I just wanted to scream.
While doing dishes last night I heard what sounded like shattering glass. I looked out all the windows and saw nothing. Happened a second time. Same result. This morning I saw what made that sound- an elaborate window decoration had slipped from the window and landed on sill ( first noise) then landed on the floor- (second noise). ah but there is more. I open the freezer and see items teetering on the edge. So I guess we had an earth tremor again.
The noise and rumbling here and construction is so constant and never lets up I guess I do not feel earthquakes or earth tremors all the time they happen.
Case in point a super RV and trailer were parked out by my mailbox for about an hour. It was a low rumble that I tried to identify. The curtains were closed for my nap earlier. Otherwise I would have seen it first off. Hope the fucking mail was delivered.
November 17 2020
Looks like I should catch up on my complaints without photos! Of course it was wet damp drizzly when I cleaned up the truck Friday night before supper. But got it done. Next day saw Jer and asked his schedule for the upcoming week and gasoline was discussed. He wanted to get gas in the truck on Saturday afternoon. I , having only these two precious days to do my thing offered to get gas because I did not want to pin myself down to being here at a certain time. So he gives me his rewards card and debit card and I go to Meservey's station. After repeated tries the rewards card did not work- later explained by the clerk that the construction of the roundabouts interfered with that and they had to wait for someone from Providence to arrive. So I decided to skip there and went back to apartment office and told Jer what happened. He gave me 20 bucks and I did the gasoline after food shop at Cumberlands. BUT the tank would not fill. So got $9.96 in gas and was given 10.03 in change. They can't even do change right but I was not about to challenge it because it was the same clerk that waits on me with an attitude AND wears her mask below her nose . I fucking give up.
Was able to check out Stage Harbor Harbormaster office and what is going on there. Had to go back after laundry on Sunday to get a better view of the dredge. That and photos in another new post in this blog.
Made a mask on Monday and broke the sewing machine needle in doing so. Seems the presser foot was loose. oh joy . replaced that and finished the mask. Maks collection will be another post and I will link here.
But here is the broken needle and the mask LOL I am smiling behind that mask. ha ha.
link to mask post
Mask making in blog
November 15 2020
we had a wicked wind and rain storm. Some pix from that
November-December 2020
the parking lot below is turning into a boat storage yard.
coming back from Brewster on rt 137 notice a big sign on a building for Biden & Harris.
Always pleasant seeing a cool car in the parking lot when food shopping
November 21 2020
One of my sun catchers outside fell apart- so I restrung both. No mean task getting the beads off the wire. LOL Not easy to photograph either. ha ha
November 23 2020
so I eat an orange every morning , a small one if they are decent or half of a large navel. Some days the body craves one mid afternoon. Sometimes they peel easily in one piece in a "globe" a duplicate of the orange without the flesh. Well this one was not that easy. but I went out on the deck to eat it and let it drip there. Come back in and have a good laugh over the shape it is in on the counter. LOL
Peeled orange penis.
Just notice the photo that had the flash go off looks like a cum shot.
November 25th was rock washing day & dusting yikes the dust
Rock washing
That morning the bird bath froze in a beautiful icy disk
boatyard below
November 28 2020
headed to Brewster to walk in a cemetery end of Tubman saw a first for me- a person riding a bike in the middle of the lane like a vehicle. It is legal- just had never seen it before- and wow pick up speed once on 6A!
November 25 2020
the tree out front is covered with lichen this year!
so on the 26th ready to jump out of my skin I went for a walk to see if I could figure out what all the equipment noise was- like brush cutters, saw nothing it was drizzling on the way out and poured halfway through the walk- I got soaked! Trying to figure out where and when to walk when I do not need a mask.
parking lot bonus- what it turns out to be is a vaping thing which a friend on facebook called a "douche flute ". They sure get creative with their litter here. When I used to walk the loop I would find birth control , condoms, morning after stuff, used needles, little nips, you name it- it has been tossed out a window here.
douche flute
walk to the health club roundabout area- so destructive of everything.
next day it cleared and I was still itchy pants for exercise so I walked
the path at the sewer plant. I need to take my clippers next time. We
have lost so many trees in this rough area.
November 29 2020
saw a bone in the parking lot and picked it up with my grabbers and placed it on top of the old stump. It was gone the next day. Today I saw it in the grassed area for parking and threw it away not about to play games with a bone and animals or people LOL
looks to be a turkey part
December 1, 2020
Bought an Instant Pot at Macys a couple of months ago. Just in case the stove failed and was not replaced in time. Well it sat on the counter for weeks, no concentration left for reading a manual. But finally did and took it apart and cleaned it and cooked orange beets.Using the slow cooker feature. But it is not like a slow cooker. LOL Definitely a lot to learn but it will be second nature eventually. And finally get to breakdown the boxes and recycle those
got it mostly to cook beans- my boil over specialty.
cartons oh how my kitties would have loved these!
December 5 2020
shopping day for food. Pouring rain and wicked winds. I got soaking wet twice. Winter jacket is still drying out. But that's nothing new. I started out loading the truck with all the necessities of mingling with the public. Had to clean up litter in the parking lot and headed out. Then the deluge and all puddles were deep. If it was my old Saturn I would of turned around and said screw it. Took the long winding route to the store. Parked the truck as far from humans as possible and headed in. Cough drop in mouth and mask on and disinfectant wipe in hand for carrier. No small carriers so was stuck with big one.The brain is just not in gear no matter what with all this going on No small bag of carrots so I got sweet potatoes, The broccoli was cut on a slant- so wonder what that is all about. At least it was firm and looked good. Aisles are all one way and they have arrows on the floors. I went down the tea aisle forgetting to look closely at my list and passed by the vanilla caramel tea I like. Next aisle is cereal and I needed Grape nuts. There were two women at the beginning of that aisle one in a wheelchair and she pulled down her mask to sneeze. I passed that aisle and the next because I would be going in the wrong direction. heard her sneeze again in another aisle. So I quickly moved on to other places skipping 3-4 aisles. Noticed most outside vendors I saw had their noses hanging over the mask. grrr. Finally have gotten everything on my list but the cereal and the tea and head to check out. I keep my distance and am behind a man asking for a pen to fill out his check. The cashier says " You would think in times like this, a pandemic, you would not want to use a public pen.". That's when I noticed the cashier has his mask tied at the top but the bottom strings were waving around and the bottom part was loose. Then to add insult to injury the packer shows up- coughs and pinches at the outside front of her mask and handles the customer's bags. MY TURN and I quickly say " I pack my own" but not quickly enough she is touching my things anyhow and handing me a paper bag. grrr. Need one bag for things that cannot get wet and how can I refuse. I guess I gave her a glare as she backed off. I am tossing my purchases in the carrier and the cashier say have you put in your phone number just as I am approaching the pad. he asks again and I motion with both arms- like shut up and get away from me as I punch in my number. he says "Is that a yes?" Get out of the store without kicking anyone with my Merrels. Miracle. So unload groceries after washing hands and wash them again after returning the carrier. Head to Seaside then Cumberland Farms in Chatham. And the same clerk as always with mask below her nose. She is friendly this time though. Rather she be a bitch and pull that mask up. So after all that and getting soaking wet twice I decide to put off Hyannis until Sunday. wish me luck.
Saw this truck in Star parking lot- I have a cousin in California who married a Dietz. Funny thing as I drove around the truck taking pictures it looked like the driver was slinking down in his seat to avoid me- I was not stalking him just wanted a photo of the sausage treats. Which sound disgusting by the way, to me only I am sure.
so the storm got worse and the winds were unreal. Lights flickered all night long. I slept with the night table lamp on in case the power went out- when it came back on it would awaken me. I used to fall asleep reading and the light would shine on my face or arm and I would sleep well. Strange this. I feel guilty though like it is a waste of electricity.
But I am saving the best part for last. I cooked my supper of carrots, peas and Green beans French cut. Hate that style but they had nothing else grrr. I was eating my "greens" ( I eat the carrots first) and second mouthful was something sharp in my mouth. I pulled it out, wondered for a minute what the fuck it was, then continued eating I was so famished. Took pictures of it and posted on facebook asking what they thought it was. Most answer mocked my concern- a few said looked like plastic and frozen foods go through so many steps before getting to me- little wonder there are foreign objects in the bag. So I have that piece in a bag and will freeze it with the beans and return it NEXT week if I remember. Hope wholefoods had green beans!

So since I mentioned getting soaking wet twice that made me forget to check the trash barrel and secure it from the winds we had. This morning out on the deck in the drizzle looked below while sipping my tea and gasped. There was the trash barrel on its side lid open enough to let trash seep out and blow around. Finally got below to check it out and was unable to get it back up. I did clean up the trash. Then noticed the office door open. That explains why my "sunroom" was warm without the sun this morning. yikes! So closed that. Jer was here a few minutes ago sounded like he was installed a dead bolt or something to slide across and hold the door shut. He rectified the trash barrel and that is back in its corner for the time being.
link to mask making post in droptstitchditdit
Link to poncho & hat making
back to the French cut green beans. I returned them to the store and got my $1.25 back. That change got tossed on the table in front here and I didn't realize until a week later that it was one of the America The Beautiful collection for 2020 that I did not have. In fact I am missing many from 2018-19- 20. US Virgin Islands Salt River Bay
US Virgin Islands Salt River Bay
December 6 2020
the results below in the wind storm. The trash barrel traveling so far and being over turned! I could not get it upright but I could stuff the trash back in.
the block that is supposed to keep trash barrel in place LOL
Wychmere Harbor the next day beautiful!
December 9 2020
doesn't look like much but very slippery under foot.
December 13 2020
a drive down to Bass Hole- Grays Beach
trash receptacle gone from the "cage " it was in but still used for trash. People!
dim light but still beautiful
December 13 2020
boats in parking lot
December 15 2020 boats and trailers were shuffled around and Yellow Bird arrived for the Winter.
then of course the winds raised hell with the trash barrels again.
December 13 2020
Came back from errands and saw this!Thought Jer was called off on an emergency so I was about to clear the area and close down the bay and turn off water. He showed up. he left in a hurry hoping to get back in time to wash his truck while still light out!Almost!
that white clump was Marty's blanket sopping wet from Kar's car.
same day- looks like Mill Pond flooded Bridge Street briefly.
Dece,ber 13 2020
trip to Trader Joes for a gift card Long line to wait in but a nice day and not too cold and people did the distancing thing. But there is a big sign saying to NOT shop in groups. of course people bend the rule. And I noticed Trader Joe's idea of sanitizing the carriers is just wiping the handle. That's okay I did not need a carrier and I usually bring my own wipes and wipe off all grocery items when I get back here anyhow. oh well. Nice collection of butt views LOL
lastly a soggy wet facemask litter.
On way back to here passed this display on Upper County Road
December 25 2020
well since I finally got the Instant Pot going thought I would try baked potatoes in it. In reassembling it I found I was missing a crucial part- the tiny plastic red float valve. So since this has turned into a nightmare rant worth it own separate post I will post a link here to it once I am done. if ever.
Link to Instant Flop blog post
Just a reminder to myself to NOT buy this brand again. It turns into a disintegrating rope after 5 seconds of being wet. The next no name pack will likely be just as bad but the stores give us no choice.
December 19 2020
food shopping. People shopping in groups unnecessarily. grrr. cart on one side of the aisle and them standing dreamily wondering what to buy on the other side of the aisle.
Big snow pile in parking lot!
and a new bread I will not likely buy but looked good and hardy.
Decemeber 22 2020
went out to feed birds and fill bird baths. A few weeks ago someone pissed in this same bird bath by my mailbox. such insanity.
Then this morning I find this- which looks like ink. grrr
link to foreign objects in food post
Foreign objects in food
December 23 2020 I delivered the truck to Matt's for maintenance and walked back- this is what I net up with. I hesitated and made myself known and covered my face and he still blew debris. An asshole to end 2020.
gee photo never posted! glad I did not empty the "trash bin"!
Had two chores to round out the year. Replace the purple duct tape at the front windows that blocked the draft etc. Well after a few weeks they got so wet the tape stopped doing its job. Was racking my brain for solutions that were cheap and available. Decided to cut up strips of baby blankets that I had from trying to make face masks. Perfect and very flexible and they stay in place even in a windy stormy day.
Then to totally round out the year in symbolism- Edvard Munch
this reflection appeared on the kitchen counter a little before lunch on December 29 2020
now on to 2021 rants and other blog posts!
ah forgot- I finally caught up with Jer and asked where the shower parts were. Sanitized those before the end of the year. Waiting for the day in April-May-June when the outdoor shower can be turned on again!
took a week for them to dry and be put in their bowl.