Rants part 1 2021
July 10
driving through post office parking lot jam packed.
took photo then back here realized there is a reflection of the tail
lights in the windshield wipers.
Seaside new entrance blocked again but at least I was able to drive each side
coming back from errands- two truck parked around the roundabout- not like the one doesn't own enough property to park.
and Mom's poor plant- suffers through droughts, torrential rains and fierce winds.
July 11
I was told that no plumber is allowed to installed dual turn off&on controls on any plumbing. Then I find this in the recycles. It was installed by a private person though not a plumber. Maybe some day.
July 16 Diet and Sleep
Yesterday woke up disgusted with my fat self. One look in the mirror and I look like the Pillsbury Dough boy. Have been out of shape since I was fired from Sears in 2006 that is also when my sleeping patterns changed to awake every 2 hours. I tried, after Dorian died, to remove bread from my diet and felt lighter. Then seemed like I was losing muscle tone. So gradually I was adding bread back to my diet. I was enjoying Pepperidge Farm 100% whole wheat bread- one slice toasted brown after breakfast cereal. Lunch time I had one slice of toasted Pepperidge Farm Pumpernickel Dark after my quinoa or soba noodles or beans. Supper was special as I boil my vegetables and drink the broth after supper and dunk a Star Market toasted round bread in it. So things worsened when I finally got my appetite back from the Vertigo-migraine I had in June 2019. Took over a year. All through the pandemic lock down I comforted myself with 12 Gold Fish crackers. Quickly increasing to 25 then just a heap of them after breakfast. I was reasoning that my body was craving salt and that is why they tasted so good. LOL I also was unconsciously increasing the vegetables I was eating at night going from half a cup of cut green beans to a full cup same with the peas. Broccoli I went from 5 stalks if small to 7 if large. outta hand! Worst part of starting a new dietary regimen is one day and you see no results you think you have failed. It would help immensely if I could get out for a 20 minute walk each day. But the crazy drivers, the winds or the heat prevent that. Before this I was always able to walk. But the car fanatics here seem to think that blowing smoke and burning rubber is okay and driving erratically . I still do my 40-50 minute knit and walk routine inside before breakfast after I have done my walking and ball exercises and 10 minutes on the exercycle and then 15 minutes of chi gung. Hope I can remain calm and stick with this. I was ready to cry.
oh almost forget. I was reading about grapes and grape juice. Since fresh fruits are so hard to come by. One week peaches are great next not so much, same with oranges, apples etc. I stopped drinking juice because it was so expensive. Rather have a piece of fruit. So we had a hot spell- really brutal and humid and I was hankering for a popsicle. I would never trust a commercially made one so wanted to do a juice. Concord grape seemed the best bet and I could not find my popsicle set here. So when shopping I looked for popsicle sticks- none, small bathroom dixie cups. too expensive. saw plastic cups in a pack of 20 with lids- 5 ounces. Got those. The juice was not available in juice boxes so had to buy a 64 ounce bottle. The article also mentioned that a small amount of grape juice before bed would help with sleep.. So I froze 10 cups and the rest I will drink. Haven't had the frozen yet but did the juice in a small cordial glass one night before bed. Well it created phlegm like I had eaten a bowl of ice cream. LOL BUT went to bed at 9:30pm and slept through to 3am. a record for me. Usually awake every 2 hours to pee or read restlessly. So that was nice. Second night I decided to drink it earlier and more seeing if that would give me a full night of sleep. nope was awake every 2 hour.s. Did the small cordial glass again last night and was awake every freaking hour all night long.. I needed a nap after lunch and that was interrupted by am air compressor priming. I give up.

July before the above
I turn on the computer while I am doing chi gung so it has 15 minutes to get going. This one morning I pressed the long narrow tab to start and nothing happened. no white light no noise nothing. So I turned it upside down removed the battery counted to 20 and put battery back and tried again. phew that worked. Really in no mood to laptopshop.
forgot the popsicles. LOL
July 9
mess from the wind and rain storm
July 13
still Spring cleaning. Gathering clothing to donate to thrift shop at the dump. Muted Stripe shirt, was Mom's, handmade hat
blue dress shirt mine for when I briefly worked at Blockbuster
and blue pinstriped shirt Mom's
socks I bought that were too tight. and dress- long black with fancy decorations
Pink Margueritaville hat and pink socks that were less than 2 bucks and too tight.
July 13
after supper, after dishes went out to fill birdbath and check mail - big chunk out of the tree!
July 16
finally got around to repackaging the water beads. Bought them a couple of years ago attempting to do a craft project I saw on youtube. you spread or drizzle latex paint on paper that you have placed in a pan and can move around jiggle etc. Did the project once still have the "artwork" and obviously still have the beads. Notice theother day when I wanted to write a phone number on the telephone directory that it was rippled and camp. the jar of beads had cracked and was leaking. oh fun.
oh and when I went to take a shower outside last night the old hand held just did not have any power it was almost like being drooled upon. So in the trash it goes. Had to have Jer detach it and install an old shower head I had. I had soaked it in vinegar last year AND poked each hole with a straight pin. wow it practically puts an eye out LOL It felt great.
July 18
Left here early hoping to bat the crowd at the laundry. It was threatening rain too. And did. I have never had windshield wipers on full tilt! Did today.
I started to load the washer filled the detergent and Borateem, and Lysol Sanitizer.Locked the door and swiped my laundry card. You add money to it and earn points and get 2 bucks every once in a while. Get an extra 2 bucks when you fill it with 20.00.Every little bit helps. 2.00 is what the dryer costs for 32 minutes. I noticed the loud talker was on duty and not the guy that is friendly and helpful. oh well.
When I swiped the card it said something about approval then went blank. I swiped again and then an error message came up "no satellite connection" what??? so I had to go seek out the loud talker. Told her the problem. She walks over and says
oh that happens sometimes and we do not know why.
me: well how am I supposed to get my wash done? I have already added soap etc.
her: find a machine without that message.
and she walked away. so got a machine close to the wall- who designed this place? hauled my laundry from one machine to the other and had to go out to the truck and get supplies. Hoping I had enough. I bring just what is needed as that stuff is heavy. When I come back in I noticed she added notes to the machines that only take coins.
Get the machine going and sit in the truck. I glared her way a few times. Sat in truck then back inside to haul stuff out and stick in dryer. Have trouble getting a dryer usually because so many machines are out of order. I find an empty one and load half of my stuff then realize it has the same warning an icon with a red line through it. So haul that out and find one without the icon. Why I wonder didn't she place notes on the dryers as well. good grief.
so emailed the health department
Hello Judith,
Me again. I wonder if you could share an email contact for the owner- manager of the Chatham Laundry. I am having other issues and there seems no way to contact anyone.
Thank you
Then I go to Cumberlands to fill up the truck for the week and two pumps were out of order. The next one I chose had speedy dry on the ground. I thought that was to be swept up soon?
while I am ranting- I spent the day up here ironing and eating LOL I adjusted the shower head outside hoping to get a happy medium.
After supper I look out the window and see water on the ground. Seems no one knows how to turn off the hose water. grr. so did that.
Health department answered this morning with an email address for Peter the owner of the laundry I shot off this email
I live in Chatham and have been going to your laundry since it opened. I used to drive all the way to Yarmouth for a clean place that has large washers and driers. Then that closed.
I would say the last 2- 3 years there has always been an issue of some kind. Always people "demanding" to speak to the owner about things and saying nothing ever happens. hmm I totally get that now.
Well this past Sunday the 18th I was there to do two washers full. Surprised when there was finally a large capacity washer available. So many "out of order signs" on washer and dryers, but this trip took the cake.
it went like this:
I started to load the washer filled the detergent and Borateem, and Lysol Sanitizer.Locked the door and swiped my laundry card.
When I swiped the card it said something about approval then went blank. I swiped again and then an error message came up "no satellite connection" what??? so I had to go seek out the attendant . She walks over and says
oh that happens sometimes and we do not know why.
me: well how am I supposed to get my wash done? I have already added soap etc.
her: find a machine without that message.
and she walked away. so got a machine close to the wall- who designed this place? hauled my laundry from one machine to the other and had to go out to the truck and get supplies. Hoping I had enough. I bring just what is needed as that stuff is heavy. When I come back in I noticed she added notes to the machines that only take coins.
Get the machine going and sit in the truck. T then back inside to haul stuff out and stick in dryer. Have trouble getting a dryer usually because so many machines are out of order. I find an empty one and load half of my stuff then realize it has the same warning:an icon with a red line through it. So haul that out and find one without the icon. Why I wonder didn't she place notes on the dryers as well. good grief.
The place is grimy on the machines and the front mat is linty.
Thank you for your time.
note for the above
Peter Donnelly is the owner
July 19 2021
Back to diet and being Pillsbury DoughBoy
I have to write this down and record here so I can follow. Not craving the 2 slices of bread each day and accustomed to the one slice a day. Other things I need to cut back and eat maybe every other day.
I walked to the post office this morning around 8am. Haven't been on a wlk in a while. Heard construction noise near the short cut so had to turn around and walk through Commerce Park- rt 137 and rt 28. ugh sweaty. But I could feel it in my stomach muscles.
but my plan is:
Sunday: whole wheat toast . Sunflower seed butter used to have that every day but will cut back. Grape Juice
Monday: Pumpernickel toasted. Yogurt. should cut back on that for the dairy.
Tuesday: Round bread toasted. Sunflower seed butter. Grape Juice
Wednesday: Whole wheat toasted . yogurt
Thursday: pumpernickel toasted. sunflower seed butter. Grape juice
Friday: round bread toasted. yogurt
Saturday: no bread. Sunflower seed butter. grape juice.
July 18
after the laundry debacle went to Cumberland farms to get gasoline in the truck. First pumps were out of order next I tried I realized when I stepped out that there was speedy dry on the ground. So I was super careful that it did not overfill.
the laundry machines- difficult to photo those screens.
and CVS when I was looking for a card for Paula
July 19
I had to walk to the post office on Monday and wasn't surprised but annoyed that a pot hole near Rock of Redemption is still there.
I finally realized if I do not complain no one will so emailed MassDOT
"There are two old potholes and I wonder why. Rt 137, Chatham end near Rock of Redemption Church and one on rt 6A near Willow street in Yarmouth Port. Particularly dangerous as it is narrow road and on a curve.
Thank you"
we will see if I get an answer or they are fixed The one in Yarmouth Port is impossible to photo. This is the rt 137 one
same day - litter has changed back from masks to liquor
July 23
to be donated to dump gift shop along with the above clothes, this Lion Brand Mandala stole.
July 24
on way to Hyannis for soy milk and a reading lamp among other things I passed by this pot hole that still is there. I emailed the State highway department about it and the one on rt 137 and heard nothing back. This one fills with water when it rains.
July 25
had to go back to Hyannis- the reading lamp I couldn't even pinch the clip .Got a toaster oven which I have needed for over a year- the toaster I last bought- one of the coils keeps coming loose and it burns the toast in that spot.
Crosswalk at Bed Bath & Beyond. who designs these parking lots. That is hard to push a cart on and I can imagine difficult for a wheel chair to navigate as well.
checked the outrageous price of the soba noodles- I will still buy them but...
8.99 a package!
bought spatulas in bed Bath & Beyond while getting the toaster oven and returning the lamp
love them It doesn't say heat resistant so I dare not use them for scraping the pan at supper time. yet. But I had a heck of a time getting them off the card.
okay here's the grand opening of the toaster oven box. I slit open both ends to make it easy on myself. Once set up I saw what looked like a crumb pan but no instructions where it goes- no slots or lines. Find out through trial and error that it just sits on the bottom. I bought crinkle cut sweet potato fries expressly to cook in this and they say do not use foil or paper. Well going to use parchment paper any how. stand by LOL
it took some getting used to- 3 knobs LOL I think my bread toasts better being baked but will try the "toast" setting again. I like it dry, crisp and dark.
The reason I wanted a reading light was to read the hand held soft cover books I have. I was most anxious to read Bill Bryson's One Summer. Set up the lighting to my satisfaction with an old floor lamp laid back and opened the book and the print was so fucking tiny I could not read it even with readers on. grrr. so back it went and I got a toaster oven to read by LOL
July 24-25
Warning! may be too much information for some- but I am curious. When I was in a yarn craft store in Hyannis last weekend I had to pee before I did anything. I would gladly use a tree but since there are none around.. So yes they let me use the unisex restroom,it locks. LOL Looked around for a hook for my fanny pack and none so holding that while fiddling around with clothes and body-the freaking toilet paper dispenser fell apart- big industrial sized metal thing on the wall.. It was like a twisted rope hanging there at first making me a bit leery- can't shake the last drop off like some people. So I grabbed the rope and pulled and the whole thing fell apart.Finally, ready to leave wash hands and used the sanitizer wipes I already had for the door etc. I would have fixed the blasted thing if they had a hook for my fanny pack. So my photo is probably up on their security room wall with a warning. :)]
so would you have fixed it or told them what happened. I did neither. wearing the toilet paper cone of shame now.
August 1
finally donated the bag of clothing to the thrift shop at the Chatham dump. Not the friendliest people running that. Too busy chatting amongst themselves.
oh well that shawl above was in the bag too. Funny thing on this "diet" I thought maybe I would fit into that black Oriental dress. nope panicked to get it off before already on LOL It was a size medium good grief. The orange one that does fit is an XL and sure does not LOOK like an XL.
so back to July
the 31st
after shopping I dropped off the Bill Bryson book that had print too small- One Summer America 1927. I have it on my Kindle Fire now and it is a good read.
John's front step
on way back here I see this new construction near the roundabout
and a truck and trailer parked on the roundabout. what's with that?
August 2
the can opener - canned peas failure
I hope birds and raccoons like canned LeSueur peas. They had no frozen peas again. I know poor me tough titty and all that. But hey I love peas. So bought a small ( not small enough) can and was ready to open it for part of tonight's supper. Only can opener in the drawer I could find was a new one I really was unaware I owned! I tried to open the can the conventional way then thought oh I bet this is the kind that slices through the side. well that was a just this side of impossible for my hands. but it squirted pea juice everywhere and the lid finally came off. The peas smell just like I remembered.. ugh but I am hungry. BUT the deal breaker is the edge is jagged and as with all canned goods I wondered is there were shards of metal in there to slice my insides into ribbons. so no peas. Last thing I bought in a can was tomato paste maybe 5 years ago. ha ha
the never ending Spring cleaning. I got in the mood and washed dried and repaired the cotton tubes that hold the plastic bags I use. I also washed the corners to the stairway. No easy task LOL
the overflow of bags to be recycled at Star Market
the staircase. it would be so much easier to keep clean if I did not have to store things on the stairs. But it is more convenient since most of it is used below or outside.
August 1
This has been a battle for years- underpants
This illustrates the problem. 3 pairs all size 7 briefs. Bottom ones are Fruit of the Loom and I have to cut the waist elastic in half the crotch hangs like a hammock between my legs but otherwise they are comfortable
middle pair are Jockey really uncomfortable waist and leg elastic. Top pair is from KMart and they stopped carrying them as their business failed so that pair is at least 5 years old but comfortable. I do not have to cut anything to wear them.
bike crossing lights go out and people travel on but a bike is coming from the right. Just hoping bikers are always aware.
August 3
So the bathroom has been smelling strange. Cannot tell whether it is the toilet or the drain at the sink or the Waste Water treatment plant in back. I have flushed the sink drain a couple of times with baking soda and white vinegar over night then flushed with very hot water the next morning. That kind of helps. It may be the gasket at the base of the toilet. But it is not constant so...
Last shopping day I wanted to get Scrubbing Bubbles toilet tank tabs which are safe for the fixtures and has that Johnson& Johnson smell-perfume. Of course the store did NOT have any so I got the store brand. Knowing full well through experience the store brand would not last I thoroughly cleaned the toilet that Tuesday and installed the tab in an almost empty back tank. held it in place as the tank filled and let it sit. First flush a couple of hours later was dark bright blue. No scent. Each day it is paler. But I do not smell that smell so.
August 2
a Saturday and a strange vehicle parked below . At first it looked distressed or surprised. Then on a longer look it is a skull.
August 17the toilet tabs installed on the 3rd are getting pale water already.
August 8
so returning here saw what looked like may have been an accident with a biker or a church goers .an ambulance in parking lot.
August 12
the mask litter has returned. This one showed up and I was going to pick it up but needed my grabber. Got back inside and forgot about it. Well at least 20 other people saw it and did nothing. It moved closer to the building and I picked it up ,that night as I checked doors and locks. And way too many cigarette butts around. grrr
August 12th
got ambitious and was moving things around and sorting through record albums. Managed to part with half of them and moved them little by little to the chair lift in the staircase. kept Beatles and Steve Martin among others but managed to give up on Rolling Stones and George Carlin. may change my mind and haul them back in here if I can find a place for them.
Maybe not a rant but a garage sale goes on below- like one item at a time, one person at a time. Always something interesting. LOL A lit Christmas tree nice car too
August 16
the covid hair cut repeat. Turns out differently each time.
I had to go to Harwich Star market for mini cucumbers. I had made a note on shopping list to NOT get them but craved them so. hard to see in this photo but as I entered the parking lot someone was parked at an angle. NOT in a parking spot just aimed into another car.
Also photo of thermostat in here on the 14th 90 degrees on them all. ugh
in contrast- a veh9icle making full use of every square inch- thought it was a reclining woman on the back LOL
August 17
cooked lentils this morning while I knit & walked. Used the new Farberware pan I bought last year- taller than my saucepan but smaller than the usual bean pan. only 1/2 cup of lentils but of course it boiled over and made a mess even with dial set to 1. ugh. So spent the better part of afternoon cleaning the entire stove!
August 16
almost forgot. Monday night as I was out there checking doors and locks. Filling bird baths and watering plants as I was coming back from out front I was thinking it would be a nice night to relax in the outdoor shower for my muscle strain. Got to my walk and a huge dog bounded at me. I backed up slowly and the owner calls out "it's okay he's friendly"
well I am not. When will people understand some of us do not want to be startled of leapt upon, slobbered over etc AND we may have balance issues or allergies. What do they NOT understand about a leash. Only time it should be off is in your fucking house.
August 21
food shopping and this guy blocks the aisle with his left carrier
people leaving items where they do not belong AND refrigerated items not refrigerated. You never really know if it was always cold.
People parking on or over parking lines used to be a major reason for tickets on Main street.
is this spigot usable?
August 26
it was so hot I used the oven thermometer to see ho hot the kitchen floor was. over 100 degrees
why have a Mustang and a black one at that and not keep the tires? biugs etc clean.
Finally caught the health club trashman lifting the trash and I captured what is inder there- proving why I am constantly picking up litter from that direction-
August 28
food shopping and this always happens with nose drops now . I am thinking of carrying a step stool with me when I shop.
woman at post office parked "her way"
bike path has flashing lights now to tell you someone or many people are approaching. Seeing as very few dismount like the sign tells them to do- you are apt to see someone fly through in front of you. scary. I slow down and look both ways. This photo show someone flying through and no lights flashing. This happens a lot.
August 30 & 31
So yesterday SO much happened. I was tending my wash out there and had on panties and a tank top. Nothing that would bear up to close scrutiny for sure! egads and a car pulls up and a person in a red shirt gets out and I pop back inside and watch from the door.
Me: "are you looking for someone?"
He:" yes you"
Me: "Who are You?"
He: "CW. I saw your brother and he said you lived here. I was wondering why we are no longer friends on facebook. He said you may not be 'receiving'. Are you high society now"
okay now I am steaming inside this fucktard I have known since 1980. He is gay and the worst liar and user possible. A horrible person but I put up with him because he was a customer in various places I worked. A couple of years ago he started using MY facebook page to find someone to rent his house. I do not know how to describe all this other than he is annoying on top of it all. Pretentious and a snob and a freeloader.
There I have made my case. LOL
His parting words were when I answered nothing "Can I friend you on facebook"
Me: "go ahead and try" I will block him yet again.
so not 10 minutes later Jer and his worker John show up to paint outdoor furniture for a customer. I called down and said I had a visitor thanks a pants full. LOL If I had a shotgun you would be cleaning up a lot of red paint.
So a few minutes later- looking down below while he is cleaning up his paint sprayer I see a glass top table in the back of the open trailer ready to go to the dump. Asked if I could have it. yes, tomorrow get the guys to move it for you.
So this morning I nailed DelRoy and Riley to move it for me. I made sure to ask if they wanted it- they are Jamaicans and save stuff or send it back home. Nope they do not. So it is gracing the yard below. So when Jer saw it later when I thanked him again he said "oh that's a good use for it!" I retorted I can read your mind and laughed. I know he was really thinking oh my god what now LOL
I like to decorate with stones and things I collect. And seeing how I get so many unwanted visitors going through here I am hoping they see it as voodoo or witchcraft and stay far away. Photos attached. The white stones are the white quartz I find in my walks.
phew now it has gotten hot and humid again.

yet another book with too small print that I will have to give away. It looks large enough to read in the photo but in real life it is the size of ingredients on a spice jar. LOL
Gave Jer the Dead Wake paperback.
September 8
Seems like today has been a big challenge to my patience. From feeding the birds. note to self- feed after you work in garden or they attack you while getting to the feeder. Between that and the "stove challenge" was sewing, mending and de cluttering that presented many obstacles. Not remembering how to spell Hollenback. and punching the on off button on sewing machine when I wanted a back stitch. oh well. Best part of the day so far was making lunch. Soba noodles boiled over. This is not like regular pasta- this is a foamy explosion that expands and fouls the entire stove top. So, after lunch, I tackled the stove clean up. I have to explain. This stove is not even a year old. When first used a packing piece was left in a burner area and dripped onto the drip pan and was permanently attached. I immediately contacted the stove people and they sent out a replacement the next day! I hid that from myself and ended up using the drip pan from the old stove. I knew full well I would still boil things over and who cares what it looks like. Well today was the last straw for that pan. It now has a hole in it from corrosion. So I went to get out the new drip pan and saw the one with the dripped melted styrofoam on it. And that piece fell off. So I have two new ones to destroy. Lucky me.

Before I forget, and I will continue this day of wtfs. The other day I noticed the icon for charging the laptop said "90%-plugged in not charging" good grief. I took out the battery and it still does it. I will putz arond with it some more. Hope it was not an update. grr
So this day started with me going below to feed birds, pick up blown litter in the yard and water plants and fill bird baths. The whole time after filling the two feeders- the birds were zooming back and forth from fence to trees to feeders while I was trying to get stuff done! All before MY breakfast. So I will try to remember to fill feeders last.
So yesterday I reorganized the kitchen drawers and made room for my eating utensils in a drawers. About 5 years ago had a mouse infestation and I vowed to never use a drawer again. Well we will see how long this lasts. Hope no more mice.
So after emails and checking obituaries the usual I decided to tackle my rag stash. It is basically t shirts etc I have cut up. Hoping to make a bag out of them for my yarn cart and that didn't work out so I figured I really do not need a bag in there- all the projects are already in a bag. But one of the tshirts made a perfect cover for the back of my computer chair. It itches my skin otherwise. so...
THEN I decided to take in the pants Mom bought herself from LLBean in 2000. They were always huge. They are still huge. But at least they may serve as wind breakers over my jeans.
The sewing machine jammed and ran out of thread during all of this- normal.
So then I did lunch and that blew the rest of the day.
Trying to catch up on my blogs.Need a break from this now and am hungry for supper.
people at the post office who park wherever
and the ones who block aisles in the store.
Do you follow instructions? I stick the slice- never Wonder white bread- in the center and time it on high 1 minute each side. I have owned the toaster oven over a month and just read this recently. At first glance I thought they were saying it toasted 4 slices at a time. Still.
parking lot still full at the lighthouse.
parking lot at Harding's beach full of gulls and no front spots to watch ocean
two women walking and others like there are no cars around.
September 4
I could rant about this every day all year long. With the water quality sucking here as it does they want to force us to buy a gallon jug of water. I cannot lift it nor do I have space for it. I love the minis and was able to snag one a week ago. I was given no choice before that and had to buy 22 ounce bottles which are awkward. and too fucking heavy. I am trying to figure out who to write to to have this reversed. I am amazed that retailers allowed this to happen. This sign is in Harwich Star Market- Chatham has the same rule
A grandmother whose grandchildren I used to babysit back in the 60s- when she died they planted a pillow tree on their property for her. It is almost totally overgorwn in the surroundings!
September 11
the guy who owns this boat has not used it all season. But scraps of the "tarp" litter the parking lot every once in a while.
Driving back from errands via rt 6A ran into a traffic jam. A long one. I wondered if it was an accident or tree work or what. Turns out it was a moving van. ugh I was behind this vehicle that had big puffs of white smoke coming out of the passenger side window. No clue what for. weird.
September 19
Person on other side of gas pumps was shaking his squeegee and getting the back of my legs wet. I left quickly. I had to continue on with errands and return later to "fill up"
The other morning while out feeding birds and filling bird baths I was walking back toward the apartment and a dirt bike comes through and cuts through between the van and the gardens. what the fuck? They usually use the dirt path that goes beside Mersevey's bay. He turned and saw me and said Hi. I was silent. No helmet.
Also I am pretty sure the culprit of the cigarette butts is not the workers below as I see it happen on Saturdays and Sundays. people.
September 23 2021
Adventures in Small appliance repairs today. LOOOONG
Working on this project with sewing machine I kind of thought I was "pushing it" with the thickness of the wool pieces. Some were flat some were nubby. That should be a clue. Stitching merrily along all of a sudden the slide plate that covers the bobbin tray loosens and will not stay down. Get that graphite grease everywhere. ugh I google every imaginable description with no results. Then just youtube search "slide plate" and up comes a video of a guy repairing and demonstration a vintage machine etc. I listen to him then realize I need to use a screw driver to lift a clip under there and then the sides will catch in a rim. Okay.
Back to stitching merrily along and a loud "clank" noise. uh oh did the needle break? no. I take it apart and try to move things manually and it seems to hit metal occasionally. I groan and figure the timing is off. Seriously I do not want to get that involved but I will check youtube and see if it is an easy fix. Then it appears to work again and 3 seconds later the CLANK again and the needle breaks. I needed a break anyhow to fix supper. So while that was cooking I was checking out a new machine at JoAnn's a heavy duty one. I will be doing more fat wool work and I work on denim and hate the denim presser foot I have. So....
thinking of getting new machine Singer heavy duty 4411. with a walking foot I hope I remember that detail
buying produce especially carrots and having one out of the bunch with a huge split.
and a peach that was fine in the store but had a big X gash back here. waited for it to ripen and it was tasteless
and getting back here and always an obstacle in the road.
September 19
Private Beach
No Trespassing
I used to live down there- we were the first to live year round.My brother and I used to float on our rafts in the water mid Winter in the early 1960s. I want to explore .
Notice the revetment and the jetties!
Beginning of September I noticed my cell phone was missing. I looked everywhere then called AT&T and it took many people to finally disconnect the phone. It was an emergency only phone could only call 911. So ... They no longer have that feature so no phone. A few days later my brother handed me my old phone. I thought I had lost it climbing a dune path at Harding's beach but no Don St Pierre found it at Seaside Cemetery. It got rained on of course. Took it apart and dried it out and it is blank. Not sure if because it is disconnected or broken. No matter. I use it now to keep my exercise balls on the counter in stead of rolling off.
so since I could not find a landline phone number for Donny I sent him a post card of thanks.
Buying shoes September 2021
Needed sneakers and thick soled slippers for inside. Went to Designer Shoe Outlet where they had Skechers slippers a few years ago. none. No Reebok sneaks my favorites. Ended up with Nike. Bland laces wanted some color- nope. the lacing system has slots and are tough to lace. They were comfortable in the store. Some other nasty styles.
September 25
small water bottle ban in Orleans.
October 3
coming back from errands. always something blocking the way. I had wanted to park closer to unload. Ended up walking everything. Not a big deal but lousy timing.
October 5
year old stove would not work- rant and photos later.
October 6
always something strange over at the health club- this a chain hanging from the basketball net it was gone after supper.
back to the stove.
My brother showed up and I explained what happened. he checked connections and the circuit breakers. threw those a few times and the stove was back working phew. Here I was all set to use the truck that night and drive to Hyannis for an electric tea kettle, a small microwave a new hot plate ( the one I used was 30 years old and only used a few times but I felt uneasy) oh and wanted an electric stainless steel fry pan or sauce pan. After researching all of those things I gave up and will wing it next time. So frustrating!
October 6
sewing machine rant will go three places.
These are all Singer bobbins. no identification numbers on them different sizes but looks the same at a glance.
October 19
I froze my ass off for a couple of days so figured I better Winterize the windows and apartment. Of course the next day it was 70 degrees. This year I decided to forget putting the clear plastic sheeting at the windows and just made it so I can secure each curtain to block drafts. Washed the Summer curtains and washed the windows. Up & down the step ladder phew so many times. I was wobbly for a few days.oh and washed screens.
washed curtains hanging outside
kitchen window is a bitch to clean- this year I just sprayed it heavily twice with Windex and it dried clean. yay!
front window left where I eat.
right window where exercylcle is
bathroom window screen out
sun room
sunroom with curtains up
bathroom with screen back on
front windows curtains up- I could feel the difference already
kitchen windows done
I installed the glass window top on kitchen storm door first. That gets heavier each year- but I use heavy gloves which seems to help some.
kitchen door with curtains
I won't have Jer pull up the lower door storm window yet- I made need ventilation.
October 23
after getting gasoline a truck pulled out from Ridgevale road and was in front of me the full ride to the bike path then it pulled over before the Doggie Day Care. There was no room for me to drive to the left as cars were coming on. A guy gets out of the truck in front of the wood and waves me on. thanks no thanks.
October 23
I had a lot to do before food shop- mainly do recycling. The gas tank was low. Made the decision to do recycling first then get gasoline- it was on the way. I hoped I did not run out. It was almost on the red bar! I get to the gas station and there are these little paper notes on the pumps. grrr
nothing ruins a day for me like little pep talk notes LOL got gas but it would not fill all the way no matter how far I pulled the pump out. oh well. Noticed the credit card must be registered to get awards so it was $.2.95 a gallon. Decided with all the weird extra errands I had to do- mainly get to Harwich Paint on rt 137 for lock ease and 3 n 1 oil. That I would fill the take later and use the card but pay back in cash. so...
October 30
Shopping this morning I got in line to check out. Ended up behind a woman who had a full to overflowing carrier full of purchases. I am never in a rush- EVER- and spend my time waiting either day dreaming or checking out other people in the store. At the end of her loading her items on the belt she was fumbling in a satchel for what I imagined was her wallet to pay. After this going on for a while I thought to myself- I would rather pay for her food than go through the rigamarole of putting stuff back etc or phone calls. ugh. When she had advanced enough (after finding her wallet) I had enough space to grab a bar and start to load my things. I was almost done that and a guy came up behind me and stood with a small basket of items . I offered to let him ahead of me. He said no. I said " I am slow and have many items- please go ahead". no. so I ignored him from then on and got to punch in my rewards number etc. I said Hi to the cashier and mentioned how I had not seen her in a long time. She explained that she works nights mostly now. Then she started ringing me up- the woman ahead needed help getting her cart outside. So I told the cashier I wanted to pack my own ( per usual). No problem. Then a person shows up and starts grabbing bags and I looked up a little and said "I want to pack my on thank you" and that person says "oh I am just getting a head start on my own"
It was the guy behind me! that was preparing his bags before I was even checked out. I said VERY CLEARLY "excuse me". and gave him a look as only I can do. Wearing a mask I cannot wear glasses so everyone gets the full brunt of what I have on my mind with just a look.
he gave me a goofy grin and retreated.
He was what my mother would have called "a tall drink of water"
I so wanted to punch him to the floor and run the cart over him twice.
Desparate in October I bought a bunch of things from Target online. I checked the box to have it all sent in one package and saved a dollar! LOL
A shower curtain which turned out to be very long, very heavy but nice looking. I hang it over a rack each night so it hangs free to dry. An ironing board cover that at first did not fit. Well of course it wouldn't. I had 3 other covers on there from years of use. Removed those and it fits perfectly It is held in place with Velcro straps. They are hard to implement but eventually work. And last but not least long underwear. I was tired of the in&out of truck and stores in search of. Bought Cuddle Duds- which on a previous pair were skimpy and had itchy lace. These too are perfect even thought the waist is a tad snug. I hope that breaks in and I remember to NEVER machine wash or dry..
and recently bought slippers after a long search. Ended up at Westies. They bounce and do not sit level with the floor. So can only be worn while sitting. They were 19.95 on sale of course.November 4
Thought I would take a day off from being "creative and crafty". I ended up being pissed off at everything. Making apple chips in an attempt to warm the apartment, a pleasant aroma and use up the last apple that is tough and not sweet. They ended up sticking to the parchment paper and only tasted so-so. Then tackled the pants dropping issue I have. All day Saturday I spent yanking up my fleece yoga pants. I almost gave up in CVS and let them drop it took so long to check out. But I left CVS with dignity intact. Thought I know what I can do to solve this! I have many articles of clothing with toggle closures that I never use ( the toggles) So cut two off a old LLBean polar fleece jacket and installed the toggles on the yoga pant ties. No simple task. Not easy to thread with one hand, while squeezing the toggle open. So got out my adjustable crescent wrench , tightened it to keep the toggle open enough to thread the tie. It worked. Not comfortable to sit with two toggles at my waist but I can open them here while sitting at the lap top. Will test later to see if they remain "up". But please note the one photo- the collection of my hair on the LLBean tie. Hair only on one. 30 years of yanked hair.
November 6
Had a LOT of laundry to do so I did that first. It took over 2 hours. First there was no attendant then he showed up later. The older guy who is nice. I used two washers. Added detergent, borax and white viegar for the last rinse. Removing the washed clothes I noticed the "whites" washer load was warm. I specifically chose cold wash. The other washer smelled like dirty water- like they recycle water. So dried what was needed and brought the wet items back here that would shrink if machine dried. I ended up airing the dried laundry because of that smell and ironinf everything per usual but taking extra care to hot iron slowly to kill anything.
As I removed my "whites" there was a foreign sock in there and children size red bikini style under pants. I guess I did not check well enough grrr.
I think I stayed in the rest of the day after food shop. Used self check out this time and no customer shenanigans.
But Sunday as I returned for seeking out water scenes after doing recycling and getting gasoline I pull into the parking lot here and others were milling around. Seemingly oblivious to my presence. I wanted to back into the spot as I usually do when I am finished with the truck and a guy is still standing in the way. I cannot see him in the mirrors or sticking my head out the window so I had to yell "I cannot see you and I do not want to run you over so please move out of the way". What gets me is he barely moved.
I noticed after opening the garage door and turning on the water for someone that they still had not shown up. They showed up at 2pm. I had turned the water off as the hose leaks like crazy. All he did was flush the engine on the grassy part below- he did not wash the bottom which I thought was the purpose. oh well.
It takes me all week to recover from doing errands each week LOL
a few weeks ago I went into Town Paint & Supply in search of 3 n 1 oil and a can of Lock-Ease. Yes they had it and the first thing I did when I got out to the truck was do that lock on passenger side. The red stick did not work so I sprayed the key and cleaned up that mess LOL.
So fast forward to November 9. I complain about the red stick - everyone has used it so maybe this one is defective. well after an hour or so of doing other things I tried again and used brute force on it- it stuck! so I removed it and taped the red stick to the side of the can. Never give up BUT oh boy my hands shoulders and arms hurt a LOT from that brute force I used.
note to the above. The stem did not work so I will spray keys and do it that way. ho hum.
November 2 & 15
bought a shower curtain from Target and an ironing board cover. The shower curtain is too long and too heavy and never dries. It will be a bitch to hand wash. The board cover is nice . While ironing a napking I noticed the pattern color combo LOL
AND after a few uses I noticed little tiny rust streaks. I
supposed them to be something from the iron or something I was ironing. until I noticed I had tiny cuts all over my hands. So... now I have to slowly remove those blood stains from the ironing board cover using peroxide on a Q tip. ho hum again
November 1
I wanted to toast my bread. I usually set a timer for one minutes and turn it over in the toaster oven. 3 minutes passed and I did not hear the timer LOL This is the result and comparison
That glass door was a bitch to clean.
November 3
came out my door below and saw this on the ground. Appears to be a gas can spout. ho hum
November 9
Finally got the "straw" inserted into the Lock Ease can and it did not work.
So I will just spray the key or whatever.
November 17
so I noticed that the front formica on the silverware drawer was cracking. Decided to do a duct tape repair like I did a few years ago on the other side of the kitchen. That was a floral pattern- this is purple LOL
November 26
I do recycling and am pretty anal about it. This morning after cleaning up the truck for my use this weekend. ( men did not work today) I sorted my laundry and noticed one of the bins where I have glass and the other bin where I have deposit bottles both were crawling with tiny red ants. So instead of wasting water rinsing everything out I just put them in a trash bag and dumped in the trash. Thinking about it NOW I better go below and check that my "sit down" blankets are not infested with the ants. I had them resting on top of the bins. If so those will get tossed as well. grrrr.
yes tossed the pink blankets and the other two sitting blanket. I have plenty for back up.
October 30
main street Harwich Port- skid marks in the middle of the road.
The shower curtain. Target not expensive and was pretty but so freaking heavy I was afraid it would fall. It didn't . But the smell of it was unpleasant. I could hardly wait for the thirty days to go by and take it down and put up an old one. So in taking it down I see it is 100% cotton. I had mega laindry to do so washed it with polar fleece and blue jeans. It washed fine- line dried and ironed nicely. But packed away for awhile. I did buy a new one in Target in person on the 28th of November tiny dots.
take down on the 28th LOL
rant # 2508
people parking at the head of the parking lot for no reason I can determine. Always creeps me out.
October after Nor Easter
November 28
on way back from shopping ordeal this person was in front of me driving erratically. I kept my distance.
November 28
the health club trash bin not secured so trash blows over here and everywhere. I waited until Monday morning the trash day HERE to clean it up. I was hoping they would but nope.
November 23
earth tremors I guess pushed my Igloo cooler to the edge
Novemeber 27
laundromat the usual mess and the note on some dryer that only coins can be used
November 23
we get a lot of wind here, heavy equipment traffic and rumbling and the occasional tornado and freak twisters.
I often notice in the morning the top of the refrigerator- the Igloo cooler is ready to fly off the top. LOL
*oops to difficult to delete photos once here so...
December 2
I really hate shopping but seem to do a lot of it. Hyannis I hit the jackpot. I had gift cards to get at various places but also had to go to: Whole Foods, Macy's, Target, JoAnn Fabrics and Trader Joes. I wanted to check out Hathaway Pond but it started to snow ( nothing stuck) and I was hungry and tired so maybe some other day.
Dritz safety pins. egads I haven't bought them in decades
Dritz toggles- had to have sales person find them for me- so many things on that wall look alike!3 different quilt squares for mask makingShower curtain- lighter weight at Target and wash clothes.
December 5
either corner of Uncle Israel's or Crest Ridge on rt 28 in Orleans is a spot where political signs pop up- usually aggressive ones. Before this one was a trump 2020-2024
This time it is a graphic with "Let's Go Brandon" which translates into f Biden.
*December 7
health club trash again
Was a real windy morning and I had a card to mail. So I was going to walk to the post office but did not relish the thought of the winds in my face. So I stuck it out at my mailbox at 8:32 am. After lunch not feeling confident that it was picked up I checked and red flag still up and card still in mailbox. So I guess the mailman does not swing through here every day. ho hum. The winds had calmed down and it was a lovely walk that took almost 50 minutes. Used to take 19. Getting old. And what's the rush right. Hope it got to her by the 11th.
It took until the 10th to get to Karen by the way.
December 11
I hope I can keep track of my rants. It has been a long stretch of them.
shopping day Rain predicted and rain it did. here then changed to snow on Church street my short cut to Star market. Rain let up a bit at Star. Got groceries. Lottery ticket I bought for Sat Wed through to Christmas. Weather can be iffy this time of year so it cost me another 3 bucks over what I would normally spend. I had to ask the clerk how to mark my betting slip. Having never done that before. They are still short of help. I bought the gift cards for Dara and Jer there and checked out with that clerk with those as you cannot do self check out with gift cards. Also drew to her attention that the flaps on some instant oatmeal are "open". Checked out with the rest of the stuff and did my food bank donations and headed back here AFTER getting gasoline. I thought I was driving on fumes but I made it there. A guy was getting gas the aisle over and had the most beautiful dog in his truck. I tried to get a photo but the windows were up so he/she would not bark. Back here haul stuff in. Jer was here and offered to help but I said I need to keep moving and doing myself. Thanks. He and Kar were headed off Cape to have lunch with Chelsea for Kar's birthday. Spent the rest of the day inside- drying things off and organizing stuff. Had laundry to do Sunday and recycling. Was not able to load the truck until Sunday morning with laundry as it was pouring the whole day.
Sunday December 12
laundry- get an early start - loaded truck before breakfast in freaking winds. Leave here by 8am. Get to the laundry and it is not open. I sat there and fumed a bit then decided no one was going to show up so I came back here and had to get my bottle of quarters since I would not be able to use my fast card from Chatham Laundry grrrr. Take another pee as I would not be able to split up my trips like back in Chatham I would be stick in Dennis Port for the duration. So I get to Star laundry and go in the wrong door since I needed machines that were in another section. Tried one and poured my vinegar into the final rinse cycle then realized the machine was too small for the load I had. Went to the front of the laundry and found a machine. They were all new about 3 years ago but boy the public has been hard on them. The machine was 1.00 less than Chatham but the dryers a bit more. It did a long load automatically I didn't see anyone around to ask how to do a short wash. so that was 35 minutes of sitting in the truck. Cold damp windy day. The woman parked 2 spots over from me was smoking and ran her car the entire time she was there! I do not dare do that. I was bundled up for the weather anyhow. So the wash finally finishes and I haul it out and sort what cannot dry and load the dryer. Hauling 3 bags of wet laundry back to the truck. set the dryer for 30 minutes. Get in truck and sit a bit then decide to go over to Ocean State Job lot where Bradlees used to be and do the Veterans coat donation there instead of Chatham. So that ate up 15 minutes LOL. Then drove over to Pine Grove cemetery to see if there were any new burials or gravestones there. Decided I better get back to the laundry. A guy in there looked like a guy that worked for my brother 2 years ago- huge guy looked like Jason Momoa from Game of Thrones. he was weighing himself and taking off his huge shoes. So get my laundry stuffed in bags and head back this direction.
jacket donation cost 40.00 but they refund that amount onto0 a card you spent on whatever you want in the store. Most of the coats looked like dark wool pea jackets. I got a bright blue one that looked wind resistant .
gotta do dishes will catch up later.
okay where was I. Blogger is acting up so I will take no chances and just close this and eat supper!
December 7 2021
on way back fro m mailing Karen's card I had to wait a good ten minutes to get construction worker attention to ask to walk through
December 13 & 14Got a lot done with not much to show for it. Removed chimes from sun room windows and put them on fixture outside below. They sound lovely in the wind and rearranged the shell chimes in this room.
I washed out the canvas bag that I used for clothes pins and put them in a pink t shirt I had altered. Then decided that would not work as it fell off the hanger easily so put them in a cotton crocheted bag Mom had made years ago- perfect.
December 13
so I had to hightail it out of here to mail 2 packages. The yellow bird was returned to its parking spot for the Winter and I trudged out there after that was complete. I got halfway down the short cut and realized I forgot to stash my cash in a pocket so back I came- wind in face each way. Went to head out again and the boat owner was power washing the boat. I did not want to breath in the drift so I cut through using the health club parking lot. Mailed packages and got Coffee Forever stamps!
cones placed for boatIn the midst of all this I decide the sneakers I exercise with each morning are ready to be tossed and the sole was flapping,.AND to donate the fucking slippers I bought that were too cushiony to walk in. Along with a shawl and 2 hats. I kept the laces for future use.on way back from the frequent trips to the mailbox found some red , glass I had hoped but it was plastic. still a keeper. red so rare a find LOLSo inside and doing my usual computer stuff and dubbing around I got an email saying there was a package delivered at 9:55am. I looked below and nothing. Finally after lunch I walked out to chack mail JUST as the mailman was approaching and trying to stuff packages in the box! The sweaters, a box from Dara and one from Paula.I had a big box below with Package deliveries please written on it
finally could bring that inside.
so the sweaters are NOT what I saw in Macy's but fit the description.The sleeves are tight and for a 1XL they are pretty small I would hate to see what small looks like
I was torn on whether to keep them or not- we will see how they wash.*
I have had this new bird feeder for a couple of months. The birds are not impressed. I wanted those chimes below so figured I must move the feeder out front Well that didn't work so now hanging from a scrub pine. Today I saw a dead mouse-rat whatever near it- will "bury" THAT later
*More of the chimes and stones displays
*now to blog about the clean up and the garden
December 18
Crescent ridge rt 28 Chatham road on way to Orleans
the Let's Go Brandon sign still there and I noticed a no trespassing sign as well
Looks like someone is using rat poison in the neighborhood.- I buried it as best I could later. It was a mouse under the new bird feederDecember 27
Only got half of my errands done in Hyannis. Ran out of steam in JoAnn Fabrics and figured I will scratch the rest and get over to Whole Foods for soy milk and shelled edamame ( which they had! yay!) I only had 5 items so I got in line for the express cashiers. The people in front of me looked like an adult female with a few children- they were shopping for her while standing in line. Not a crime but annoying. I was standing back the recommended 6 feet and this woman asks the woman with children if she was in line. answer: yes. So the broad gets in front of me. I guess I have on my invisible body today. So she is still checking out as I had finished and I was headed back to the truck. Behind me I could hear the "click click click" of heels. yup it was her. Bet she works at Ethan Allen
*December 30
food shopping and labels in many places did not match the product LOL
are these oranges or avocados?
December 30
when they change the packaging of a product and it doesn't fit in the drawer like before. Parchment paper now sold in sheets. thrills.
December 28the traveling trash can