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Friday, January 15, 2021

RANTS: 2021 Rants & oddities & Deliveries& clutter & clean up

I am sure this will fill up quickly.

January 3 2021

I wanted to delete some books from my Kindle Fire. Friends told me - no problem they will always be on Cloud. Well when I go to delete this message comes up that if it is deleted it has to be re purchased if I want to read it again!

January 7, 2021

Sipping my tea at 5am on the deck I noticed something "different" in the yard below. When I went out to feed the birds I noticed the glass table top had blown off! This is maybe the third time this has happened. Always wish I could catch it in motion! But not too close.


so there it will remain until Spring- and as usual will have bright green grass under it.

January 7 2021

was a busy day.

I was expecting a package from my cousin for Christmas- she ordered it a month ago but it did not ship to me- it went to her first- and took a month to get there. She sent it off as soon as that happened and it arrived on the 7th. USPS right on my deck- eye level to my underwear hanging on a rack to dry- crotches to the sun.

I just realized I haven't taken a photo of the yarn from Loop in Philadelphia, which happens to be on South Street near where my great great grandfather lived. But I did take photos of the pom pom that came with the yarn. Almost impossible to take a selfie of your butt! While I was out there- there was a wasp drinking on my bandanna.

same day 2 of my orders from amazon showed up I had ordered them the day before! yikes. v neck t shirts and a new keyboard.

 funny story to go with all of this- but later- I am hungry! So notice all the other deliveries were below- I wonder if the message went out to not use the stairs or be confronted with crotches. So I was headed below to either feed birds or take trash below or check snail, mail. The place is deserted- no one around so I figure I can fart.The great outdoors. I let one rip and walk out front and see a guy walking quickly away. I was going to call after him "hey! what do you want?" then saw the package on the step. Which was either the v necks or the keyboard. Keyboard was in a huge box with giant pillow bubble wraps.

the one that got away


January 9 2021

After food shop I go and get a lottery ticket each week. This was ahead of me in line. When I zoom it blurs. Tight pants and boots. I could never carry off that look.

So my turn and I had a winning lottery ticket for 2.00. The clerk said he ( indicating the man next to him) will have to help you I am new. I said well you are going to learn right! Said with a smile and a laugh. He sticks his left hand down the front of his pants and reveals red silky underwear somewhat like Everlast boxing shorts. I was brief but I saw it. I doubt it was on purpose- I am sure he was nervous. He touched everything! So I washed everything but the lottery ticket when I got back here. He was there on the 16th so did not get fired LOL. He was very nice. I was secretly hoping for a replay.And I came out to hail on the truck! And the typical for these times- a tossed rubber glove.

January 9 2021

Driving the loop after errands in Chatham and was able to park at the light! saw this guy walking his tiny dog. When I wanted to back up I could not see where the dog was so had to call out to him to ask.

January 10 2021

At the dump doing recycling as I was attempting to leave this dark vehicle seemed unsure what direction to take. Backed up turned left  turned around. I know the confusion if it is the first time in there for sure. I just wanted to keep my distance!

January 11 2021

I had heard about birds out in the NorthWest dying from salmonella and that it was working itself out. Not to treat the birds as then they would become asymptomatic and pass it on anyway. It happens in nature and I was not feeling concerned until I went out to feed the birds and saw a dead woodpecker  almost directly under the feeder. The birds are pretty picky this year. not sure why unless someone nearby has a huge feeder full of hulled sunflower seed. :) I would love to have even the black sunflower seed but too expensive. I usually see chickadees finches and occasional cat bird etc. Really never seen this one at the feeder but they do peck at the apartment!

Had to look it up. so beautiful :'(

 The northern flicker (Colaptes auratus) or common flicker is a medium-sized bird of the woodpecker family.

The ground was too hard to bury it so I tossed it into the rough area.

 So I am on the lookout for it happening again- if so I would report it. But next day as I approached the feeder there were a few black cap chickadees in the trees. and I was able to capture a video. not up close but enough for my satisfaction. Youtube is being finicky tonight so will upload tomorrow and add here.

Chickadees at feeder

January 16 2021

I look below and hear commotion. Parking lot full at health club. hmmm supposed to be all businesses at 25% capacity or just restaurants. oh well people make their own rules.

January 16 2021

I check out the First Parish church for a  memorial garden. Unless it is inside the church- there isn't one. I am tired of looking. A cluster fuck or parking lots and turns and wrong ways and a Nursery school. I beautiful structure though.


so the grey v neck t shorts I bought on the 6th of January and showed up here on the 7th- well they are soft and long. big plus. But they had tags at the back neck. Like Hanes hasn't done that in 20 years. So I stitch ripped them out. Also after one wearing the v turns into a U. I swear.

January 18 2021

stuff starting to pile up by the fire fighter's bay

a more artistic image of the "trash"

January 19 2021


I often wonder how companies can afford to send out these "free" things.

I will give it to my brother- as when a screw is stripped with me I dig it out with pliers 


February 2 2021

In the mail today- this tantalizing offer. NOT

and I do not have a middle name- where did that come from?

 January 24, 2021

decided to take pix of the labels in the jeans that currently fit this freakish body. I swear no 2 are alike so wish me luck when I need another pair. Looks like 14 short- relaxed fir straight leg.

January 26 2021

took my usual shower dried hair  got in pajamas and the smoke detector went off. yikes that mother is loud AND has a voice saying some scary phrase warning or beware whatever and then says "evacuate, evacuate" over and over. Well just minutes before I looked outside and it was snowing heavily and windy. Like what was I supposed to do? The truck had not been sanitized, I would have to get dressed. Seriously I stood there pondering all that  and hoping it would stop with the blasted noise. It did after 5 minutes. So I proceeded with my usual evening of computer research & facebook. Got a call from my brother the very next morning asking if the  alarm had stopped. I said yes likely the steam from my shower- but that was a first. I had sniffed around and smelled no smoke- saw no flames outside. But he said what if it was co2 from the gas burner. well it did stop. ugh.

That night I had cut my bangs a bit too short maybe but already 

( February 3rd) they have filled in LOL


the V neck that is a U

Fire department grill

a flat if ever there was one!

a mask in the laundromat parking lot

I bet there is one crazy nut who would pick it up and put it to his face- just for a laugh.

wow been a while for a rant!

February 27 2921

after food shop I drove down to Skaket Beach. Sign for cleaning up after your dog is always a comical sight. close by was a bag of dog shit next to a pole. Sense of humor? lazy? Throwing in a water scene- the water was a pale green. Naturally it does not show up.


March 2 2021

Missing part for Instant Pot finally arrived. It was delivered below and I only saw it there because I was hanging out laundry! So I will fast forward here on the Instant Pot. Today the 10th of March I finally found time & energy to cook something in it. Chose red kidney beans. I was ready to cook them stove top because what came in the mail did not look like what I
"lost". It was a metal post with a clear cap inside a small plastic sealed bag. So I wash the Instant Pot and reassemble. Some pieces are hard to identify because the manual does drawings not real life photos. But in washing every thing I saw that I did not lose a red cap- it is red in the manual but clear in real life. I just groaned. So I didn't lose anything after all. Cooking instructions are not that clear so I went to youtube and found this video- very helpful.

how to Instant Pot

So the beans cooked in 20 minutes and the Pot took  to cool down  15 minutes. Removed from pot and set on pot holder to cool and took a nap! Packed them up for freezing.

Made my oat meal bars too so I am still cleaning up the kitchen at 5:35pm LOL


So on March 1 the health club had a new dumpster delivered and it was set away from the fence that usually shielded it from my sight. Nice neighborly move there assholes. Looked out and saw something white all around it from up here. Went below to check it out and take photos. It was tiny plastic pellets. And now with the winds we have they are everywhere HERE. They even blew up onto the deck where I hang laundry. And it is still embedded in the ground below. It is no longer over there.


and this is what happens as you knit with the purple Noro yarn- it tangles constantly!

Still lovely yarn but....


March 4 2021

still plastic snow on the ground.


Match 6th

things just left out

it disappeared after a week...


March 13

ugh so tired of moving stuff around the apartment that I no longer use. This lamp was useful for Mom and her needlework. I salvaged the magnifier. But the bulbs was a glare too much for me. Finally  beginning of Apr I had Jer up here to take it below to the trash. Later realizing the bulb was likely hazardous waste with mercury so I went below and retrieved the bulb and recycled it this week. But moving it was a drag literally. So I decided to use the cart that came with the cat carrier I bought especially for Dorian Grey. Heft it up and push it!



March  16

new trash bin at health club still in weird spot. The lid opens with the winds and bangs all day & night.


our trash bin waltzing in winds.

March 15 

after a particularly violent windstorm apropos to the date Ides of March a large sheet of plastic got caught in a tree.

March 21

Driving down Bridge Street headed for Holway and a blue sky view of that and here is a barrel out in the road left by a landscaper. My pet peeve. Get that shit off the road!

and on my way out of HERE a truck was in front of me with a bright light blasting my eyes. Turns out it was a back up light for night parking that was hooked up to the brake lights.


 March 26

Harvest craft table gets covered in projects every once in awhile and I have to clear it off. In doing so I found my flute and a bag of sand from Sandy Neck beach ha ha




bag of sand and flute

Took down Winter window treatments. Untangled chimes and shell chimes

Washed the clear plastic sheets that cover the windows from November to April. Did it early this year. Could not take one more day.

gotta eat supper!


Plastic litter still in tree and rough area.

 washed plastic sheets for windows drying on racks

clear kitchen window- what a relief to see outside after so many months!

Had to say goodbye to my grey wool clogs. I had 3 pairs, bought in the 80s. First to go was the dark red ones a couple of years ago. Now these. So all that is left is the black pair and they are tighter than the other two. The grey ones had been repaired many times and were tripping me up on seams in the floor here!


made a liner for the cart where I have my knit&walk projects stored. it is in my ditdit blog but deserves space here too LOL


March 27

There is always something blocking the view to safely proceed in this area. But I always wonder how they do that

April 1

a ragged condom near my bird feeder. :(

weird prints in the gravel to the right of my door below going out. (wow what a sentence!)

Ice in the bird bath same date

while Spring cleaning I found this. written on it in faded in was  "barometer key" I have no idea how that works- bought the barometer thermometer hygrometer combination a few years ago wanting to know how hot/cold it got in the stairway LOL

 same day decided to get rid of the lamp Mom got for close needlework. I have never been able to use it because of the glare if the bulb. I had to catch Jer on a Monday morning before he and the men left to work and before the trashman showed up. He carried it down and went to work. I remembered the fucking bulb had mercury in it so I had to go below and retrieve that and then recycle it at the dump the following Saturday. The flexible arm on it was broken so no real loss. I saved the large magnifier though

April 8

This should probably go into my knit & sew blog but here goes.

I bought a bobbin winder last year on line through Joann Fabrics. It was over 25 bucks. The winder on the sewing machine has not worked in a few years and I finally had used the last of the collection of bobbins I had  in assorted colors. Not caring if anything matched. LOL Well at first it was a bitch to use because the instructions were minimal and in tiny print. I went to youtube and found a video dealing with the issues and all was fine ONCE. Then it would not shut off or wind evenly. So frustrating! I am considering buying pre-wound bobbins I will accept just black and white if necessary. Something else to research.

I see it was October 2020 

nix on the pre wound- seem to all get bad reviews.



April 10

so on the 8th or 9th there was the usual drag racing blow smoke or whatever it is called- here. Next day when I leave to food shop I can see the debris from under a car on the ground near a flag pole  and the flag pole is bent- having been run into by that car.


glass table top blows off each year in a wind storm. I wait until the grass under it turns green before I place it back on the table.

April 14

so I go to feed the birds and then peek behind the bays to see if there is a gas leak or litter and this dog start barking. I had noticed recently a low fence dividing front and back in the boatyard storage area. Turns out one of his employees is living in an rv there with 2 dogs. He better not be the person tossing trash over the fence to behind the bays. Also noticed a power cord going froma  bay to the rv.

wind storm comes along as I have racks out on the deck to dry laundry- woosh clunk.

this one I had to go outside climb the outside stairs to rectify the rack. ugh

April 13

mailing gift of windchimes from Earth House and 2 wax melts to Chelsea Rob and Leah as a gift for their new home.

This sign is on the door of the post office. Last time I was there someone snuck in this time someone TRIED to LOL. I noticed this time there is no place to hide if you are already in there. good move.

Trying to organize the storage of my masks. All those ties get in the way.

Ended up re doing everything and using a  clothes pin on each to keep the ties at bay.

was going to store them like this inside a pillowcase clipped to a hanger LOL


The parking lot boatyard :)

one returns

April 17

I do so love being behind a truck hauling a cement mixer


think I should dust this more often?

flagpole again

Doing laundry these were in my wash , I did not see them until I was putting clothes in the dryer. ugh

but this woman brighten up the day and the shore with her boots

April 16 a Friday

Then this clown parked across the entrance to the parking lot here for at least a half hour. He left just as workers showed up

April 18

a guy climbing a tree ladder across from the gas station- looked like it was leaning on air.

mask at the laundromat

Stage Harbor-

Those flat things in the distance I am told are T docks so 2 boats can share a mooring.

and while there- the ever present signs telling you what not to do! LOL

April 20

saying goodbye to a faithful pair of shoes, Very expensive at the time $109.00 but saved my injured foot when I had to work and climb ladders.

April 19 

trimming fringe from kitchen curtains that were originally a blanket.  LOL

found under the hydrangeas LOL no clue where it came from or what it was.

Then on to Spring cleaning the kitchen refrigerator and its magnets ugh

cleaned up side and kitchen door red "curtain" for now

I thought the tree out front was a goner. but there appear to be buds in spite of the profuse lichen

April 21

proceeding slowly with Spring cleaning- the under cabinet areas. Usually pretty easy and quick for I store   cans bottles etc in larger containers to make lifting out and cleaning easier. WELL! This one container had my  Bon Ami. 3 & 1, scrubbies, and metal polish. I keep the 3&1 in a plastic bag inside a plastic bag for leaks through that long tube thing they call a dispenser. Well that leaked everywhere in the container and was a bitch and a half to clean grrrr. I had to google whether it being put in the trash bin if it would do a spontaneous combustion thing. nope - phew. So after almost an entire roll of paper towels it was cleaned up.

no more 3&1 until I can find in in an old fashion can like years ago.

Every year I am invaded by big black ants. They stay about 2 weeks and disappear. Usually come out the first "warm" day. They go back into hiding if we have a cold snap again. But return.While cleaning houses years ago they would crawl up my legs when at a kitchen sink. tickle much?! So I looked down and saw what looked like 2 ants walking towards the kitchen door. Yup but one was dead. Interesting to watch this ritual. The ants got to the threshold and I opened the door and the ant alive ant teetered on the ledge and dropped the dead one.  And went to turn around and come back in! LOL. Out loud I said "nope- you are going out there too" and flicked him off the ledge.

April 24

so a month or two ago I ordered 3 grey v neck t shirts. They were Hanes and showed up with tags everywhere- so that should have told me something. But they were nice and soft and fit. EXCEPT after a couple of wearing and washing- cold water no drier the neck got tighter and tighter. They were never a true V but this was ridiculous- so after feeling strangled- I cut them all.

That same day as I was getting dressed for outside. It takes sometimes 20 minutes with all the layers.So I get my boots on and pull jeans down over ;laces and pull legwarmers down over laces and go to stand up and something was catching on my legs and making me trip. I sat down and looked closely and could see nothing ???? Then I saw what looked like a frayed black yarn. I pulled at it and it felt like wire. Long story short LOL I hobbled out on to the kitchen deck to untangled it. Had to turn myself into a pretzel in the process. good grief. The wire and little hooks on each end and caught on to everything in its way. Still have no clue how it happened or where it came from. Maybe when climbing the dunes at Hardings beach it caught onto my leg warmers so weird.

same day while at Seaside cemetery looking for new burials I saw litter ahead of me- one piece looked like money! and it was- a one dollar bill. Paid for lottery 5 minutes later. lost anyhow.


April 26 

there's a guy who lives in an RV in the boat yard storage section next to us.He has an extension cord running from RV to one of the bays, with permission of course, for his power. When I feed the birds each morning and tend the compost pile I check behind the bays for litter and gas leaks. Both are a common happening. So I saw the cord. But all of a sudden one morning two dogs came out of nowhere  barking their heads off. Thank goodness there is a cyclone fence between us. Sometimes it takes a good long while for them to shut up!


May 7th 

now to continue the saga of the Instant Pot. I think I have a place for it but wanted to take photos of all the parts for future reference in case anyone on earth needs the parts explained. The manual is not all that clear.

the gaskets white for normal foods red for meats or strong foods


later gotta eat supper

underside of lid where those gaskets fit- only one at a time.

top of lid


pop up pressure thingy and steam vent

steam drip cup and original pop up

stainless steel liner pot - the reason I bought the Instant Pot and that it had a slow cooker setting which turned out to be not a real slow cooker.

extra pop up

trivet thing that goes at the bottom of the stainless steel pot if you want things raised off the bottom I guess LOL

main pot with caution label inside

front of pot control panel which you have to stoop low to see.

label and bar code

I think this is the view where you hook up the drip cup

That's it for the Instant Pot!


April 26

found this rock in a dune, seemed an unusual size and place for a rock this size. Maybe someone brought it to the beach to hold a towel down. Well it is mine now ha ha

Yard sale below fun to watch stuff hauled out

and the wind here!

Jer placed a picket fence in the area to slow down the blow


May 1

Was finally able to get a photo of this trump sign way up in a tree near Uncle Israels rod on the way to Orleans

noticed it has bye bye Joe on it and 2024 on the right edge.


and funny thing same day coming from Orleans cemetery I thought I saw hawks flying in a group ( unusual) and took a photo hoping to zoom in back here. But notice they have a huge flag inside on their window!

May 10

So yesterday before my exploring adventures I could smell paint or fiberglas or something noxious. So I hightailed it out of here and kept windows shut so it would not fill the apartment. Get back and it smells a little less but there is a fuzzy blue paint roller blowing around. Of course litter. And yes I had to pick it up this morning- the culprit just walked by it all. little twit.
next- knit&walk this morning I got to the end of a very long row- 166 stitches with #6 for those who care. And saw that somehow I had poked the needle through last row and had to untangle that. That was using a 6am brain ugh.
Then! I decided I better make cookies- ate up the last of the Whole Foods cinnamon grahams 2 days ago. You would think after 60+ years of dealing with mole asses I would know better than to invert the bottle into a 1/2 cup measuring cup to get the last drop from the bottle. While I was measuring dry ingredients I heard a hard CLUNK on the floor behind me. ugh
Lastly- to top the annoyances off looks like someone "spilled" round up or gasoline below.

will add pix in a bit.

firstly - pattern for the shawl in case I lose it on other blog:

Using Lion Brand Mandala yarn 5.3 ounces ( not worsted weight- looks like 3 ply)
I will know when I finish this skein the dimensions and whether I have to use more yarn for a shawl.
#6 - 36 long circular needle
cast on 5 stitches
pattern is a repeat of 3 different rows
but always first 3 stitches are: slip one, knit one , yarn over knit one- making 4 stitches ( increasing one stitch each row)
last 4 stitches always KNIT
first row pattern: sl 1, k1, yo, k1 knit all to end
second row pattern sl1,k1,yo,k1. PURL all to last 4 stitches then knit those.
third row pattern: sl1,k1,yo,k1-then k1,yo,k1,PURL 2 together repeat to last 4 stitches.
repeat those 3 rows until you have the measurements you need. obviously

160 stitches equal 36 inches across so far.


now the pix to go with the rant

paint roller letter blowing around.


knit fiasco- pardon the scary palm og my hand


cookies turned out wonderful but there was the mole asses mishap

 that was a bitch to clean up.

then the fuel or poison spill below

May 1

a bit out of order

I rarely drive down Main Street because of this. People parked outside the lines and pedestrians not using the crosswalk nearby.



May 13 2021

Every once in awhile I try to do some self improvement.Like cutting bangs or cutting  back on swearing. Yesterday was tackle the turkey neck. I checked out a video on youtube. The woman was fairly young- maybe 50-60 and Asian and had a very long neck. I seriously doubt she ever had a turkey neck. She was pleasant to look at and I followed along with her thinking hey this is easy I can do this every day 30 times like she says. Well today I still have the neck and am discouraged . Also the exercises seemed too much of an effort since I cover the neck with a scarf . And I am swearing just as much as ever before if not more.


May 2

some humor and some math

how many angles do you see here?


and plan ahead

May 8 

finally asked and got an answer on what these loud vehicles are called- rails or dragsters. Was told the modern ones have the engine behind the driver. They are LOUD


May 8

Met cousin to give her the Instant Pot I no longer had use for. She gave me a gift card for 50.00 which I spent on plants at Hart Farm.

This is the counter space cleared of the Instant Pot. now full but I digress. :)

The ride took me less than an hour and we were to meet at 11am. No communication but I had my Kindle and there was free wifi. So I could contact her through facebook if needed. We talked for 90 minutes. My head was filling up because of the tree pollen LOL. We had planned on going to a cemetery or something to walk and talk but the day was cold and grey. I still had on my Winter jacket!

so we both headed back to our home bases. I was going to do Hyannis errands but had a splitting headache and then was behind a leaded gasoline engine car on 6A for 3 miles. So came back here. Of course the skies cleared by then.


May 3

a couple below enjoying lunch in their bay. They are slowly preparing for a yard sale.

May 3

cut hair again. Maybe a little too short on the bangs AND all over LOL Still having trouble pulling it back in a messy bun.

May 5

I like to oven roast vegetables- usually with oil and garlic but that gets messy in the oven- so this time I roasted dry with no oils. dull. but good enough.

May 6

so my best friend and I have exchanged birthday and holiday gifts for years. Now with no car I forget how close dates are and end up giving a gift card. This year I was more on the ball and bought a moon and stars ornament for her and a beautiful card. I gathered some Sandy Neck beach sand earlier in the year for her as well. I had gotten 2 store bought Hallmark shoebox cards in advance too one for her and another for a friend. But when I got the cards home the one for my other friend was there and perfect for her. But the one for my est friend was so way off anything I would ever send I wondered what happened. I suppose what happened was me seeing the envelope was bent and not wanting the front card I picked the one behind and it was not THAT card. I sent it anyhow with an explanation. LOL Main thing is I rarely wrap any gift. From previous experiences I have learned to stop trying. They are sloppy and I end up with paper cuts and bleed all over everything. so. I had bought quilting squares at JoAnn's for face masks. The pattern was beautiful but I held it up to my face and realized I could never breathe through 2 layers of that. So I cut a square and secured it with purple ribbon.

will finish later gotta clean the truck.


okay that took forever but got to chat with bro so...



May 9

as always- plagued by toxic fumes here. Smelled what seemed like fiberglas. Went below and saw this bottle setting out by the boat. I did not investigate further- the photo was enough for me.


May 9

on way back from food shop in Orleans I see what appears to be sailboats on platforms. Why? and how do they get them off the platform. Well posted these two pix and asked on facebook. Seems it is to keep the bottoms clean and they slide off into the water easily.

May 10

Baked my favorite cookies with molasses. Wanting to get it all out of the bottle I placed it upside down into a measuring cup. Figuring it was almost empty it would not be top heavy and tip over. Well tip over it did onto the floor. what a freaking mess to clean up!

the cookies

so same day someone below was painting with a roller. Their idea of cleaning up was to let it roll. Of course I eventually had to pick it up and dispose of it.

let's see what else annoying was noticed that day. oh yes- what looked like someone "spilling" Roundup below may have been gasoline. Whatever it is - it is wrong.


May 15

There has been bird shit on my foot mat below lately. I wondered if there was a bird's nest in the eaves or something. So since I cannot look UP without encouraging a vertigo attack I stood out there and took pix. I see a lightning rod but no nests.

 shopping for food and coming out to this

and I have been looking for my red magnetic pin cushion for months. I knew I did not throw it away. I knew I used it for something "important" more important than having 2 of them together. Well while looking for a paper clip to thread a shoe lace through a chime that broke I found it. LOL


 May 16

Had not seen my uncle for over a year. before this pandemic I used to stop by at least twice a year and say Hi.Usually around Christmas time. Last time I stopped by I knocked on their slider and no answer as I walked down the stairs to go to the basement where I figured he was playing with his fish I heard hos wife talking on the phone- not clear enough to understand but heard her voice. okay. So get down there and Rog says come on in- I said no I was just stopping by to say Hi and make sure they were all okay. So this time same story knocked and no answer- Just as I was about to give up Rog came to the slider. I said just stopped by to see how you are doing and he said "still here. have you gotten a shot?" I said no. He said well then you cannot come in. me: no problem I do not want to come in- just wanted to say Hi.. After a few more light exchanges I decided to leave- too hard to talk shouting through glass. Even Mary got the shot and she has been reluctant about medications and shots for years. I was surprised.

I do wish people would understand and LEARN that you can be near people- keep distance like 6-12 feet and I had a mask on . And still be safe. Especially outside! He could have safely opened the slider. She didn't even come to the room and say Hi. So not sure what the is going on.

But on my way there saw my pet peeve. People walking with their backs to the traffic  and hearing someone behind them taking their own sweet time to move over. ugh

May 17

finally hanging my favorite glass and colorful things it the kitchen window. I figured when the windows get replaced I should have enough warning. to remove. So I wanted my favorite purple glass globe hanging either higher or lower, I now forget, I tried to do that while leaning and on the step ladder. Of course it dropped, hit the counter and bounced onto the hard tile floor and smashed into smithereens. eek what a mess to clean up. I own one broom and it is old and it took what seemed forever to sweep into a pile and then throw away. I kept a few larger pieces for my collection of "broken".


May 19

I spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to keep my fingernails and toe nails short! There are so many dull clippers sold I could scream. so I resort mostly to files. Well in trying to do toenails I have to rest that  foot/ankle on my other leg to steady what I am doing. This is the bruise that happens when doing so LOL. Not that I walk around barelegged ...

same day- the shards I save from the  broken purple globe. And to think I put the golden one outside as a center piece for my glass display on the table- not caring if it got broken and it blew off in a wind storm and did not break!

Obsessed much LOL

next up the spider incident- but I have to clean the truck.


May 20 

so I was ready to hop into the shower. Turned on the water to wet the shower curtain so it would stick to the walls and not on me. and what do I see! was it a pile of ants? I had to take a photo of it as I do not wear my glasses in the shower ( or pretty much nowhere unless driving). It was a huge spider. So I got my insect glass and scoop and picked it up and put it outside. It remained there for a couple of days then moved on I guess.

It was a beauty.


May 22
when people swerve to the other side of the road for no apparent reason.

When I take a photo a second time to get good color and focus and upload it and hit something that turns it into sepia or black and white and will not revert LOL



May 23

back from food shop and getting gasoline. This car pull in the aisle where you turn to leave. I am writing down mileage and at the same time giving him a look as if " are you going to move out of the way. He just moved inch by  inch. Tried to get a photo- it was a Mustang and a blur. I think he caught me snapping this

Then that same day- or maybe the following week , on my way to Orleans using Church street short cut there were 3 youths "jogging" single file coming towards me. One appeared to be carrying an assault rifle by his side. some scary shit going on there. I need a dash cam!


May 23

My chimes broke out on the deck. They are metal disks that used to be connected with a leather thong. I had to repair with leftover shoe laces and needed a paper clip to thread the shoelace. That's when I found my red magnetic pin cushion. But fixed now and chimes just as nicely each am.




a while ago I looked outside when I got up around 1am to pee and looked out the window and saw lights lit on the inside of this boat. I let Jer know the next day so he could contact the owner. Then the owner left the flap open. I decided I was getting like a helicopter mom so I waited for it to be closed on its own LOL


May 28

so I was vacuuming and it wasn't sucking up like normal and lint was collecting a lot on the brush attachment. So I finished what I could and took the hose and attachments below and blew them out with the jet setting on the hose. out pops this- looked like a mouse still bleeding. here it was a lint covered barrette I have been looking for for months!


I noticed the screen to kitchen storm door was split so got out the glue gun! LOL


June 5

on way to food shop not sure what is going on here and what is being "held up"

my chimes were not chiming right because they hit the cabinet so a ball of yarn to the rescue until I find a better solution


 when the men were here to do a clean up the leaves got raked away and revealed and released more of the fucking tiny pellets that the health club trash "shared"

The bungee cord for the lid to the trash barrel broke and Jer tied it off. That made it hard to use so I bought another. That was too tight so I bought a strap webbing thing. When I got it back here I realized it said 3"- not 3 inches. But it works good enough but came with these warnings.



so the health club trash container was moved from being up near the fencing to being angled in the parking lot. It has always been amusing to watch the different situations that evolve. Most annoying was the lid flying back and banging constantly in the wind. Trash is picked up every Wednesday morning early around 6am. bang! This week I saw a boat and trailer being backed up near the trash bin. hmmm this will be an interesting maneuver for the trash driver. Well late Tuesday night the boat was moved. phew- comedy avoided.


back in April 2014 a findagrave member added a photo onto my grandmother's memorial. I remember contacting them back then and then forgot about it. Well when adding Grace's friends book inscription I noticed it is still there. I send them a message through one of their memorials. We will see how long it takes for them to remove.

Better view before the boat was moved. :)

June 6

while doing mega errands I had enough gas to wait until I got back to Chatham. Last time I compared Harwich Port was 3.04 and Chatham was 3.09. This time Harwich Port was the same but Chatham was 3.12. Too late to go back to Harwich Port. But I checked their website and lodged a complaint. Website says 2.37 wtf! And their site freezes on the robot capcha feature. Maura Healy's site is too complicated to file a complaint.


June 6 

I bought a 6 pk of Hanes ankle socks at Walgreens in Dennis Port. Open the package and thought gee these look small but the package said adult 8-9. I wanted to mark each pair so they would all wear evenly. Got out my collection of embroidery thread and got to work.

a couple of days later I put on a pair after my shower. Sat here at the computer and they were overwhelmingly too tight Got out the stitch ripper to remove the zip zag of fine elastic that held the folded ankle part together. That just made it worse and they fell off my feet at night. So back they go. The receipt from Walgreens says full refund. We will see if that means unopened. If so I will resort to Hanes. Then if that fails - into the clothing bin at the dump recycling area.


Wanted to decorate the kitchen door differently this year and have more sheer color so utilize scarves I have. Secured them on the rod with small  bobbi pins.

June 11

Trying to wind up Spring cleaning before it is Spring no longer. Rearrange barristers chest- open cabinets etc.

Store pans in oven like before so I have space for china displays

right cabinet before

left hand cabinet before

barristers before

red table

books from red table

right cabinet after

right cabinet after

window decorations

wind chimes rehung with a heart shaped pin cushion as a buffer and extender. It would hit the cabinet otherwise.

left cabinet after

and this area I have resigned myself to it being always a freaking mess- catchall. At least I have important receipts in that pink box.

record player area hopeless as well

bottom of barristers done

second shelf up from bottom after

second shelf down fro  top waiting to be cleaned and arranged.

top shelf done and things have been polished and washed. Just waiting for them to dry thoroughly, also cleaned the glass window

top of desk

harvest table in a constant state of disarray

sock scarf displayed on bookcase

scarf curtains at kitchen door and bag keepers


June 11

the above mentioned webbing

I had to laugh at myself. Last week I had a long list of errands one of which was to get webbing. True Value in Orleans was very helpful. Imagine me thinking 10 feet was too long and I would be cutting off some. It just barely fits . so get the package back here and open and install. I look at the package and think damn screwed again. What I got is one inch wide and the package says 3. Making out my list for tomorrow I was prepared to take it back for an explanation. Then I looked more closely and it looked like it said 3'''. What the heck does THAT stand for? Got reading glasses on and it is a small m. LOL Please humor me and tell me I am not alone in this. ha ha


June 12

bought a pepino melon- never had one before- it is not softening like they say so I will likely roast it like they say you can do.

It is pretty


June 12

It has started again- the "no parking" horses at the new entrance to Seaside. I sent an email to Dan Tobin.

There was a Town Meeting that day and the explanation is that there should be no parking either side of the street so emergency vehicles can get through.

Now fine- but that does not mean block an entrance to tell people that. ugh this is so frustrating/Then I hear later that day that they passed a no single use plastic water bottle sales in Chatham. They will be allowed if there is a water emergency. Well like do the town officials think the store will have them in stock like magic when that happens?


Sunday June 13

coming back from errands a guy was entering Commerce Park from the exit road. I was not quick enough to catch that. Actually happens more often than I care to see.

June 16

while repairing a raincoat I had to search for buttons. I needed a 2 holed button. Wondered if there was such a thing as a 3 hole button? I found 3!

Link to the repair itself on my other blog scroll down to June

Raincoat repair


June 16

had time to spare- was either waiting for something to cook or water to boil. It took me over a half an hour but finally untangled the fishing line or whatever this stuff is called that you can string beads with.

At first I was winding  it around old dried out markers. Then realized  I had some empty thread spools- perfect.


June 20

gas prices in Harwich Port Cumberland Farms. I think it is still 3.12 in Chatham

Dog walkers out in full force while I did laundry.

June 27

laundry- finally able to wind up doing all the big heavy stuff. As I was hauling stuff out of the dryer and transporting it to the truck a woman came in with a big black dog. ugh and of course it came right up to me and wet nosed my bare leg. She was announcing to all there that the dog was a service animal.  A service animal does not do that. grr. Hers is the grey vehicle.


Went to Joann's for fabric and came out to this  where I step to get into truck.

I have been looking for lemon pepper for over 2 years. Even before the pandemic-spice shortage it was scarce on the shelves. Imagine the joy when I was shopping in Star market and saw a clerk stocking the shelves and there was  lemon pepper. Bought it got it back here and thank goodness I took a photo of the label to read the contents- there was salt in the lemon pepper. So took it back the next week and got money back. Then shopping in Whole Foods looked for it there. slot for it but none. :(


June 21

I own 3 metal racks for drying clothes, one wooden one, and 2 plastic small ones. The metal ones are basically hauled out onto the deck and I pin wet laundry on them to dry in the air. I noticed that the screws were sticking out. So of course that entailed checking all 3 racks. Only 2 screws loose. Pretty good but still annoying.


biker leaning on a car & talking always looks like a clip from a cop drama.

 At many bike path crossing there are flashing lights warning of approaching pedestrians or bicycle riders. The lights do not always come one- someone can be whizzing through- no lights- or lights flashing and no one in sight.

Caution to cars and people

I think everyone got a dog during isolation. Couple walking dog in the middle of a busy road.

post office sign I still need a clearer photo

is this a rant or joy? being distracted and having two different shoes on my feet. :)

June 24

two guys playing catch below. Never seen them before and do not recognize the uniform. Why here?

and this grey car contained a woman who brought her "service dog" into the laundry. Loudly proclaiming it to be a service dog. Said dog proceeded to wet nose my bare leg. Service dog my ass.


June 25

came out into the front room and noticed a National Grid vehicle below near the entrance. oh could it be blue eyes? nope too young and light footed for him but I had hopes. No clue why they were here- if it was for a meter change- it is overgrown behind the bays so. A silly obsession.


The boat with the white tarp that looked like a huge pile of plowed snow for over 6 months and reflected glare into this room is finally gone!

and Summer must be here- the Scout is on the road

no clue why I took a photo of my feet in flip flops on the 29th- it must have been hot.


July 3

these 3 deserve to be posted in both rants- food and regular LOL

The spice-herb-seasoning I have never heard of and the unit price of vanilla! wow

 The parking habits of this clown

and this gem 

July 1

this clown and his burning rubber and destruction in Commerce park.

the fumes from his antics fill the apartment and make me ill. And infuriates me.


July 1

recycle sticker placed on truck. as I have said before- it used to be 5 bucks now 35. ho hum.

But today found on facebook a memory from July 6 2017. Obviously when I had the green Saturn. :(

" Needed a recycle sticker- too early they don't open until 10 so I did the Luke's Liquors returns. Back here try the permit office again. The usual lines. LOL I get there and the guy immediately whips out a "white out" pen and conceals a bunch of stuff on my form. I asked if I filled it out improperly? "no- it is illegible."
 Well I silently said "fuck you". but aloud I said - "you know, if they made the spaces larger... next year I will bring a wide magic marker."
He answers " you do that" no a glimmer of an ironic smile either.
So I guess he got my sarcasm. 🙂
fill in the blanks of what I said once outside ha ha ha"

from 2021


July 4

Apparently church is back in session. Approaching this area is a bike path. local police say to be cautious. I said I come to a stop. You cannot trust the flashing lights or see someone zooming along on a bicycle ignoring that it is a major highway ahead. The lights do not always flash I have tested it. But when I saw these people I thought they were headed to the foot doctor LOL nope coming from a service at the Catholic Church.

in the neighborhood there are 3 roundabouts. This one which has been abused over the years with dumping and was cleaned up. Now has big trucks or equipment parked there- a hazard. Also too many people go the wrong way either to avoid the round about or to be an asshole

The drivers here have been so reckless I do not dare to a walk and pick up litter or walk for exercise.The second one usually has litter from the health club people tossing their drink containers in the road.

The 3rd is near the junk yard. and has been abused with waste dumping grrr.

Cut my hair again- the back tickles me all the time.

So my evening entertainment for the 4th was a guy on a go cart going round and round the health club then drove through the woods path and sounded like a wood chipper doing so- comes back to the parking lot at the health club and stalls. Tries to restart the engine by pulling and having his foot on the go cart. Something was written on the flag
“just gonna send it”


then the trash ordeal

Health Club the day before when they were closed 2 people showed up and crammed each side of the dumpster to overflowing. Lids did not close. trash started to fly. Late the next day a guy showed up and "repackaged" the trash and left the bags outside the bin. This morning a Tuesday the trash people showed up and he had to get out of the truck and put the bags in the dumpster and reposition the dumpster mid air.. put the bin down and drove away. Of course trash was on the ground which I picked up in an old fashioned plastic grocery bag and put in their dumpster. as a note- the dumpster here was filled up to the brim AFTER trash was picked up Monday. This will be an interesting week.

July 4 6:49pm

July 5 8:05am



9:38AM July 6

trash picked up by Nauset around 6am but of course there is more on the ground. I picked it up

July 6

so when I cleaned up from washing walls from that clown putting soot and carbon in the apartment with his vehicular antics I noticed the Swiffer mop pad was black- yikes that meant I was cleaning up mold I did not see. so... today I pulled all the furniture out in the front room away from the wall by 4-5 inches. So I can clean back there each week. geez.


July 4

Seaside no parking horses up again.


July 7

They need to add neon orange dye to dog food. Funny how it doesn't stink until you step in dogshit. Leaned over to take a photo of a pansy and almost keeled over with the liver fumes. Will spend most of the day twigging out the rest.
not blaming dog or owner- and found the photo of it- it was well hidden LOL
I will wear smooth soled shoes from now on.

pansies I was aiming for


Looks like time for a part 2 for Rants 2021  LOL

rants part 2 



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