This too should fill up quickly and may also be a freaking rant.
January 9 2021
I have been looking for Grape Nuts for over a month now. And finally out of them. Tried a few substitutes only to find Kellogg's cereals are full of preservatives like BHA & BHT.
No Grape Nuts but they have many flavors of cocoa mixes!
fucking PopTarts
Chef Boyardee!
Face Masks, and things I have never seen before.
Then I head down another aisle to get bird seed. This woman , looked like a grandmother shopping with a grandson was taking up the entire aisle. Back and forth back and forth. I stood patiently waiting for over 5 minutes. The person ahead of me finally barged on through. I waited to see if a light bulb would come on. Speaking of light bulbs- are there no 40 W soft white bulbs?
More useless cheap crap
Then this gem in the cleaning products aisle. Leaves her cart walks all over the aisle. Pulling down her mask and sniffing things by taking the cap off. She actually sniff Soft Scrub!. And went on her merry way.
Then to the bread aisle and the Entenmann's display.
I will spare everyone the Valentine aisle.
checking out and interesting selection of periodicals to depress you.
Then I am next to add my things to the belt. This woman was ahead of me and I overheard her say "I am using my WIC card is that okay?" She had very long hair and was dressed like I would dress if I ever wore something different. It got to the part where the food items were covered and like me- you have to pay cash or credit or whatever for taxables. She could not find her debit card and said her husband must have not returned it to her wallet. A lot of figuring and she said to the clerk " you will have to remove what I cannot pay for." I asked " How much are we dealing with here?" I wasn't about to offer to pay 20 bucks or anything. It was $4.00 and change. I swiped my GM card and oh my . She thanked me over and over again and so did the clerk. No big deal. been there not having money to pay for things. So that done I finally got to check out.
January 22 2021
I have decided to stop looking for Grape Nuts- I happen to like the Kashi Autumn Wheat Biscuits. Now watch- those will disappear from shelves too.
January 17 2021
I had to go to Whole Foods for soy milk and use a gift card for 5 bucks. Gift card was from my complaint about finding foreign matter, what turned out to be a burned corn husk, in a bag of their frozen cut green beans. Got a bar of soap.and the soy. Let the clerk keep the gift card 76 cents left for the next customer. But I stopped at a few places to take photos first.
First stop was Sturgis Library and check out the mural across the way. also a group statue at the home next door.
^^ display in front of library I am sure lights up.
Sandy Neck
then to check out the memorial garden at the 1717 church- which apparently does not exist!
An acquaintance sent me a care package around Christmas time- masks, disinfectant wipes etc . Very nice gesture. I stored everything with my supplies and when straightening out things the other day came across this. When I first got it I thought it was a mask- a material thing. Not really taking note of the feel of the package or reading it further. Just goes to show how things can get confused in your head these days when a mask could mean many things. Now afraid to try it for fear I will get stoned LOL- sure looks like a pot leaf.
and then there is this to further confuse- found shopping on January 29, 2021.Carefree Breathe!
January 22 2021
the usual blocked aisle people. It never ends
had to ask for help reaching saline nose drops and frozen bag of Brussels sprouts. oh joy more exposure.
January22 2021
I ordered with a gift card some yarn and stitch makers. Place was in Maine. I ordered as close to the amount as possible as I hated 10 cents hanging on for years and never used. So this shows up on the 27th. Nice surprise. Something told me to check my credit card. As when ordering you have to give them your credit card number. Seemed fishy but hey my best friend trusts them so should I. damn they charged my card. It was quickly rectified but really. I told them to keep the 45 cent balance and give it to the next customer or a local charity. Web sites should have that set up any how. ugh
the yarn is gorgeous and the markers are perfect!
January 28 2021\Ordered Fruit of the Loom underwear January 6th. I realize it is covid times and all and places are short staffed but then do NOT send alerts that is scheduled for delivery in 3 days , lost, found , 5 days. if you do not received by the 29th contact us. Well they show up and they are HUGE. Same style brand and size I always buy. I hope they shrink some over time. BUT also I washed them and dried them outside then ironed them- my usual routine. And they are sticky when ironed and temporarily ruined the bottom of the iron! grrr. They had been washed in hot water detergent and rinsed twice. SO today February 3 I washed then again this time rinsing with white vinegar. Hung them out to dry and everything got snowed on LOL. So they are inside. Hope they dry by laundry day so I can iron them and see if they are still sticky. good grief. In checking tracking they are more well traveled than I am- Indiana for a few days back and forth to Tennessee and Kentucky, then the magic place- Providence and they were here the next day.The parcel just fit in my mail box.
February 5 2021
Had to food shop later because there was a storm predicted for Sunday, my normal bi-weekly laundry trip. So did laundry and walked to Cumberlands to get lottery ticket. and then back here unload all that and go shopping. eek it was unavoidable but wow the store was cleaned out because of people shopping for the super bowl.
no Brussels sprouts, no frozen peas, no large economical size Smart Balance.
the litter as I was leaving the store- inside and outside. people.
February 13, 2021
well I wanted to get an early start but there was still snow and ice on the truck.Had to let the truck run 20 minutes to make it so the windshield ice was moveable. At least I did not have to sanitize the truck- no one used it.
So snow ice still on roof and back of truck I rode around the neighborhood hoping it would slide off. NOT. Hoping I would see someone with a shovel- I would have given someone 10 bucks to clear the top at least. but nope. So I headed to Orleans a bit before 9am. Careful to not drive close to other vehicles and pedestrians. Talk about stress and tension!
Still no cut green beans at the store. But they had Grape Nuts cereal yay!
I was looking for the Asian section and a clerk shelf packer walked me to it. Still looking for Soba or Udon needles. Which reminds me I need to email the people who make that Whole Foods spaghetti made with corn, brown rice and quinoa- it is tough.
So saw Thai rice noodles and wondered if they turn to much. So got nothing.
The cemetery was not plowed so skipped that and got gasoline and the lottery ticket. Rode around and nothing caught my eye that was picturesque. Dull skies. Only bright thing was Dunkin donuts awnings.
ugh just noticed my camera time and date is "off". grrr.
Grape Nuts
entering the store too many people were coming at me and I wanted to go to my right to avoid them- but there was a stuffed animal for Valentine's day I suppose ON THE FLOOR. in the way. grrr
February 20 2021
looks like this will be a weekly thing. This week I was resigned to not shopping and also missing the lottery. Snow and ice were still in the parking lot late morning. I had a busy weekend of errands planned- Food in Orleans, lottery in Chatham, a snack and Hyannis for soymilk and yarn and photos of stuff. Then the plow showed up and cleared the parking lot then brother showed up. I hustled on down to ask him to clear off the truck. I had tried earlier and I could not budge the snow- heavy and icy. He already had the ice broom in hand. yay. so I got out a bit before noon. Had a snack of toast and got my soymilk at Whole Foods. Entering the entrance all of a sudden I could barely breathe. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Thought maybe it was the mask, or they spray potato white on their produce or the fumes from the disinfectant they use on the carriers. ugh I was okay in other stores. frosts my ass. Took pix of stores ready to disappear- then to Joannes for yarn. Entered saw exactly what I wanted- cakes of 5 ounces of yarn and then a skein of a neutral yarn that was soft. Had a gift Visa card from my niece for 20.00. Mentally figured the amount as I headed to check out. 19.93. 7 cents left on it. Pretty close.
yard on the 20th
on way to Star Market
way back to Chatham- Jack Knife Cove-glimpses of blue sky all day.
on way to Hyannis on Mary Dunn- cold storage looking particularly grim
on way back I went down SeaView Avenue to Thatchers beach and Smugglers beach
took a right out of that parking lot- too icy to explore.
Thatchers Beach pre sunset
oh a crew of machines clearing sidewalks in that route
February 20 and 27 2021
as I leave here each Saturday there is usually and intertesting vehicle parked across the way.
This van/bus
and this one which I see is parked to the left in the above photo, reminded me of a woman in town who was a mechanic and married to a man who ran a gas station. Hers was more of a light beige though .

February 27 2021
missing in store this week Safeguard soap, whole wheat thai noodles, hulled sunflower seed. All the other necessities - the expensive brand name version was there and no store brand so..
This has been a pet peeve for years I should really give the store some feedback on the stacking 2 high on top shelf
March 4 2021
I got 2 parcels in the mail same day. One was from an amazon order for wax melts- they smell delightful but I have not used them yet because if they are too strong I want to be able to open windows. Not that warm yet! The second was the replacement part I requested from Instant Pot.I finally used the pot again on the 10th hoping it would work. This cap was clear plastic. The one in the manual was red. Turns out I never misplaced it- now I have two clear ones. oh well. They need to make their manual more user friendly.
out of order but need to delete files.
April 10
When I food shop I take pix of interesting products or follow up on the latest craze: something like ending racism in food packaging. whatever. I remember recently that Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's were supposed to be rebranded. The syrup aisle was too busy so I took pix of rice. Had no idea there were so many types of white rice. LOL They all still had Uncle Ben's face on them. But the funny thing is in the next aisle there was a woman in leggings. I LOVE leggings but have not found a pair that fit and are not like a tourniquet around my waist since a pair I bought in BRADLEES many moons ago. I wanted to take a picture because without my glasses I could not see the pattern. In normal times I would have admired them and asked where she got them. horror of horrors my flash went off. It won't go off when I need it but then. But funnier still is when I got back here and uploaded the photo it was of my hand holding my list ha ha. Weirdness. She was behind me checking out and since I do not play Monopoly I gave her my game pieces.
March 27
Shopping day and notice a cookie display in the aisle- cookies I haven't seen or thought of for decades. BUT I do remember loving them. Now every store bought one is too sugary for me and I make my own oatmeal energy bars. And when I run out I buy Whole Foods Cinnamon Grahams yum.
the endless dealing of reaching sunflower seed butter jars stacked 2 high. grrr
marketing for those under 60 years old.
L is for loving your body- organic cotton tampons. I am sure over priced.
April 28 2021
Stopped buying dried beans a while ago. the skins were too tough. So I stuck with split peas or lentils. Then decided to do chickpeas. And of course could not find any for the longest time. Until one of my visits to Whole Foods. I had to ask where they were- I was in the right aisle but the packaging did not pop out at me. They are smaller than usual but wow.
Soaked one cup of them over night and cooked this morning for one hour. Then added a cap full of dried minced onions, a teaspoon of dried garlic powder and an 1/4 teaspoon of Turmeric. And cooked another hour. They smelled like a wet wool sweater cooking. Adding the onions etc then they smelled like dirty feet. So I had little hope for them tasting great at lunch. But I was surprised. Delicious with pumpernickel toast.
April 13
I have been eating Gold Fish crackers for a while. Just a brief glance at the package I thought the fish had a mustache
so upon closer inspection they are sunglasses worn on top of the fish head LOL
I decided next shopping day to check out and geez they have so many varieties. Most with cheese so I cannot eat them. :)
April 17
Pizza, Grahams, S'Mores
The Original, Pretzels and Parmesan
Flavor blasted extra cheddar
Disney gold fish?
Grahams- s'mores, vanilla cupcake and fudge brownie. wow!
and! whole grain oh but it has cheese. oh well
May 9
Looked like a new section for interrogations in Star Market - complete with a blow up unicorn
sauce mixes- some making a comeback after disappearing during lock down. And I have never seen sugar cane in the store before this!
May 22
had to do the Hyannis trek and had to go via rt 28 to get there because of a stop at the bird store for seed. Took my last container there to recycle- thinking he would fill it. nope. Used two gift cards with around 5.00 total on them to pay. The clerk was new I guess and said he could not take those they need a pass code etc. Owner came out and instructed him. I made the quip that "no longer a virgin" and got no reaction LOL. okay got my seed and left. Then went into Dead Zone hoping to get a floppy hat to wear for the ride. The glare was giving me a headache and needed a visor or a wide brim. Ended up with a hemp hat for 23 buck. ouch. Panic buying always bites me in the ass. It is heavy but served the purpose. I hope I get to use it again.
So proceeded down rt 28 and got to the Yarmouth Hyannis border and good grief the traffic was snarled. 2 lights and nothing moved so when I got the chance I took a right onto Willow street. another long road and dreary. But at least the traffic was moving. Pix not in order but good enough. oh and the entire point of this trek was Whole Foods and Hyannis Country Gardens for a small lavender plant
In line for Whole Foods check out.
They have placed flags for each Covid death on Cape at the Hyannis rotary.
on the way down passed Dunkin Donuts and noticed the new sign ugh I hate abbreviations like this.
Handlers in Harwich still standing. Barely.
Heading to Orleans to food shop that morning yay! Church street finally paved. It was corduroy for a long time
Hiring sign at All Cape Appliance wow 20-30 an hour!
Artist shacks in Hyannis and what the heck happened to that corner on Main street. Used to be Baybridge
time for some shut eye.
that sleep sucked dill pickles. Bone chilling cold and finished a Kindle Book and no more loaded to read. Fixed that - back to the short story bundle.
While "paused" in that traffic at the railroad tracks saw this woman riding a supped up scooter it appears.
so avoided that traffic jam and suffered through Willow Street and was able to take pix of KMart- no more. And Kohls storage bins filling their parking lot.
on my way to Hyannis Country Gardens, parking lot was jam packed with cars so I left! No small lavender.
Passed Melody tent with this message
on way to Garden shop this other sign just before the SubWay shop. Who the heck would even pause in that area! it is so dangerous.
before we leave this lovely area of the Cape- some Willow Street buildings.
June 5
so headed to Orleans to shop there was an accident near Monument road as I drove by I gasped and cringed when I saw one car- yikes but no ambulances so...
Shopping was the usual chore of up and down the aisles. Half of the people had no masks. In fact the two women ahead of me in check out- one had a mask the other no. One of them kind of gave the cashier a hard time about getting a deal. I was able to get most of my items but the 100% whole wheat bread from Pepperidge Farm was missing. That aisle is a challenge. You end up reading all labels. So I was browsing up and down looking for Thomas's cinnamon bread as a substitute. yay found it- whole wheat cinnamon!- oh wait not Thomas's but Pepperidge farm. double yay!
Then to TD Bank to get copies of bank and cd statements for Medicaid coverage of part b of medicare. Got that then to Cape Cod vacuum mart for bags Eureka MM. they were cheaper than I have paid in a long time- expected them to be more.
Then to True Value hardware for the webbing strap for trash barrel. It was starting to get hot. Got that . Then back to town. Needed to hand in my absentee ballot THEN to the post office.
As I approach the post office a woman is holding the door for me. I knew her as a customer long ago. I said thanks- I can get it. She is slightly disabled so. Hoping she would move out of the way- the less contact I have with people the better. too late! She says " you know if you have been vaccinated you do not have to wear a mask". There are signs everywhere to wear a mask and distance. I had a mask on. I did not respond to her. Got inside and grabbed the mailers and stuffed it and pressed on the label and sealed it. Then waited in line at least 10 feet from the person in line ahead of me. He had a mask dangling from one ear. He cleared his throat loudly and coughed loudly. Not once covering his face. I give up. I had to resist the urge to kick him in the slats.
Get up to mail my package and can barely see the credit card machine. I need some stilts.
Got back here in one piece and decompressed the rest of the day.
June 12
This is the area pictured above on May 9th- turns out to be their new shop & go deal.There is special parking near the entrance for pick up
June 19
At the lights a car was to my left which is the lane for left turn only. When he did not move when the left arrow turned green I wondered what. Well of course he wanted to go straight. ugh.
Once in the store, there were so many temptations that I resisted. Mostly because I do not eat that type of food anymore.
Haven't had a carbonated beverage on decades. I have had ginger ale usually associated it with an earache as a child. Ginger Beer I have never had, but it is mentioned a lot in Charles Dickens' novels.
Kiwano melons. looks fascinating and I watch one being cut open and described. Beautiful tropical green contrasting the orange. But lots of seeds and a jelly like consistency . No thanks
LeSeuer peas. used to be my uncles favorite. Was a rare treat when we were children. I haven't eaten a canned good in a very long time. But they are a very nostalgic sight, and nicely packaged/presentation.
oh how I hunger for macaroni and cheese. Mom and I used to be able to eat an entire package between us. Now in individual servings LOL I do not do dairy and have trouble chewing macaroni. I can barely do soba noodles. But this sure looks good.
yuck no bake cookie dough bites. I never ate raw dough anyhow. We did lick the beaters when Mom made a cake but that was it.
One Pot Pasta from Annies I used to eat her vegan mac & cheese.
wow 3.99 each for the pepino melon I bought the week before. It was refreshing and nice and different but I would not buy another.
oh how I love love love watermelon. But I cannot lift a big one and I have not seen any of the small globe ones yet. These yellow watermelons look so delicious! But I never buy something presliced.
and last but not least
straw cleaners.
made banana bread cookies. feast or famine with bananas
June 26
I have been looking for lemon pepper for over 2 years. Even before the pandemic-spice shortage it was scarce on the shelves. Imagine the joy when I was shopping in Star market and saw a clerk stocking the shelves and there was lemon pepper. Bought it got it back here and thank goodness I took a photo of the label to read the contents- there was salt in the lemon pepper. So took it back the next week and got money back. Then shopping in Whole Foods looked for it there. slot for it but none. :(
while in that aisle I thought I would check out the chocolate choices. I give a cousin a gift card on her birthday and usually Trader Joes but those lines are too long and hot to get in. So looks like Whole Foods has a good choice.
July 3
never heard of this spice/herb/seasoning
and approaching the store that day it was raining lightly and the parking lot was busy of course and this person was parked wrong side and blocking the handicap spots.
Florida plates US Army jerk and it was a woman behind the wheel. When I was at the truck and looking that direction she was all over the place.
then as I was leaving the area this gem passed by. ugh
July 17 coming out of Star Market this car was in no parking zone unpacking something huge.
July 24 & 25
While in Whole Foods I saw this unappetizing display. A few friends say this is the best way to buy chicken.
also while in Star market in the hair repair aisle saw this from Old Spice :)
checked the price on the soba noodles when I was back in Hyannis. yup 8.99 for a package. I will still buy them as I have a wheat allergy and love pasta. But maybe use less.
oh almost forgot. Bought 3 plums at Star market and i avocado for 2.98 at Whole Foods. All ripened nicely in 3-4 days and were super tasty. Especially the avocado. But that will be it for this Summer I will quit buying fresh fruit while I am ahead. Well maybe navel oranges but that's it.
August 2
one more peach looked a bit pitted so I washed and cut in half and ate it- was delicious!
July 31
while food shopping I always check for lemon pepper- with no salt. This NEW sign caught my eye in the Mrs Dash section.
so it was for Garlic Herb flavor which I would not call NEW. Mrs Dash has been mighty scarce for years. My favorite was Tomato Basil and I guess they stopped making it. So I get back here to computer and look it up. Surprise! It is no longer Mrs Dash- just DASH. I checked my bottle and yup DASH. they had Lemon Pepper on their page. I hope it shows up at Star market soon.
August 3
while shopping the Saturday before this I saw Choice brand teas and one box said Japanese Green Tea! I grabbed the box and then realized it was dented on the corners so I grabbed the one behind it. Opened the box on Tuesday and saw it was Jasmine tea. Still LOOKS like "Japanese" to me.
I will try next shopping day and but the dented one if I must- these jasmines are never strong enough. Japanese green tea through that company has been discontinued. ho hum
August 7
Back to the lemon pepper issue. I take photos of labels so I can see them in the store. There is always something in even Dash products ugh that I have to compromise about- coriander. Like keep it at the end of the list please. I requested Lemon Pepper from Star market we will see.
had a hankering for baked beans. They finally had Bush's vegetarian beans in a pull top can. I still read the ingredients- those were fins but saw the sodium content- over 1,000 mg of sodium good grief. Back it went on the shelf.
can't say they don't have something for everybody in stores these days.
diced broccoli in a pouch Paleo and Keto
getting my lottery ticket from the machine to avoid
"people contact" saw this display- kind of took it personal and felt watched LOL
what the heck is this? not buying it because it is expensive and carbonated. Just seems like there are so many choices!
putting cart back after shopping saw this parked across the way.
September 11
Has everyone seen the price of vanilla lately. and other flavorings? The weather got cooler and I am anxious to make my energy bars again. I stopped using vanilla a few years ago because I seemed to drop and spill it a lot. It was expensive then like 12,00 for a small bottle but now! I may splurge and just store it more carefully. we will see.
September 18
Food shop can be a bit monotonous but usually something weird or funny to perk things up.
Noticed this camper as I parked.
I did not noticed the cart with 2 bags until I came out again- and then investigated what it was. empty.
then the foods and other items I have never bought or never even heard of.
so many ways to sweeten!
Digestive Biscuits heard them mentioned many times as a British thing.
and these to freshen a garbage disposal. Only time we had one was when we rented a house in Stone Harbor on 151st street. The owner said to run a cut up lemon through to clean it.
October 9
these snack I have never heard of much less want to eat LOL Sure are plenty of snack in the stores!
the ever present slob- a small green carrier and it has litter in it
October 6
I got ambitious and finally cleaned up the stack of shopping receipts I had. It was out of control. I return a lot of items so I keep most for that reason. But food shop I figure it is safe to toss after a month. well wrong. I was out of catsup and opened it and the safety seal was all crunched up in the lid. I did not want to go through the rigamarole of returning it without a receipt so I tossed it. Next time out I bought the organic one of catsup and mustard and hope I have better luck
here it is
Shopping this morning I got in line to check out. Ended up behind a woman who had a full to overflowing carrier full of purchases. I am never in a rush- EVER- and spend my time waiting either day dreaming or checking out other people in the store. At the end of her loading her items on the belt she was fumbling in a satchel for what I imagined was her wallet to pay. After this going on for a while I thought to myself- I would rather pay for her food than go through the rigamarole of putting stuff back etc or phone calls. ugh. When she had advanced enough (after finding her wallet) I had enough space to grab a bar and start to load my things. I was almost done that and a guy came up behind me and stood with a small basket of items . I offered to let him ahead of me. He said no. I said " I am slow and have many items- please go ahead". no. so I ignored him from then on and got to punch in my rewards number etc. I said Hi to the cashier and mentioned how I had not seen her in a long time. She explained that she works nights mostly now. Then she started ringing me up- the woman ahead needed help getting her cart outside. So I told the cashier I wanted to pack my own ( per usual). No problem. Then a person shows up and starts grabbing bags and I looked up a little and said "I want to pack my on thank you" and that person says "oh I am just getting a head start on my own"
It was the guy behind me! that was preparing his bags before I was even checked out. I said VERY CLEARLY "excuse me". and gave him a look as only I can do. Wearing a mask I cannot wear glasses so everyone gets the full brunt of what I have on my mind with just a look.
he gave me a goofy grin and retreated.
I so wanted to punch him to the floor and run the cart over him twice.
November 13
First thing I saw entering the store- caramel chocolate apples diped in nuts. ugh too sweet and of course the nuts. no thanks. Wonder if they sell?
November 20
took me forever to shop and I was an hour later getting back here.Got edamame shelled but could not find Brussels sprouts. I am sure they were there just too much looking. Stuffing the truck looked like this LOL
October 30
I was able to get two nice sweet potatoes and a small different butternut squash both were delicious. My favorite thing to roast!
November 27
are people hoarding toilet paper again already?
Notice the aisle display of Febreeze-"Smells Like Style"
no it smells like $hit and cheap perfume. LOL
December 4
more empty shelves
more ramen I would not buy , plenty of it! Nice packaging
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