March 2
I check out the probate and assessor's pages a lot. notice roof descriptions and it usually says gable, but some said "hip" so I decided to investigate and see how may I found while out on errands. Funny thing is while doing laundry there were two right across the street. And the old Monomoy theatre has one.
February 25-on my way to Crosby Landing beach I saw this to my left! it is small but looks hip to me
I think I will double check town records when I can and see if they are all hip.later
okay these two are side by side 700 block of main street Chatham one says hip roof ( the lower structure) the other says gable
hip- built 1916
next door looks hip to me but marked Gable-791 main
Old Monomoy Theatre does not say hip but looks it to me
81 Depot built 1900 hip roof
Jane Hafker's old house built 1876- mansard roof
1501 Main
March 7
I think Stage Harbor road will try to remember to get a clearer photo.
March 6
Winslow Landing rt 6A Brewster. Was this Foster Square at one time.oh oops Foster Square still there further West LOL
March 6
hip roof on a cuploa LOL
March 7
hip roof Barn Hill road
Fire at 791 Main street Chatham- location of a hip roof I photographed across from the laundromat on February 26
Bishops Terrace Harwich rt 28 photo from 2017
Eldredge garage photos from 2016 & 2017. Main street-hip roof
Residence diagonally opposite entrance to rt 137 in South Chatham.
Better view of the one on Depot Road Chatham
Hip roof at Pizza place next to post office
March 5
hip roof in distance from lobby of ER
Mansard built 1876 used to be owned by Bill Hafker
747 Main
Perry the lawyer rt 6A Brewster-mansard with HIP at top
Hip roof on pump house at Seaside cemetery
hip roofs
darker one on right is #80 built in 1910
whiter one built in 1918 #84-has more property in back
hmmm in researching the above two, I was curious if David & Brenda Thomson still lived off Old Harbor Road. Yes they do and saw that their son inherited a relative's house, a Reynolds related to David for 1.00. Built in 1910. I remember Florence. Her head was sensitive to cold same as mine we wore head covering the whole year.
March 13
Barn Hill Road shed again-without pole in the way
colorful hip roof on Old Harbor Road
other Old Harbor hip roof
house fire diagonally across from Chatham Post Office has a hip roof between 2 front visible roofs
Stage Harbor Road.
I thought I was taking a photo of Peter Hartley's ( high school English teacher) house. Turned out to be Eddie, Ronnie and Ann Eldredges' parents house
April 9
Doc Keene Scout Hall
April 15
Stage Harbor road better angle
April 29
I am always on the lookout for the hip style roof on Cape Cod. Saw this on rt 6A recently. Does anyone know what it is? I do not know- so I am asking. Thanks. It is somewhere between Sandy Neck Beach and Barnstable.
it almost looks like something official
This red trimmed house is somewhere on route 6A
May 7
Alvin Davis's house in South Chatham- never noticed the garage in the rear has a hip roof as well!\
100 George Ryder Road South- lighthouse attached
hip roof rt 6a Cummaquid
in researching other houses I ran across this one in tax records that has three chimneys and was built early 1800s
303 is Breathwood which used to be Otis Russell's mother's built in 1850- next to it is 315 and actually listed as Three Chimneys! built in
1700! Imagine the history!
Liberty Hall in Dennis built 1844
abandoned private home or business- rt 28 Yarmouth
December 30
while posting a photo for the day I noticed it had 2 hip roofs! Highland Light in Truro
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