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Friday, March 31, 2023


 March 30

so yesterday- what a fucked up day! 

My alarm went off but so did a strange tiny peep peep peep in the kitchen. Came to find out later it was my timer- it apparently peeps when the battery is dead. Picked up Listerine bottle lid flew loose and half spilled to the floor. The lid is a bitch 99% of the time. Apparently I did not secure it last time. Feeding birds and filling a cup with seed the container slid off the step and spilled seed. Into the double bag I had  thank goodness. The world seemed to be on a slant all day.. Get to the laundry after loading the truck in 40 mph winds and 27 degree temperatures. I frowned so much my face may stay that way. Load in wash and wait. load in 2 dryers since one piece was a sleeping bag. That is still clumpy and damp- but hey I got back here without exploding BECAUSE while checking and turning the sleeping bag the smell of gas, not propane smell, was  overpowering to me. Went back to the truck to wait. Then quickly unloaded dry things and as I was ready to leave I asked the worker if she didn't think the gas smell was strong? No she smelled nothing. So when I got back here I called National Grid. The report leak number took me directly to a "quick" ( their words) survey that took  5 minutes. So I had to call back and got a woman with a tiny voice that talked too quickly and repeated back what I reported getting nothing correct felt like I was in the twilight zone. Finally got my point across- "leak-smell on outside to left of entrance and inside at dryers 11 & 12. Laundry is opposite 791 Main street." I did not have laundry's number. Nat Grid took my name and number and promised to call back in an hour. 10 minutes later a woman calls with yet another  "faint" voice. She does something on her end to make her sound clearer BUT she talked so fast. I lit into her when she repeated back the location as Adams Lane ( I never mentioned that road) and asked me where the leak smell was and was I walking my dog when I smelled it?

what?! I very slowly and concisely replayed the incident for her. She called back 30 minutes later saying she found no leaks inside. I added, so it is supposed to smell like that? no answer. Then she said she found a leak outside but it was at an acceptable level.

side note- about 5 years ago I had blue eyes here for a leak no one could find or fix. He found it and fixed it. Then I escorted him behind the bays and pointed out 5 other "leaks". He just stood there. When I said- "well are you going to fix them? I will point them out." He turned and said I should be a supervisor. ha ha ah. Then he fixed the other 5. No fucking leaks since then- knock on wood.

But wait I am not finished. LOL.I bought Fabuloso to try on the floors here, tried it and Hate it! The smell and it made the floors sticky, even stickier when I rinsed floors again with white vinegar. grrr.

then not to be outdone I installed a fresh shower curtain. I put it in a dishpan so I can add the rings and not drag it on the floor. I stood on the  step stool with the dishpan on the step stool and placed the curtain one ring at a time.after 5 rings I wondered why it was so freaking heavy. Looked down and the hooks-rings had caught onto the rim of the dishpan and would not let go. Photo attached.

So after dishes I was more than ready to watch Cafe Society and loved it. But am sleep deprived so a nap is in order

update: Fabuloso will not go to waste- my brother uses it to clean equipment and trucks. I also left him the canister of Armorall cleaning wipes I bought by mistake- I had wanted the ones that are like silicone.



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