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Sunday, March 5, 2023

2023: SLIP & FALLS

 March 5

Got up usual time- 3:55am. Usual routine and I was on time. Skies were clear but it was COLD. Teas out on the deck- it was slippery underfoot. I was careful on the deck. Did my usual exercises and was to the point of the last 5 minutes of warming boots with hot rocks and going below to load truck with laundry. I stepped out carefully and walked toward the truck. And down I went. My arms were full of laundry bags and 2 bags of laundry to do. I must have fallen forward and to my right and hit my head on either the stump or the rock that shows where the gas cap is located. I know to be careful and I preach it all the time about railroad ties and cold weather- they are SLICK. So dazed a bit I got up and hauled stuff to the truck as I turned to come back I saw blood on my right hand. I reached up to my head and yes blood streaming down my right ear and face. Managed to get inside and call 911. I could not remember whether fire & rescue was 1212 or 2323. They connected me to Chatham and I explained what happened. I was asked many times if I took blood thinners. no. So 4 men show up One I thought I recognized. 2 were VERY young! I was asked details and they put a neck collar on me. They thought I should go to the ER. I said I had no way of getting home. Thought maybe Fontaine Center but they are not open at 6:44am. So I was able to walk down the stairs after peeing and grabbing a bag to stick wipes in my phone and camera and fanny pack. 2 hats and my Winter jacket. and a scarf. I should have taken a bottle of water, I was so thirsty for 3 hours.

The ride to Hyannis seemed swift- the attendant with me was chatty. blood sugar was 129. blood pressure was 124 over 60 something. no fever. So they wheel me in and I end up in room #2 which had no bed. Bed arrives and I am slinged over to the bed. The Chatham guy is finally able to leave wishes me well and I tell him the sex was great! Nurse and he laughed. More information given and they scanned my driver's license, medicare card and I forget what else. People are in and out. One helped me get my clothes off to get and xray which turned out to be a Cat Scan. I question why not just an  xray. They make me lie flat- hard for me to breathe. Stay still for 4 minutes. you are shuffled back and forth for views I guess. Back on the gurney and back to room 2. Doctor looks at it and says one staple. Nurse cleaned it up. He comes back and installs 5 staples. The numbing injection hurt more! wow so the drug is sharp on its way to kill pain not just the needle. I had to pee so was shown the way. No soap- wiped hands with pads nurse used to clean my wound. Finally get to leave and walk to the lobby. called Jer said I was ready. He said he would be there in 20 minutes. Told him to take it easy. He showed up 40 minutes later and called when he was 5 minutes away near the COVE. I wanted to get outside in some fresh air- people around me coughing. So I stood outside a few minutes and waited. oh wait- I had to pee again this time there was soap. Stood around and took photos. My newest project is Hip roofs. One was directly across from me! Jer showed up in the Mustang and we zoomed along rt 28. window down for fresh air. mask still on. I  was given another mask when I had to remove my neck brace. I made it fit over my ears. The other one  fit on loops on the neck brace.

Jer came up and I showed him the bloody compresses. We discussed when I could wash my hair- 14 hours. and could he remove the staples- yes right before he leaves for Key West. I boiled water for coffee and got on facebook and did emails.

Decided laundry will have to wait. I need a full day of rest.





Outside waiting

puddle at Commerce Park on ride back to apartment

attempts at head shot. you can see my cornrows of staples

bloody compress- there were 2

Blood on hat blood on floor

Fall Risk bracelet

March 5
more photos and I also had some investigating to do
The neck brace I wore  in ambulance and until I was allowed to leave. Keeping it as a souvenir and it actually helped with my stiff neck. I could move my head side to side for a day!

I thought my head hit the stump but no it hit the rock that I had designating the gas cap! I removed that rock pronto!

March 12
well it has been a week. I caught my brother yesterday while he was below and asked him to take out the staples NOW. They itch and I hit them all the time. He said it was too soon. Not 10 days yet. I countered with it has been long enough and it should say BEFORE 10 days to reduce scarring. He said okay Sunday. He showed me the staple remover and said he wanted to get some saline. 
So, I got my neck soaking wet while down there and came up here and dried my hair and neck with my hair dryer. I hung the dryer up on the door per usual and was walking back to the living area and the plug end of the cord swung and hit me right on the staples. LOL
only me.
So while up here I thought better of the Sunday appointment and called his cell phone to say Monday would be fine since he would be here anyhow with DelRoy winding up and clearing the trailers. Monday would be fine. He never called back to confirm. Later in the afternoon he left me a facebook message saying he forgot he had to be up at Chelsea's early Sunday. I answered the message and got no reply. I sent him 2 texts no reply.
Cell phones are great for emergencies. But I am going to stop communicating with them for anything else. 
I should chill. I did without this for 74 years.

Chelsea was in Chicago a musical that is why they were up in Lynn. Jer said it was terrific.

Today one of the staples feels loose. Little wonder as it has been hit a few times
ha ha ha.
March 17
been thinking about this. I know I did not pass out or lose consciousness , but I do know I felt stunned and dazed.
March 13
staples removed by brother.


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