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Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 Tried to  chat button does not work. I prefer email;.l had to call to let the=m know- their answer- they have come with 54 inch laces for a long time.

Bought my first pair of Merrell hiking boots over 5 years ago. Was given a gift certificate 2 years ago to LLBean and decided to use it towards a new pair. Not that the first wore out- just good to have back ups. So recently we had a Nor Easter and my older pair got soaking wet. Time to try new pair. To keep this short- first pair had 60 inch laces. New pair had 54 inch laces. I scrounged around in my spare lace collection and found softer 70 inches. Even better,. What's with the 54 inches. Also they were stiff and hard to tie.

Thank you


July 18

This is way out of order but I fell on June 19th called 911 to bee picked up then 5 days later had trouble breathing so called 911 again.Took me to er. tested positive for covid and had 3 cracked ribs, scapula and rotator cuff. Covid slowed things down 3 days in hospital and sent me home on the 26th. So house bound. Thank goodness for Shaw's fresh pass and amazon.

Has anyone every successfully opened on he perforation? This is a giant word find puzzle book inside


In the hospital  June 23-26-I was given water in a cup with a lid and it had ice in it and a straw. To say I never drank ice water would be true. Cold bottled water closes my throat in. Ice cubes I have actually choked on. This seemed safe and I knew I had to stay hydrated. my body temperature was 99 degrees. It was refreshing. So I am anxious a month later to get back to iced water. I do not have  lids but straws should be with my food order tomorrow. and the mini ice cube makers look fine.


What would I do without Shaws Fresh Pass and amazon. Speakers for the laptop should be here tomorrow. But this a book light showed up today.


July 26

So it has been a month since I got back here from the hospital. seems like forever. First 2 weeks I was pretty much useless. I could cook and clean for myself but that was it. The laundry I put away as it came from the laundry. Well yesterday I felt well enough to go through ALL my drawers and fold things my way. Not critisizng the laundry they do a great job. Yesterday also installed the 2 other grab bars for the shower. And put together the car wash mitt on a handle stick for cleaning the shower  walls. Looks like it will work. My borther put together the walker for down below, so when I am strong enough for stairs I will venture outside. ( that means getting dressed so...) Back to laundry- It was new trash bags to send it off in each time. A lot of plastic waste! Bought 12 huge nylon laundry bags and wrote my name on 6 of them with permanent marker. Hand washed those today making sure nothing "bled"

My neck will never be the same- no looking up- but my right arm has the same mobility as the left ( both injured repeatedly in the past 5 years.) rib pain only when I do something weird. Down to 1/4 cap ful of Robitussin. Sleep still weird but has been since 2006. Gave brother the only red laundry bag- he loves red.


July 30

`amazon wanted a revie of the car mop!

Still recovering from a fall I took in June 2024. Needed an easier way to clean the shower. I googled what I wanted "chenille mop  head on a stick" and  this came up. Looked like exactly what I needed. Tried it and wet it first. Mistake it weighs a ton wet! So next time I will spray walls and us it dry. It is easy to maneuver.


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