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Tuesday, January 3, 2023


 garden flowers anywhere

January 28

I promised myself an indoor plant for kitchen counter once the windows were replaced. That was back in September 2022- well finally got to Hyannis Country Garden . Got peperomia and 2 primrose plants- one for Carol to drop off on my way back here.

My primrose

Carol's primrose her choice


and other temptations I resisted though


January 30
sun bath for the 2 plants. Today I noticed that the prirose looked like it was history. I watered it and it has revived. The peperomia still did not need watering


February 3

decided to decorate the pots of the plants. Looked good for 2 seconds then removed it. They have bare pots again but old coffee can lids for saucers


February 19

snow drops are up at Seaside


February 19

So, when in Seaside searching for specific gravestones I saw this near a grave newly cleared of overgrowth.. Made me wonder if trees other than maples have edible sap. well yes. link in comments

You won't fond me foraging unless armageddon hits, but still good to know.

edible tree sap


February 22

primrose looks okay here but today March 1 it looks very sad


March 2

primrose. I fertilzed it and 3 flower buds are coming up but still  looks sad without greens


March 19

bulbs up out front!

March 26

April 8
in full bloom

this year the clump of grape hyacinth at Dorian's grave are profuse!


repotted primrose still not sure it will make it

March 21

primrose getting a sunbath before transplant

March 26
mystery at Seaside near Pratt stone. Are those berries attached and artificial or is that real?

May 10
The primrose did not make it and was added to the compost
April 12
daffodils out front

grape hyacinth by Dorian's grave

April 16
peperomia doing well , primrose not so much

April 17
peperomia repotted

April 21
Narcissus out front

weird how this one shrub and dead spots

April 26
progress or not in the garden below. I thought I would experiment with 2 pots that were rootbound. Had them upside down out of their pots for a while and saw things growing. But gave up and  managed to squeeze some soil of of them for other uses.

The flowers I bought for myself back in March has pussy willow stems, 3 of them. I kept them in a tall vase of water until the grew roots then placed them outside in the "strawberry" pot.
We will see if they survive.

big pot of pansies that were well established when I bought them are here and you can see the golf ball collection around them

May 19
filling in and hiding golf balls
April 26
Hydrangeas looked hopeless but have sort of revivied  and I fed them

May 29
headed to get gasoline and see the rosa rugosa  looking lively at rt 28 & 137

May 6
returning dvds to the library it was easy to park and not so crowded so I was able to check out what's going on beyond that point- saw this plant and at first though an azalea but closer inspection it is a Quince shrub. my grandmother had one by her kitchen door in Chatham
May 3
espalier hydrangea attempting to grow through the deck. It did not survive but nice try!
May 8

Seed packets for below

May 12
seeds planted and covered in plastic

May 13

This tree at the East Harwich Methodist church- chganges colors according to the time of the year. In Autumn it is a gorgeous warm copper color

June 16
a lot of photos between May and today but I need to get these on so I can get to my "Spring Cleaning & Sewing table photos" LOL
daisies up out front by sign

June 19
the "flowers" on my peperomia were wilting. I guess it needed water. A couple of them are still wilted. But it looks great.
A large pale pink Rhododendron at Seaside cemetery.

May 19
violas, columbine, honeysuckle and a new container for plants that is compost worthy- but does not "dissolve" instantly. ha ha

men at the recycling section of the dump called this bullshit and a lie and that it is plastic. ho hum
May 21
petunia blossom
June 1

past few years there have been hundreds of daisies here. This year so few it is pitiful. This happy one was impossible to photo- so video worked. June 1 2023
Canadian Mayflower was abundant but faded quickly this year
June 2

espalier hydrangea was fertilized but did not flourish this year I think the Canadian wildfires had a lot to do with it- blocking the sun

specimens from the garden

June 4
Mom's flower basket taking a beating

June 5
flowers in back of truck- what a sight to see

June 12
flowers and garden before it all went to destruction from extreme temperatures, winds and drought.
no daisies this year so sad.

patch of clover
June 17
Pleasant Bay

June 17 
Kousa dogwood at Unitarian Church

June 19
trimmed up rhododendron in Seaside cemetery
June 21
Clover and daisies not as profuse this year. The golden clover was wonderful though.

June 22
Finally had a chance to plant the rosemary seeds that came with a candle I was given. They didn't last a week in the pot- we had a windstorm and it spilled.I sprinkled the earth and whatever seeds were left unknown on the area where I have sweet peas from seed that are not doing that great LOL

June 29
Horseweed bumper crop!
oops this belongs in the identify weed post!

June 30
oak leaf hydrangea with white blossoms. They change colors as the season progresses.

the carefree petunias which expanded too much in the pot but were beautiful- mint came up- also the ginger mint julep I planted 2 years ago came back in the pot!

Sweet pea seeds I planted over Dorian's grave. struggled for weeks. 3 planted came up, did nothing and now August 14th seem to have disappeared.

struggling violas
white bell flowers that grow wild along the edges of the rough area and in the rotted pot (I have in a corner.

August 28
yellow flowers from seed. My sweet peas from seed never did a thing. These at least I got a few blossoms But not worth all the bending over

Same yellow flowers had broken eggshell at its base. I finally cleaned it up but still wonder whose egg?

 same day August 30 
Clipped back espalier hydrangeaz from the windows, What is growing across the stairway is too tough for my clippers but I may try again.


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