seem to be more of them each year
January 7
this car was driving up on the sidewalk and swerving all over the road starting at the Chatham post office. It ended up going around the Shop Ahoy rotary and headed down Barn Hill Road.
*January 2
Litter is my biggest pet peeve. I noticed more than usual cigarette butts out front near my mailbox and decided what better day than the second day of the new year to clean them up. plus other trash
*Decided to clean the exhaust fan and filter over the stove. Nothing is ever designed for ease of cleaning hence my drawing of me after cleaning it. Took almost a week to put the filter back in place.
*January 9
finished the chore
making use of my beading supplies as I do not bead LOLthat wire helped me secure the filter in place.
filter is worn out and permanently stained- not dirty by the way.*January 22
My Kindle Fire had been acting up for a few months. It would lose book marks, not load books, no alarm solund, no weather app working, pages swiping too quickly. An all around pain in the ass. So I decided it was time to visit Staples and recycle my electronics. While I was in that mood I wanted to be able to watch rented dvds in the recliner. So I got out the player I got for Mom for when she did not feel up to a walk on Brewster bike path, She could sit in the car and watch a dvd or look at photo albums. I really doubt she did any of those things but it was there. So I tried it and charged it up and it would not work. Not with the power pack or plugged in direct. ugh another one bites the dust. So dvd player, my old cellphone, Kindle Fire, old Sony cd tape radio player recorder. I gave the kindle many tried after a factory reset but that erased everything them would not set up again. Many hours chatting with tech help down the drain. Kindle has to ditch that orange screen that was a killer on the eyes.
*One Sunday I went to the Shaws-Star Market in Harwich to pick up things that were not in Orleans. I needed a carrier. No small ones like Orleans. The ones they have are so heavy and the handle bars so high it is actually painful. So I called the store the following Monday and asked where were the smaller carts? oh we haven't had those in a few years. It was a corporate decision. I ask for their 800 number which is Albertson's and it did not answer Albertsons and seemed like a credit card company. So I googled Albertsons and got another number. Talked to THAT person for too long and was told she would pass on the information about the carts. She said it was up to the store manager.
That Saturday I wanted to pick up a DVD I had reserved at Eldredge Public Library. No parking spots in January. I had to park across the street in the Town Hall parking in the back. and walk. I love to walk but this is a trek. and the steps to get up the walk the steps to the library and the incline. Got my dvd and came back here and ripped off an email to the select board, Got an answer from NiCastro to the effect of the construction fenced off spots would be gone as soon as they were done. I mentioned to him that the only library worse on the Cape with parking and access was Truro. I hope I can keep track of my complaints
as I approached the library to park at the top I saw this car park over the lines and thought old John Brooks would take care of that back in the day.
* January 22
People go out of their way to litter. Wish I could see the humor in it, but it is aggravating.
while ranting- utility workers on curves and police and not watching the traffic LOL
January 28
cannot find where I posted the good photos of what I took to Staples so here it goes again
*January 25
I was somewhat elated to see the cardboard rubbish pile was gone. The letdown was when I realized it had just moved either by people or the wind.
*January 27
they are back to fixing the cell tower. This I believe year 5 or 6
*February 1
Does it look any different?
one day is smells like "weed" from there. the nexy unrecognizable music. LOL
*February 21
was eagerly awaiting my last half of my coffee yogurt. I really need to get more plastic baby spoons for this but chose the narrow small spatula- that works too. Normally. But my fingertips are cut and sore and as I was walking and attempting to eat at the same time the spatula lost balance and tipped the cup and it went on the front of my sweater. Walking qjuickly to clean THAT up still yogurt in hand the yogurt and spatual flew from my hand to the floor. I cleaned up the spot on the floor but I guess not enough as it was sticky as I made lunch! ha ha ha. note to self- always sit down and eat.
*February 11
vehicles pulled off to the side of the road but STILL blocking the view on a dangerous curve.
if it is not dog shit it is huge bird shit on Mom's stone
February 20
cell tower delivery. This has been going on for over 10 years!
February 21
I am always glad I was not walking along the side of the road when this fell off a truck.
Decided to plant it in a pot and maybe grow another LOL
February 6
cell tower work I have never seen anything like this that takes so long to accomplish nothing
March 2
The problem with cleaning floors is they never stay clean even for one minute. I used my libman mop with Palmolive detergent and white vinegar. Then wondered if it was really clean and this is what showed up on the Swiffer Wet pad.
Going to try Fabulosa this week. Now wanna bet it will not be in the stores!?
March 6
signs by the road. I still do not know why they do not want a boardwalk
People who post Lost Dog signs along the highway that are impossible to read or photo for later.
March 21
Local people have precious little time to use the beaches around here without crowds. But government always chooses to add obstacles. This time totally blocking the entrance to get to the second beach at Harding's. Too cold to walk the beach to get to that end.
I swear I am the only person who smells gas leaks. I called and they showed up. Corey from the time my smoke detector went off for no reason. He walked around after checking the meters here ( which had no odor to me) . smell was coming from the West. He walked that direction and a guy told him it was rear end fluid. Corey thought they smelled the same too.
Not trusting the "rear end" answer I googled it and it was likely differential fluid
*March 30
I still hate this crap Fabuloso
Free Speech
Not sure free speech needs to be so LOUD. When it drives through main street it is usually followed by a cop car and the flags are loud enough flapping that you hear it coming.
The person works at Ocean State Job Lot. I have to go in there soon- I am curious if I can pick him out of all the workers.
April 21
My brother warned me someone had dropped a big sack of shit in the road near us. He did want me picking it up like litter. Which is funny LOL Like where would I put it.
first I bought the wrong wipes and got cleaning Armorall ones. Gave those to Jer. I wanted the silicone ones they are great for unsticking doors and making computer chairs glide easily. But this canister was almost impossible to pull up the first sheet. grrr
April 22
people parking on or over the line on Main street. It is already difficult to move on , people usually dashing out or opening their door just as you approach. yikes
to tight mock turtlenecks grr. I think I cut off the nck and it was still uncomfortable
April 22
found a tick on my yoga pants and it dropped off and I could not find it- had to take photos of the floor and look that way. good grief.
makes you wonder what a UPS truck is doing here at 7:16pm on a Thursday.
May 20
almost had a close encounter with this thing
what the heck is that on the back of that truck? how is that allowed? at least have them neon colors. ugh
May 28
Sunday a little before 7pm
Must have had a cookout at the health club. I was watching from my sun room window and saw some action. Then wandered into the lichen and saw trash OUTSIDE their trash bin. groan. I am not cleaning uo that. Been there done that before. no more let it blow all over the neighborhood. But I watched and a female shows up and diddles around. Then picks stuff up and tries to secure the lid. He presses the lids down then places heavy objects on top. One side is exposed the next day Monday. Trash pick up is Wednesday. No sure WHY they did not bag that trash to begin with especially since it was loose.
Monday May 29
I finally had energy enough to go get gasoline in the truck. around 3:30pm as I attempt to make a right out of parking lot there is someone by the sign struggling with something for the Jeep. a cover? a windshield? who knows but I could not leave until they were done as I could not see to my right. people!
we had a wicked wind and rain storm I hear a racket below and wondered what the heck had fallen apart below. saw this. Turned out to be a ladder belonging to a worker below and the wind actually dragged it from hiding and plunked it down.
May 6
Roundabouts cut back on speeding etc but wow they are a pain in the ass when people do thoughtless things. Like driving the wrong direction. Or huge 18 wheelers blocking the way
This guy using a forklift- I wondered if he knew what he was doing.
May 7
why I stopped walking the loop here and any public roads- things like this dropping off vehicles just randomly.
My trash- would not fit in overstuffed bin LOL
June 3
loading and unloading on busy main street
June 11
went to CVS Chatham to check on some Paul Mitchell shampoo for a friend. Parking there is a nightmare- so many curbs and blind spots! as I was easing into a space I saw a woman with her dog taking a shit on the tarmac- exactly where I would step out. Flies were already gathering LOL.
CVS had the shampoo miracle of miracles. I sent a text with a photo to my friend. another miracle that that worked.
got my first Amber Alert on cell phone. It was LOUD!!!
I turned off the feature thinking when would I see anything- then thought maybe. so it is back on.
June 21
someone had been sitting in a chair below. Kind of creepy also such nerve to do that. But I do not begrudge anyone a place to sit. Just put it back the way you found it.
June 24
Warning: A rant based on no real evidence or opportunity and in no way was it ever in the realm of possibilities BUT-
Every time I go to Eldredge Public Library I am astonished by the lack of parking spaces and accessibility .If you cannot park there using a car you park elsewhere and walk up an impossible incline for most people. Employees are allowed to park on the left side of the road as you drive in. I cannot think of a worse parking lot than maybe the one in Truro. So I think the town dropped the ball when this property became available and did not snap up that "spare" land for parking. Like I said just an idle improbable rant.
June 25
I love the harvest table. It is usually a catch all for cleaning or projects. In the Winter it served as my lap top desk. I want it for puzzles and cutting out materials for sewing. But I walked into the corner of that table and it hit my groin. THAT HURT big time. So I google searched for solutions and there are softer corners you can affix- but not cheap. So I already had 2 storage boxes that serve as a surface whenever I finally get to put jigsaw pzzles together. I simply moved them to those two edges that I come so close to when navigating this apartment. I try to arrange the furniture so I have something to grab onto to steady myself. Especially when I wake up to pee.
evil corner
July 1
health club being the annoying neighbor that they are with their trash and noise they belong in rants. I have never seen the parking lot so full as this year. Good for them!
Car parking own rules
September 3
Every day there is some self inflicted calamity here. Yesterday it was the cell phone taking too long to charge.I plugged it into another outlet and heard something- a freaking radio station. I must have turned it on by choosing a frequency 107.5. Classical music station I listen to here on the real radio. Could I turn that off! no! finally just moved the frequency down to it's lowest and it stopped. I even "read" the manual on line.
Today's snafu was the utensil drawer. No I do not have a huge meat tenderizer in there! Finally after yanking and poking with various objects it opened. So it was either a spoon rest turned upside down or that soup spoon. So now it is all soaking and will dry out and be rearrange while I feel deranged.
White teen charged with attempted murder for allegedly trying to drown Black child in Cape Cod pond
link to article
no punishment will help. I hope there is an assembly first day in all schools about respect and non violence. "punishment" should be for that 14 year old and his parents and that laughing friend to PAY for swimming lessons for the almost drowned victim.
August 25
cleaning up the truck so I can use it saw this in the door pocket Thought it was one of the workers. Nope the person who borrowed the F150 and the Mazda left it. I did not throw it away as they are expensive etc. but that person is far away now LOL
September 12
I want to know who thought it was a great idea for ceiling light fixtures. Especially the ones with tiny screws holding that glass "shade" in place. I was willing to clean up shards of glass if the damn thing would just release and drop. So that done I screw in the bulb and omit the glass part. It was a bit dicey there for a bit even with my 3 step ladder. I envisioned the headline: "Old woman impaled on towel rack with a 40 watt bulb up her butt. Survived but unscrewing the bulb was a problem. Jaws of life used"
November 16
There have been plenty of rants between September and now but they got their own separate posts LOL
Well this morning I lined up my breakfast items per usual: tea cup, tea pot ,coffee mug and Melitta filter, vitamins and my peeled and slice banana on a small plate with a fork. Stored in the refrigerator I like it to warm up by the time I get to it. Sliced it and put down the knife and fork and turned my back. Not 3 minutes later out of the corner of my left eye I saw an army of tiny red sugar ants. Last year when I bought paint for the new door I also splurged and bought ant traps/bait. Usually plagued by big black ants April and October. Those usually went away by themselves last Autumn. So frantically I go find the ant bait traps in a box with the paint unopened. I go to read the instructions and need my readers. Pick them up and they fall apart. I have an eyeglass kit but this was broken plastic. so fuck me at 5am I am searching through 30 year collection of glasses and find: clip on sunglasses that fit none of my glasses. Finally some readers. fuck me again the bait is a liquid. That would be a disaster with someone with hand tremors. So had to give up and rescue what bananas slices were not swarming with ants and get on with my day. Now I hope they still make the old fashion round traps you poke holes in and put in a corner. wish me luck
and then went to clean the floors here and this happened
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